Character Discussion Will Zoro ever surpass Luffy in anything?

Luffy is above Zoro in pretty much everything.
Strength, Popularity, Authority, Bounty, better fights, Haki, Dream importance, Panel time etc.

No wonder this forum hates Luffy :kobeha:
Zoro, Sanji, Law and Kid are much more badass and stylish within the pirate category than Luffy, who has his playful demeanor. So Zoro bests Luffy in badass style. A simple named move from Zoro like Shishi Sonson or a move from Sanji like the Diable Jamble Mouton Shot is way more hype than a gomu gomu no pistol, giant pistol or gatling....
That's my opinion.


We Zoro fans can only say that Zoro will surpass Luffy's Haki. However, you can be sure that Zoro vs Mihawk will be a match of 3 chapters at most.
Haki is willpower.

You cant get bigger willpower then conquering the seas as pk, even mihawk said it