The recent stuff about Celestial Dragons hating D so much and wanting to exterminate them, which doesn't really make sense with D such as Garp, Dragon (before his rebellion) and Saul having joined the Navy without being rejected or the WG trying to kill them because of their name.
It also wasn't needed to make Clover and his family D so many years after EL arc, when his study of ancien history and poneglyphs were already enough of a motive and reason for the WG to want to eliminate him and the other archeologists of Ohara.
Wg sending lucci to seize wano instead of GK or gorosei themselves. I cant believe they thought he could defeat the survivers of the alliance (with marco, jinbei, killer, the samurais and the minks at 100hp)
The recent stuff about Celestial Dragons hating D so much and wanting to exterminate them, which doesn't really make sense with D such as Garp, Dragon (before his rebellion) and Saul having joined the Navy without being rejected or the WG trying to kill them because of their name.
It also wasn't needed to make Clover and his family D so many years after EL arc, when his study of ancien history and poneglyphs were already enough of a motive and reason for the WG to want to eliminate him and the other archeologists of Ohara.
Luffy and the Straw Hats never actually facing consequences for his stupidity and recklessness, as well as his crewmates to a lesser extent, as well as the other hot-blooded braindeads such as Ace or Oden being absolved of all blame in-universe despite how disastrous their stupidity and actions were.
What are in your mind the worst cases and moments of writing in One Piece, whenever it's an arc, one or several characters and the way they are written and handled, one or several fights, or even the smallest moments that make absolutely no sense and were absolutely terrible ?
The Grand Fleet just doing…nothing so far. Luffy was on the verge of death against BM and was in fact killed by Kaido and the Vivre Card must have burnt at that point, but yet we get no reactions from them ever.
The Grand Fleet just doing…nothing so far. Luffy was on the verge of death against BM and was in fact killed by Kaido and the Vivre Card must have burnt at that point, but yet we get no reactions from them ever.
Tama and her dango balls. Luffy, Chopper, Kawamatsu, Raizo, Okiku and Hyogoro all saw Tama tame gifters who her powers, with Raizo calling it powerful sorcery.
Nobody bothered to tell their allies about it or stock up on some dango to use in the air. Instead, everyone convenientally forgot about for it for a last minute save plot point.
Nika as a concept and its execution is just not it. Lazy, uninspired, generic, and comes off as forced to me. It takes away the "individuality" of Luffy. Now everything he does will be tied to Nika. The WG fear Nika. Elbaph fear Nika. Oda desperately tries to have the world anticipate this entity and I'm just not liking it.
And let's be real, the moment Luffy got this god fruit that had Imu twerkin was when we all knew future tensions and threats would be practically nonexistent. It's a shame because Oda didn't have to go this way.
He already nailed it perfectly with the concept of inherited will and should've stuck with that all the way down. the beauty of people in different eras with different powers and fighting styles (Like Luffy and Roger for example) yet their will is one and the same, and we saw this from Rayleigh's POV back in Sabaody. Not this complete carbon copy of Messiah's fruit injected into Luffy.
Sanji "awakening" his Germa genetics and getting this exoskeleton, which durability was obviously boosted for Sanji against Queen, is not a power up I liked at all, it was such an asspull and it went against the theme of Sanji not being like his siblings and getting stronger on his own and his mother's sacrifice. It's right after G5/Nika my second most hated power up in the manga.
Nika as a concept and its execution is just not it. Lazy, uninspired, generic, and comes off as forced to me. It takes away the "individuality" of Luffy. Now everything he does will be tied to Nika. The WG fear Nika. Elbaph fear Nika. Oda desperately tries to have the world anticipate this entity and I'm just not liking it.
And let's be real, the moment Luffy got this god fruit that had Imu twerkin was when we all knew future tensions and threats would be practically nonexistent. It's a shame because Oda didn't have to go this way.
He already nailed it perfectly with the concept of inherited will and should've stuck with that all the way down. the beauty of people in different eras with different powers and fighting styles (Like Luffy and Roger for example) yet their will is one and the same, and we saw this from Rayleigh's POV back in Sabaody. Not this complete carbon copy of Messiah's fruit injected into Luffy.
Luffy will reject his destiny and identification with Nika. It is a perfect narrative decision to explore the real meaning of freedom by juxtaposing the main character’s search for freedom with the apparent inevitability of prophecy and destiny.
Unfortunately, Oda either overestimates his Western audience or doesn’t care as much what they think.
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Worst piece of writing in the story so far has been the total disparity between people’s power and motives and the timeline of the story. There have been insanely powerful people at play for a long time, no real large scale conflicts, Navy HQ is just a reasonable sail away from just about anywhere in the New World. World Government higher authorities are openly insane and homicidal while possessing nukes. Yet the world just chugs on without any major changes. Kaido and Big Mom were one call away from an alliance for 20 years? Yet they just sat around goofing, drinking, and ‘prepping’ for a hypothetical war they stood absolutely no chance of ever winning against the government.
Took nothing for Shanks to be a bro with Whitebeard, and they couldn’t just join forces for two weeks to handle business and get the One Piece?
Bounty system is totally meaningless since no one hunts down bounties over a certain amount anyway, and even if they did, they themselves would have a bounty, which means they are wanted by the government and can’t turn the bounties in. Not even accurate for power scaling since everyone is always at least slightly stronger than their most recent bounty and people can take huge leaps in between.
Yeah making a bounty system yet have almost no one ever collect a bounty, nor any memorable and strong bounty hunter or bounty hunter guild, and having the bounty system as such a flawed and increasingly meaningless power system as any consistency of power went out of the window is one of One Piece's plot great failure and missed opportunity.
I'm not even starting to talk about logical errors and consistency problems, since I could go on forever.
I'm pointing out another general problem:
Oda being incapable of sticking the landing of an arc post skip.
When you look at Dressrosa, WCI, Wano and Egghead there is one common theme - all of those arcs start off nicely, pacing is fine and buildup is interesting. However, once the climax approaches, Oda drags it out for whatever reason and the pacing turns to complete shit. Totally irrelevant stuff is suddenly included and in the end everyone just prays for this mess to finish quickly.
Don't believe me?
Dressrosa: After Doflamingo launched the birdcage (a point where everyone thought we were close to the finale), Oda pulled out another 50 (!!) chapters until he actually got defeated including multiple Tontatta and/or Rebecca nonsense chapters.
WCI: After the supposed grand finale (tea party coup) Oda pulled out another 30 (!!) chapters of BM screaming "Weeeedddiiiiingggg Caaaakkeeeeee" and the SHs escaping with a ton of ridiculous plot armor moments.
Wano: The entire Wano raid took over 70 (!!!) chapters and I didn't even include the Oden flashback there (with that it's 85 chapters). Just for a comparison: The entirety of Impel Down PLUS Marineford took 55 chapters and a whole lot more happened there.
Egghead: Pacing and story was nice up until the Kuma flashback ended. After that all that actually happened was the Gorosei arriving and the Strawhats completing a 200 yard sprint to the Elbaf ship for their escape, while Vegapunk held a speech with exactly one important info ("world is sinking"). That's it. That's something you can easily complete in 6-7 chapters. It took Oda 20 (!) chapters for such little plot development.
The Buster Call of Enies Lobby making no casualty, after all the drama and trauma of Robin about it, and how the WG destroyed themselves one of their most important and symbolic places without looking for any target during all of it.
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