Speculations Yamato is fighting Page One

Warchief Sanji D Goat

No, we won't. Stop being retarded.

Zoro is fighting Yonko alongside Luffy and it won't change no matter how hardly anti-Zoro kids will cry. Oda won't hear and comfort you with Zoro vs Orochi. Time to grow up.
I don't even support Zoro vs Orochi lol. I'm just saying that if Zoro vs Orochi does indeed happen then you know what will happen.:kayneshrug:
Nope, was seen in1004. Jack is the only unaccounted for Beast Pirate right now. So unless its fodder, which doesn't make sense because CP-0 guy talks about the new generation defeating the executives and she's featured, its gotta be Jack

P1/Ulti- Chasing Nami/Usopp
Black Maria- With Sanji/Robin
Sasaki- with Franky
WsW- With Jinbe
Queen/King- With Marco

Leaving only Jack. Unless somehow there is someone else, which makes little sense at this point.