Questions & Mysteries Zoro being a King confirms that Zoro parallels Rayleigh as the Dark King of the New Generation

Zoro is for Luffy what Rayleigh was for Roger. Do you agree?

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    Votes: 107 90.7%
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    Votes: 11 9.3%

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AdCoC means fuck all against an opponent with Future Sight.
I mean... I doubt end game Shiryu doesn't have the CQC prowess and attack speed to tag Katakuri.

Either way, as long as he has even bit over half of end game Zoro's AP and a single large AoE, he should be okay.

Though if you want to believe Katakuri is stronger than an opponent Zoro will face at, or near EoS, then you're free to do so lol
One Piece fights isn't Dragon Ball. It's NEVER been a matter of the next villain is always "Stronger" than the last villain. The fights are based around gimmicks.

If Luffy needed to unlock Future Sight in order to beat Katakuri, and Zoro needed to unlock AdCoC in order to defeat King, it doesn't mean Zoro now has what it takes to overcome Future Sight from Katakuri. It doesn't work like that. AdCoC means fuck all against an opponent with Future Sight. King would need something to contend with Future sight, and Katakuri would need something to damage King. Without that, neither one is having an easy time defeating the other, and the first one to overcome the other ones gimmick, will win.

Shiryu being a later opponent for Zoro doesn't automatically mean he can easily overcome an opponent with Future Sight, or is capable of damaging an opponent who seemingly can't be damaged. He doesn't just magically gain the abilities to do that. Just like my example of Ohm and Kaku. Two opponents who Zoro faced AFTER Mr. 1, that gave him a hard challenge, but if they couldn't cut steel, then they would be incapable of beating Mr. 1.
FS is a gimmick. BM doesn't have FS and neither does Kaido. Like i said Zoro is going to be Roght hand PK at that point in the story Katakuri has no hope of facing him.


Zoro Worshipper
Funnily enough comparing him to Rayleigh will probably prove to be reductive in the long run in order to describe his full greatness.

Mihawk and Ryuma look on paper like even stronger fits than any version of Ray funnily.
FS is a gimmick. BM doesn't have FS and neither does Kaido. Like i said Zoro is going to be Roght hand PK at that point in the story Katakuri has no hope of facing him.
That FS is what allows Luffy to dodge majority of Kiado's thunder bugua at point blank range. It also allowed Base Luffy to fight hybrid kaido 1 v 1 as shown in chapter 1009, before he even got coating. FS is that OP. It also allows Luffy to handle any opponent. Hax people like Law and Sugar.
That FS is what allows Luffy to dodge majority of Kiado's thunder bugua at point blank range. It also allowed Base Luffy to fight hybrid kaido 1 v 1 as shown in chapter 1009, before he even got coating. FS is that OP. It also allows Luffy to handle any opponent. Hax people like Law and Sugar.
Fighting Hybrid Kaido 1v1 speed-wise outside of TB ain't really all that hard.

Law was reacting to him just fine.

Asura Zoro outright bested him in CQC combat speed during the scarring scene.

Yamato was perfect vs Hybrid Kaido in CQC. And that's ACoC Hybrid Kaido, too.
Fighting Hybrid Kaido 1v1 speed-wise outside of TB ain't really all that hard.

Law was reacting to him just fine.

Asura Zoro outright bested him in CQC combat speed during the scarring scene.

Yamato was perfect vs Hybrid Kaido in CQC. And that's ACoC Hybrid Kaido, too.
Zoro never 1 v1 Kaido once.

Formerly Seth

Chapter 1033. Yes. Zoro is a confirmed Conqueror Haki and Advanced Conqueror Haki user.
Which, for Kaido's own very words, it's something that "only a handful of the very strongest" can do.

And he is about to defeat a YC1 (who, by the way, is the strongest YC1 we've seen up to now: invulnerable, can't be wounded even from attacks that could wound Kaido, casually self kills him with a massive explosion as big as Onigashima's skull and comes back as if nothing happened, casually destroys pieces of Onigashima with his Zoan attacks, it's hyped even by his YC2 as the last member of lost a race of Gods).
And to defeat a YC1 in a clear way (especially someone who seems to be a class of his own even among YC1s), you need to be a Top Tier. Otherwise you draw or you just win only marginally. So yes: now Zoro is a Top Tier.

Most important thing: Zoro is confirmed to not be just a simple underling, but a king in his own way.
Unlike the other Strawhats, Zoro isn't a mere follower: he is a king who partners with another king.
That's why Zoro and Luffy are referred as PARTNERS.

This is a clear parallel to Dark King Rayleigh. Rember all those panels where Zoro is thought to be the real captain of the Strawhats? Or where people wonder why he isn't the captain, or why he isn't the captain of his own crew? Now everything makes sense.

That's because Zoro is a CONQUEROR. He is a KING in his own way (King of Swordsmen).
Just like Luffy is a CONQUEROR and a KING in his own way (King of Pirates).

Exactly like Rayleigh was a Conqueror and a King just like Roger was a Conqueror and a King.
We have now blatant confirmation that Zoro = Rayleigh and Luffy = Roger
It was obvious, but some people still doubted. Now it's clear as day. Luffy is the Future King of Pirates, the new Gol D Roger, while Zoro is the Future World Strongest Swordsman and the New Generation Dark King, the Right Hand of the King of Pirates, the new Silvers Rayleigh.

This is not casual: the flashback is a blatant reference from Oda to this, in the very beginning of the manga.

Captain and vice captain/first mate/right hand/second strongest/second in command.
But, nowadays, we can clearly say that it's also Future Pirate King and Future Dark King.

Now all of this makes sense. Because both of them are Conquerors.
Destined to excel to the top of the world, and strong willed enough to do so, unlike the other Strawhats.

Two Kings advancing for their future titles. Two Conqueror who will seat at the top of the world.
They march together in front of the Strawhat crew.

Tell me if doesn't strike as the same of this...

@Finalbeta @Blother @T.D.A @Zowo @yorosenpai @ConquistadoR @Fenaker @The White Crane @Blother @kumae @Geo @Sentinel @Orojackson Refugee @Peroroncino @Redboy776 @Rekien @Sword God Ryuma @nik87
Pretty normal. He always put Luffy's dream above his. Just like Rayleigh prefered Roger to shine over him.

Dark Kings truly.
It's nothing like saying Prime Ray is on Katakuri's level. :seriously:

Zoro defeated Mr. 1 well before he defeated Ohm and Kaku, whom he struggled against both of them. As far as we know Ohm and Kaku couldn't cut steel, so they would have been unable to defeat Mr. 1, despite being "Stronger" than him.
:josad: Oden < Barto
He can't break the barrier
One Piece fights isn't Dragon Ball. It's NEVER been a matter of the next villain is always "Stronger" than the last villain. The fights are based around gimmicks.

If Luffy needed to unlock Future Sight in order to beat Katakuri, and Zoro needed to unlock AdCoC in order to defeat King, it doesn't mean Zoro now has what it takes to overcome Future Sight from Katakuri. It doesn't work like that. AdCoC means fuck all against an opponent with Future Sight. King would need something to contend with Future sight, and Katakuri would need something to damage King. Without that, neither one is having an easy time defeating the other, and the first one to overcome the other ones gimmick, will win.

Shiryu being a later opponent for Zoro doesn't automatically mean he can easily overcome an opponent with Future Sight, or is capable of damaging an opponent who seemingly can't be damaged. He doesn't just magically gain the abilities to do that. Just like my example of Ohm and Kaku. Two opponents who Zoro faced AFTER Mr. 1, that gave him a hard challenge, but if they couldn't cut steel, then they would be incapable of beating Mr. 1.
This is what they don't get
Post automatically merged:

Come on, you are underestimating the GOAT!
No you know it is fact
He'd die in prison in FI when he was caught, he wouldn't get help from Brook to find his swords

Zoro's journey would even end at pre ts when he was stuck in chimney and needed his swords to be freed


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Lemme get this straight. Current Luffy who has been conscioulsy using adCoC in base is inferior to a Zoro who just started using it consciously:kaidowhat:
Luffy hasn't been using Haoshoku coating for up to an hour. That's a pretty silly contention.
Funnily enough comparing him to Rayleigh will probably prove to be reductive in the long run in order to describe his full greatness.

Mihawk and Ryuma look on paper like even stronger fits than any version of Ray funnily.
Prime Ray shouldn’t really be taken lightly. He might have been as strong if not stronger than Mihawk and even if we say he was weaker he shouldn’t be anything less than extreme diff opponent. Ryuma is a mystery and it’s a waste of time to speculate on a character who was originally not part of the main story, but had do be in it for some shock twist for the OP community.


Zoro Worshipper
Prime Ray shouldn’t really be taken lightly. He might have been as strong if not stronger than Mihawk and even if we say he was weaker he shouldn’t be anything less than extreme diff opponent. Ryuma is a mystery and it’s a waste of time to speculate on a character who was originally not part of the main story, but had do be in it for some shock twist for the OP community.
I have no reason to affirm that he was for sure weaker than Prime Garp, in fact I think they might have very well stood on equal footground for instance. :pepelit: