Not being able to move after Lucci fight doesn't talk about endurance....I don't know how did you even bring that for an argument...more than fight, it is g2/g3 that drained so much stamina and energy...Iva's hormones? seriously? did you forget how he took Magellan poison and survived for so long even before treatment? did you forget how severe was the treatment that he had to fight for his life for around 10 hours? did you forget how he had to carry Sanji and Nami to the Doctor Kureha in the extreme chilling conditions? did you forget how many attacks he has taken in marineford before Iva injecting him hormones again? and you think injecting hormones remove all the pain when that took part of his lifespan...
how conveniently you have rubbed it as everything is of Iva's
tell me any endurance feat of Zoro other than "nothing happened" that can comparable to all the above feats I have mentioned for Zoro has shown "multiple times"...
why talk about dressrosa...remember Oda sbs...he said he could move but he was preserving energy to give finishing blow to Doflamingo....lunch break? what the fuck you are talking about? even after that fight went for 8+ hours with Luffy taking many attacks and one of which is very lethal ....and another thing eating contest? yeah if you have to eat that much and endure without throwing up, then it counts as an endurance feat...

...can Zoro eat that much without throwing out?