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Welcome to the House of Hope

I'm enjoying every bit of the awesome Zoro content this chapter :akaman:

I had this discussion previously with @Cinera and pretty much everything went as i expected:

- Zoro blocked the wind blade aimed at him and not all the wind blades. ( Gorgeous panel btw :steef: )

- Enma is outright stated to be a special sword

- Enma is the sword focused on in the attempts to cut Kaido

The one point where my expectations were surpassed was that it was already deemed so dangerous to warn Kaido to dodge it.

Now that KAido is made aware of that threat, and after Luffy's barage, i hope he discards the jobber Dragon form and we see some cool shit from him next chapter, cuz right now Big Mom's looking so much better :milaugh:
Kaido mentioned that "the brats know about his tough scales", so now he might be inclined to not just tank attacks anymore, since he is aware now that they can actually get through his defenses. Gyarados-man is gonna get serious from now on.


Look at Big Mom just flying there and casting lightning bolts from every direction. How do you even approach her if you're not rubber?
Linljn will beat admirals easily lol or mihawk

She can stay midair and spam lightjijgbor fireballs
She is broken...haki doesn't work on homies even
They can change directions on their own

There is a reason why Roger, wb and shiki avoided her and never beat her
Are people seriously talking about Swords?
It's same as saying most Top Tiers are strong because they ate some fruits

Zoro isn't where he is because he have Enma
Enma is in the possession of Zoro because of where he reached
This was taught in First Saga, Powerful Swordsman can tame a Powerful Sword
Let them talk about Enma, they have nothing else. :ihaha:
The only other character that could use it was a monster like Oden, and Zoro hasn't even reached his prime yet. :ihaha:


"Dreams are Messages from the Deep"
I have to give major props to Zoro for cutting off one of the horns of the skull and the fact that Big Mom was able to recognise what a damaging attack that would have been if it hit Kaido. BM and Luffy were also pretty impressive this chapter!

I may not be much of a Zoro fan but things are looking quite good for you Zoro fans, congrats! really impressive stuff :cheers:
yea ... but
people DID DOUBT Oden as well
people DID CLAIM Oden did that cause of his swords

I'm a Oden wanker and I did said that the very first time Enma was interduce
Not as often as Zoro i have never seen single comment personally that downplayed Oden due to Enma.
Here everyday there are countless threads about Enma how its magically powers up Zoro
Nobody hyped Zoro

Both kaido and Linlin hyped Enma
They only worried about enma not Zoro
A weapon only unleashes its full power in the hands of a master. Tengu said normal swordsmen would turn into a mere husk if using the blade. Kinemon said he wouldn't take the sword himself. Zoro is able to unleash Enma's power. And Enma's power is basically to absorb high amounts of the users Ryuo. Zoro's Ryuo in this case. Not Oden's. Big Mom saying Enma is no ordinary Katana is true for its properties. But it's not Enma itself that cuts. Or else Zoro would've cut Kaido the first time.

Zoro will behead Kaido. :yasu:
Kaido mentioned that "the brats know about his tough scales", so now he might be inclined to not just tank attacks anymore, since he is aware now that they can actually get through his defenses. Gyarados-man is gonna get serious from now on.
Kaido's bound to have monstrous Haki to up his defesne game significantly if he needs to.

We're definitely only getting an appetizer this chapter, which was expected once he turned into the jobber Dragon form that the Scabbards fucked around with for a while.
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