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Already have a feeling this rooftop fight is gonna shift immensely. Hes dedicating a bunch of time to showing fighting up there, before most other matchups are solidified and normally thats because the power dynamic will likely change up above once the "warmup" phase is over.

Still don't think people should sleep on other possibilities happening right now, but Luffy/Zoro vs Kaido looks super good atm. But I do wonder if Oda really is going to have Marco fight King, especially since he's old gen and this isn't really his fight. Idk, we'll see what happens. Theres always the possibility things shift and King fights someone else or goes to the roof. Idk

We'll definitely see Robin/Brook take over that Black Maria fight for Sanji while he goes to fight Queen. Still think Yamato will fight Jack at this point.
Wait, are the other SNs safe?

Killer got hit with Indra, but he was fine until then
Zoro got hit with Tenman while being exhausted after using Enma
Kidd didn't have any problem covering from the thunders with those arms but the problem is that prometheus appeared in his face making he saya "Huh!?"
And Law also got hit by Tenman

For one page and half we have only seen Luffy because Oda wanted to end the chapter like that and we haven't really seen how did the others end up.

Maybe next chapter will be titled as "Battle of emperors" and Luffy will get KO next chapter making us see that the new generation lose. But I think it's too soon for that too...

Well, I guess we will know next week...
It would be very underwhelming if they are down,probably hurt,but not KOed for now.


Bald Spoiler Provider
- It was Zoro's attack which he used against Ryuma pre TS
- It was Zoro's Haki
- It was Zoro who tamed Enma

Of course different swords are different in power. That was clear since Whiskey Peak, where he complimented Kitetsu's edge.

But let's not pretend it was Enma's power. It was Zoro's power through Enma.
No big mom said it was enma then kaido commented on enma after seeing the attack. Nice try
Remember, the scabbards wanted nothing to do with Enma. Kinemon told Zoro to not take it. And Tengu told us nobody except Oden was able to tame it before or after. :steef:
Exactly. If it wasn't for Zoro no one would be using that sword. It's not about the sword more than the one wielding it.

Yeah I agree. For me Zoro situation with Enma is just like Luffy situation with G4. It bring both advantages and disadvantages to them. I'm looking forward for Zoro to master Enma in this fight.
I was originally gonna describe it like Gear (now Luffy uses 2 and 3 with no burnout or shrinking) but didn't include it
You think that pre time skip attack is a “high level attack” to Zoro right now?

Well let’s wait and see
It cut the skull's horn and had Zoro panting after it missed,its surely not a fodder attack so it is high level to me.

Anyways you think Zoro will have difficulties casting a hardened Ashura silver mist attack because of Enma? I think he can without trouble.
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