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Zoro got knocked by weaker lightening. El Thor was used to finish off Wyper.
El Thor was a fodder clearer which couldn't kill Pagaya. Wiper was already near unconcious standing when he was hit. Zoro got knocked by a 15-20 mil bolt then took a maxim lightning too.

Haven't I told you not to quote Skypiea as an arc to hype your character since it ess the arc he had his worse showing.
Kaido has never dodged an attack before in his life
He took g4 gamma knife etc
He was that scared the man who apparently wants to die moved out of the way.
Big Mom didn't have time to warn Kaido for the other attacks. Yes it was stronger than GK, no it wasn't stronger than Rifle, and definitely Kaido was more shocked for gatling with his eye bulging with veins.
It seems BM noticed Enma as a non-ordinary sword...wait Oden's presence, Kaidou said?

Could it be that Enma has Oden's armament stored in it? So if Zoro can utilize it to the max / taming it /etc, it going to do attack using Zoro's haki but also release Oden's restored / hidden armament haki as well? If this is the case, then Zoro is gonna play an even bigger role in weakening Kaidou.

Law is a transporter now, but i hate how Oda makes his teleportation art design so lazy while making Kidd's robot super cool and does WWE wrestling move etc.

...and Luffy's G4-barrierless attack makes Kaidou screaming Guuaah now? And his willpower maybe manifested in his full-body covering defensive barrier haki now? Why do i can already imagine Luffy user such uber fullbody barrier armament visualized as black lightning shield and tanking Akainu's magma and Kizaru's laser rain left and right as they do aerial battles omg its gonna be epic.

...really hate it how Luffy just cheated by his rubber body to tank BM's lightning though, he should've just use the same defensive haki/willpower whatever imo.
Also note how Oda equates DC to attack power (unless there is hax behind it). Zoro slicing the Pica golem in half leaves the audience shocked. To display Enma's massive power when wielded by Zoro, Zoro cuts one of Onigashima's horns from distance.

Mihawk's ice Berg feat truly is ridiculous. The ice Berg is much bigger in it's diameter and Mihawk did it casually with one Haki less swing. @ShishioIsBack @HA001 @nik87
Yeah Mihawk is probably strongest man in the world.
Is Ryuma's haki in Shusui?

This doesn't follow from the manga. Swords carrying spirits of previous users is factual. Spirits do not necessarily mean haki otherwise we would have to say that Wado also has Kuina's haki and Koshiro's haki in it.
So, Enma has Oden spirit in it?? That's why Kaido can feel Oden presence in there



Zoro fans here better stay in this echo chamber because you overhyped him once again. They felt odens will in the sword.
He needed law to start his attack. Everyone else attacked on their own.

After downplaying everyone but zoro that backfired and they all did better.

That’s why I tell y’all to wait
He didn't need Law to start his attack dumbass, he needed Law to protect Luffy from the Boro's Breath, after that he could've attacked from anywhere since he used this as a flying slash, but he was already in the air because Law put him there.
Look at Kaido's vein filled shock eye before Luffy's gattling attack, then look at Kaido's non vein filled shock eye before Zoro's, Kaido was more shook from Luffy... This is on panel proof.

Big Mom recommended he dodge, so it says nothing of Kaido's confidence about Zoro's attack. Luffy's attacks are too fast to have the time to recommend to dodge lol.

How pitiful is it that getting your attack dodged and then getting fucked up for over extending yourself is somehow considered a greater feat?
Look at the left panel

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