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he attacked big mom he didnt block her
that was a clash
scared is the word hes just tanked everyone but zoro
Well the both attack at the same time from reading back the chapter again .
Point is he decide not to tank it and they fought for almost a whole day after wards .
So unless you think he tank BM attacks for a whole day he had to be blocking or dodging them during the fight .
So no need for him to be scared of a zoro attack when fought someone his equal .
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I don't want to argue which one of the two it is, just want to point out that your explanation of the japanese text is a bit off base on my understanding
my apologies if you feel offended by my wording
There are multiples explanations for the kanji 外す. here one of the online japanese dictionnary i am using since a long time :外す/
1. 取り付けたり、掛けたりしていたものを取って離す。

2. 身につけていたものをとる

3. 取り逃がす。機会などを失う。逸する。roughly : lose a great opportunity : missed.

4. 一時的に、また途中である場所から退いたり離れたりする。roughly :
moving something/place from a position.

5. ある集団・任務や予定などから除く。

6. 相手のものをそらして避ける。かわす : roughly : avoid something from your opponent. Dodge.

@EtenBoby i am specially talking about the 3,4 and 6. It can used for any of those definition but the meaning of Kanji is still the same. If zoro just missed then this kanji would have not been used but "見落とす " "逃す'" or even "ミスした". I think you might know this but in japanese the kanjis are used to specifically talk about something, here to describe two events which happened (one zoro missing and other one kaido dodging). So the kanji is just not miss. At least from my understanding.


Kitetsu Wanker
I don't know about that...!? 🤔 Oda clearly portrays Zoro on equal ground as Luffy, Zoro is the only one after Luffy who can hurt Kaido (through haki of course), Luffy hasn't shown anything out of the way impressive compared to Luffy. Oda loves Zoro too much so don't expect Oda making him less than Luffy in any way possible.
"Here, eat 20 of Luffy's G4 hits but dodge that one from 1-sword Zoro."
Does that really sound to you as equal? Sounds like Zoro blows Luffy out of the water.
It was always a bad idea to compare a punch with a sword.
We both know you are trolling when you say Mihawk is scared of Shanks.

Mihawk calling Shanks a one armed has been too his face while his crew mates were either shitting their pants or keeping their mouths shit while Mihawk is staring their captain dead in the eye all serious is canon tho
Mihawk admitted that Sickbeard is a little stronger than him, and chickened out of fighting Shanks at MF
Mihawk admitted that Sickbeard is a little stronger than him, and chickened out of fighting Shanks at MF
He never said that. He just said Whitebeard looks weaker than he imagined.

When he said him and us, he is including Shanks too cuz Mihawk is the strongest man in the world after Whitebeard (or what he was) and he can represent the world and say Whitebeard is not as far off the world as he thought he was
If Zoro+Enma can do that, imagine how much can be done if Kidd pulls that giant ass sword at the entrance of Onigashima and swing it at Kaido using his DF powers with the combined full CoA and CoC of the Five SN.
Will it remind Kaido of the Oni that was once what Onigashima was? That there was once a creature that will make Kaido look like a little worm-fish and will make sashimi out of him and his fish fish fruit?

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
If Zoro+Enma can do that, imagine how much can be done if Kidd pulls that giant ass sword at the entrance of Onigashima and swing it at Kaido using his DF powers with the combined full CoA and CoC of the Five SN.
Will it remind Kaido of the Oni that was once what Onigashima was? That there was once a creature that will make Kaido look like a little worm-fish and will make sashimi out of him and his fish fish fruit?
Click here
He never said that. He just said Whitebeard looks weaker than he imagined.

When he said him and us, he is including Shanks too cuz Mihawk is the strongest man in the world after Whitebeard (or what he was) and he can represent the world and say Whitebeard is not as far off the world as he thought he was
Weird that Mihawk isn’t called the WSM if that’s the case. Shouldn’t being the WSM be more prestigious than being WSS?
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