Questions & Mysteries Why people keep pushing Queen vs Sanji?

Well, someone of his caliber should be doing something against a powerful opponents... it would be lame if all he does is minor support...
I agree he should be fighting powerful opponents but it's not going to be this arc, he came to support Luffy. I'm leaning he's going to stop the crash, his phoenix fire should be able to do something to those flame clouds.
Marco vs King doesn't make any sense. I get it would be a cool fight, but what is the point?
We already know that whoever fights King is going to win so the outcome wouldn't be interesting. This is true for any fight in which the main characters are involved but we want to see Franky vs Sasaki, for example, to see how Franky is going to win. What he is gonna come up with to defeat a Tobi Roppo, someone that is certainly widely considered more dangerous than our Iron Man.

We already know Marco is at the very least comparable to King :whitepress:

Let the man be useful elsewhere, like against Big Mom the emperor he, more than anybody else, knows how dangerous can be.
He might fulfil WB desire and save Luffy.
Or go helping the scabbards, who cares :kayneshrug:
I agree he should be fighting powerful opponents but it's not going to be this arc, he came to support Luffy. I'm leaning he's going to stop the crash, his phoenix fire should be able to do something to those flame clouds.
I don’t see his blue flame doing such a thing tbh... if Marco doesn’t do anything he will never have a chance again. His part in the story will be over.
There is something that I have noticed about zoro and Sanji with the opponents that they clash/fight with. If one of them clashes/fight with an opponent first then the other people will not fight that opponent except in the event of a group battle. If u think I'm wrong give me at least 3 examples.

This is my own Head cannon and I haven't though of every detail so they will be some gaps:

Personally, I think that zoro will not fight or clash with king since sanji clash with king and I don't think that zoro will fight queen he will be on the roof. (act 3) As for sanji I think that he will lose to black Maria, marco will get defeated by both King and Queen, drake win against apoo but loses to queen, everyone in the roof will get defeated because 5 WG will not be 2 yonkos. (act 4) king vs sanj, jinbe vs Queen, yamato vs Jack, drake, hawkins and marco join them on the roof. I believe that hawkins joining the alliance will be because of the prediction of 1% survival is luffy. After that he will believe that luffy can beat kaido even with low odds.(sabaody when mentioning the top five crews with the highest bounty she said luffy law kid hawkins and drake.) red scabbard will fight the kanjiro and orochi + oniwabanchi.

Only thing is IDk how the alliance will all recover from their previous fights in time.
(act 3 the raid with fail act 4 the raid will succeed).
I dont think zoro vs king is even close to be dead.

I think kaido Will destroy de SN Very soon, and some help Will come until they recover , in this time of recover king Will become zoro oponent and the hardest fight of zoro EVER, but he Will be able to learn How to tame Emma more in this Fight. He Will Win extreme diff.

And Will still be able to see kaido Fighting hard against luffy and others and land a hit that Will Fuck kaido a Lot and play a great part in kaido defeat.
I dont think zoro vs king is even close to be dead.

I think kaido Will destroy de SN Very soon, and some help Will come until they recover , in this time of recover king Will become zoro oponent and the hardest fight of zoro EVER, but he Will be able to learn How to tame Emma more in this Fight. He Will Win extreme diff.

And Will still be able to see kaido Fighting hard against luffy and others and land a hit that Will Fuck kaido a Lot and play a great part in kaido defeat.
If thats going to be the hardest fight zoro will ever have then that mean he should be able to have enough strength to hit kaido, its either he fight King or kaido but u can't have it both ways

Can u think of three example to prove that what I said about zoro and Sanji's opponent is wrong.
Not really, there's still the Final War and also Blackbeard and Weevil. He could play a part in all, its definitely not the end for him.
You really believe Marco of all people in the final war is gonna have a big part or even a noticeable time to show his worth then? If be doesn’t show anything in a smaller less important arc he isn’t in the final war.... don’t get me wrong I do believe he is gonna participate in it, but that’s all. And there’s no chance he is gonna be part of SHs vs BB fight.
You really believe Marco of all people in the final war is gonna have a big part or even a noticeable time to show his worth then? If be doesn’t show anything in a smaller less important arc he isn’t in the final war.... don’t get me wrong I do believe he is gonna participate in it, but that’s all. And there’s no chance he is gonna be part of SHs vs BB fight.
I think Marco is a cool character but he's not a main character, I never thought he would ever play a big part in anything. WB pirates were a big part in Marineford but he only had a few scenes.


Zoro Worshipper
Not really, there's still the Final War and also Blackbeard and Weevil. He could play a part in all, its definitely not the end for him.
Marco is most likely not going to attain too much in the final war.

Also forget about Weevil, Marco will never manage to beat him in almost all likelihood, given the premises Kizaru imposed.