Questions & Mysteries Why people keep pushing Queen vs Sanji?

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
Now, this is something I can agree with, just to see the amount of salt flowing in the forum. Same for Zoro vs Smoothie. :myman:
Hey man, I would not be disappointed by Zoro vs Smoothie. I wanted that as his warm up to Kaido :myman:
Shieett I could take Queen, King, or even WsW, so long as he's there at the top.

Zoro fans are grateful with what they get.
My personal prediction

Sanji fights king since he is underdeveloped and I don’t think Oda would make king lose to someone like Marco. Unless zoro id fighting king I got sanji vs king he’s way to underdeveloped to be taken down by Marco.

I think Marco will heal the scabbards and go fend of big mom pirates with laws crew and kidds crew

eventually I believe king will fly will use his beak to send sanji flying through the roof. Queen will follow king who would be fighting drake.

This leads to us finally seeing hybrid queen and hybrid king. I think if sanji is gonna fight king they will have to have all the air to themselves they can’t be hindered by floors.

I think we will get an all out aerial battle of Sanji vs king with sanji unlocking a new color of fire and unlocking a new form of observation.

I’m also thinking it will be revealed king is a girl at the end of the fight

There has to be a reason king has a mask on


Zoro Worshipper
All I’m saying is if sanji fights page one again I’m gonna pray for you sanji fans. Y’all gonna need to take a break from social media.

Nah Sanji will probably take it, unless Oda would be that mean. Unless you are just messing around of course.

I would not be so confident about Queen instead. Sanji didn't show anything capable to heavily injure Queen honestly, and even by hype I don't know how good HM can do.