Questions & Mysteries Why people keep pushing Queen vs Sanji?

Yeah and I kinda get it, I mean Sanji vs King is much better to see: black flaming suits clashing in the air, that is dope. But even if that doesn't happen and Sanji fights Queen what's the problem? At the end of the day King and Queen are portrayed near equal so there's no 'power-scaling problem' for Sanji fans imo
There's always a power scaling problem when it involves Zoro and Sanji, that's why both fanbases can't stop arguing. Even when they each got an opponent of similar calibre in Enies Lobby, fans couldn't stop arguing about it. A lot of Zoro fans chose to believe it was meaningless whereas a lot of Sanji fans weren't okay with the idea of Kaku being stronger, "near equal" wasn't enough for them. Why do you think Sanji vs King believers are the ones who were pushing Zoro vs Queen a while ago, even though that makes absolutely no sense ?
Getting 1v1 vs Queen is good, Queen is a beast. So why are people complaining?
I think it is more about some people not wanting Sanji to fight King because they believe King is pre ordain to be Zoro's opponent. I personally don't have any qualms with Sanji fighting Queen but I believe a match up against King would be a better fight. It feels like some people believe Sanji can't handle King, which makes me want the King vs Sanji matchup to happen even more.

Queen mentions Judge and automatically he is going to fight Sanji??? Queen has a grudge with X Drake at the moment. I think that has to be resolve first. Hell, even Chopper has a better chance of fighting Queen. He is counteracting his drug on the fly.
If WCI didn't happen, then I would be behind the second as well but we literally had a whole arc that deepened and developed Sanji's character, we even got closure with Judge himself and not some character who knows Judge. The Queen/Judge connection is weak, it doesn't add anything of value.
For me, the Germa plotline was already finished. And I found the ending very satisfying. Keep poking at it just seems like an easy way to overuse it and make it trash.
Like the new star wars trilogy.
Could have been something good. Was just unnecessary.
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Because people think Calamities* are fodder.
Or any non-yonko except Mihawk.
Sanji had enough growing. He literally didnt even get a fight in WCI just for his character to florish.

Now I want him to get a good pleasing and aesthetic fight, that hopefully has nothing to do with the Vinsmokes.
I don't think Sanji's situation has been fully resolved in WC.
I mean, many Sanji fans in WC were confident that, at the end of the arc, Sanji would beat Ichiji or Judge because the situation had not been resolved. Sanji did not show that his emotions are superior to the technological power of war animals like vinsmokes. This left a void in me for the completion of the arc, it is as if I feel that something is missing.

But Oda obviously saved Sanji's full power for his wano matchup, and beating an evil scientist with technological powers used for evil would solve that for me.


Welcome to the House of Hope
There's always a power scaling problem when it involves Zoro and Sanji, that's why both fanbases can't stop arguing. Even when they each got an opponent of similar calibre in Enies Lobby, fans couldn't stop arguing about it. A lot of Zoro fans chose to believe it was meaningless whereas a lot of Sanji fans weren't okay with the idea of Kaku being stronger, "near equal" wasn't enough for them. Why do you think Sanji vs King believers are the ones who were pushing Zoro vs Queen a while ago, even though that makes absolutely no sense ?
Gonna talk for myself here. Dont know about others.
I've considered a Sanji vs King and Zoro vs Queen scenario, only as a minor twist. Since they are named after cards, the "king" is above the "queen", so, IN THEORY, King is above Queen, but, honestly, there's nothing confirming it, like the douriki. As far as I'm concerned, they are equals, or the gap is insignificant, no matter which of them is the stronger one.
Having said that, Zoro vs King and Sanji vs Queen would be the more "status quo". But Zoro is on the roof.
This matchup, as things stand, is over. So Sanji is free to fight either King or Queen.
I dont like the vinsmoke plot being used here. So I dont consider it when deciding which matchup I PREFER.
I just think which one I would think be cool to see. Sanji vs King wins for me. M3 aside, Sanji was always the third strongest since he entered (Robin got auto nerf. So she doesnt count). If Luffy and Zoro are fighting yonkos, which are the biggest threats, who are the next big threat? The Calamities. Isn't it kinda normal to expect the third strongest SH to fight one of them? Even if Jinbei is on the same level, he is fighting Whoswho (I dont think the F6 are way below the Calamities. I think the gaps are low. Like Mr1-Mr.4 gaps. If Sanji fights, I dont know, Page One, who will fight the 2 Calamities? Marco will solo them? For real? Drake?
You gonna spend these cool and powerful enemies with non-SH characters? Is it really that absurd or "insecure"? Real question.
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I don't think Sanji's situation has been fully resolved in WC.
I mean, many Sanji fans in WC were confident that, at the end of the arc, Sanji would beat Ichiji or Judge because the situation had not been resolved. Sanji did not show that his emotions are superior to the technological power of war animals like vinsmokes. This left a void in me for the completion of the arc, it is as if I feel that something is missing.

But Oda obviously saved Sanji's full power for his wano matchup, and beating an evil scientist with technological powers used for evil would solve that for me.
I think he moved on. He cut ties with the Vinsmokes. His wanted poster was not something he decided. They just put his family name there.
That last panel with the Zeff parallel should solidy that Sanji is way past the Vinsmokes. Using the Raid Suit to be able to protect his friends is more important than his hatred towards the Vinsmokes. He is gonna ask Franky and Usopp to change the design later. Bringing them back now just feels cheap. I would expect something MAYBE when Vegapunk gets introduced.
I don't think Sanji's situation has been fully resolved in WC.
I mean, many Sanji fans in WC were confident that, at the end of the arc, Sanji would beat Ichiji or Judge because the situation had not been resolved. Sanji did not show that his emotions are superior to the technological power of war animals like vinsmokes. This left a void in me for the completion of the arc, it is as if I feel that something is missing.

But Oda obviously saved Sanji's full power for his wano matchup, and beating an evil scientist with technological powers used for evil would solve that for me.
Sanji and Queen having a fight wont resolve the mess which was WCI. Sanji and the Vinsmokes need to meet again for that to happen. Nobody cares about Queen's backstory with Judge, most especially Sanji. Plus its hard to see an opponent telling another one about his lifestory. If Sanji and Queen do fight, it wont be because of Judge.
Because Zoro gets to face Kaido. "If Sanji can't fight Kaido and play a big role like Zoro will then he has to fight the underling closest to Kaido in terms of strength", that's their line of thought. Only they won't say it out loud because they'd come off as insecure fans (which they are).
Not gonna add to the fanbase vs fanbase stuff, I mostly want Sanji vs King for the sky fire fight.
If King was named Queen and Queen was named King, still prefer sky fire fight.

I don't think Sanji's situation has been fully resolved in WC.
I'm the opposite, I think it was resolved when he still chose to save his family and told Judge not to call him his son again.
oda loves drawing okama vs okama also the vinsmoke thing also queen looking like yonji with that neck and he might have his own raid suit :shocking:
Is Queen even an Okama. Only thing Okama like is his name. And Oda may have just given it to him out of convinience of the card theme.

- Hes straight
- Doesnt dress like a woman nor force girl clothes on men
- Doesnt talk feminie as well.

All he has is lipstick which alot of OP characters have like Kidd.
this is very sad to watch.
all that talk about great character development etc., but its become apparent that what you really wanted was a proper fight.

why not say it? why not admit it?
venting anger is better than surpressing it.
or is that cognitive dissonance?

Sanji is not fighting Queen nor is he fighting King.
stay strong