The Guardians Mafia
Miyamoto Musashi – @jinri
“The ultimate aim of martial arts is not having to use them”
[Passive - Kensei] - Thanks to his legendary skills in swordsmanship, Musashi has been given the title of Sword Saint. He has a voting power of
[Passive - Dokkōdo] - This book expresses the stringent, honest, and ascetic view of life that Musashi has. As long as he adheres to these laws at all times, Miyamoto is immune to all actions targeting him except super-kills.
--- [Accept everything just the way it is] - He may not complain about anything in the thread or his role PM.
--- [Do not seek pleasure for its own sake] - No participating in thread events, nor visiting special map locations.
--- [Do not, under any circumstances, depend on a partial feeling] - Musashi must never act confused by anything in the game thread.
--- [Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world] - Be humble. Musashi must never brag about his role nor his actions.
--- [Do not regret what you have done] - Musashi must never show regret for the death of a player he has lynched, or his faction has killed.
--- [Never be jealous] - He may not show any sign of jealousy or envy for another player's role, abilities or alignment.
--- [Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of lust or love] - Musashi must never vote for another player if he was specifically asked to do so. He is immune to charms.
--- [In all things have no preferences] - Musashi must vote for at least 5 different players in a day phase.
--- [Be indifferent to where you live] - Musashi must never spent 2 cycles in a row in the same groove.
--- [Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need] - Musashi must discard any item he possesses within 1 cycle of gaining.
--- [Do not act following customary beliefs] - He must post once each night phase, even if it's against the rules.
--- [Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful] - He must not perform the factional kill twice in a row.
--- [Do not fear death] - Musashi must never ask for protection.
--- [Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help] - Musashi must each cycle thank the hosts for hosting this game.
--- [Never stray from the Way] - Never stray from the way...[Secrets]
[Active - Niten Ichi-ryū] - Conceived by Musashi, this classical japanese swordmanship style is renowned for its dual wielding techniques. Each cycle, Musashi may target two players to role-block. If he targets the same player twice, this will role-crush them for that phase.
--- [Two Blades as One] - Wielding a katana on the offensive right hand while the Wakizashi on the defensive left hand, if Musashi performs the factional kill he will kill anyone that targets him with a negative action that night.
--- [Booken] - Musashi often carves and carries wooden swords to deal less damage. Each cycle, he may target two players and disable one of their abilities for that cycle.
--- [Secret Technique] - Day 3 or later, Musashi may perform a factional kill on an additional target.
[Active - Musha shugyō] - In his quest as a Samurai Warrior, Musashi must target a player and challenge them to a duel each phase. Both player must submit 5
R/P/S picks. At the start of the game, if Musashi wins a duel, he steals the vote of his target and learn their full role. If he loses, he is vote drained and may not challenge anyone to a duel the following phase. The more duel he wins, the stronger he becomes. After winning his first 2 duels, Musashi will also role-block his target as well as learnung their full role and steal their vote. After winning 4 duels, he will role-crush them instead. After winning 6 duels, he will have completed his Pilgrimage and will turn his defeated targets into permanent disciples. He has access to a chat with his disciples, and control their role in their first cycle as new disciples. At the end of his Pilgrimage, factional kills performed by him are upgraded to super-kills.
Active - Koryu] - Intending to pass his art to others, Musashi created an ancient martial art school to find worthy disciples. Each phase, he may target a player and take them as his disciple. This will initiate a duel between him and his target that follows the same rules as
[Musha shugyō]. If he wins, they will become his disciple and gain a chat with him for a cycle. At the end of the cycle, his target may continue on as his disciple or leave. If they choose to continue, they will become his disciple permanently. Musashi controls the votes and actions of his disciples. Musashi may order any player that has been his permanent disciple for 3 cycles or more to attack a player of his choice even if they don't have a killing ability.
Kumamon – @Queen
"Why? For The Glory Of Satan of course!"
[Passive - My Name is Kumamon, For We Are Many] - As the mascot of his team, Kumamon is immune to death as long as one other member of his Mafia is alive.
--- [Public Employee] - Kumamon is a national treasure and a civil servant, he scans as
[Innocent]. If he performs the factional kill, he may not be tracked nor watched.
[Passive - Cuteness Overload] - Kumamon is immune to role-crushes, poisoning and any kind of debuffs.
[Passive - Cash Machine] - Thanks to his cuteness and unusual market strategy, Kumamon continues to be a tremendous economic success. For each vote or action targeting him, he generates 100K Berry in revenue.
[Active - Free Licensing] - Behind Kumamon's commercial success, this strategy grants usage rights for free to anyone as long as their products promote his team. Each phase, Kumamon may be used to perform the ability of one of his Mafia partners.
--- [Going Global] - Starting on D3, Kumamon may be used to perform the abilities of a revealed town role. This may fail on certain abilities.
[Active - Kumamon Square] - Celebrities of this magnitude are normally shielded from the public, but Kumamon still makes near-daily appearances in his home town to meet his fan. During the day, Kumamon may switch his position in the players list and set us shop. The square is comprised of the 2 slots above and underneath his position. Too busy being entertained by Kumamon, visitors to the square will see their actions targeting him and his team fail that phase.
[Active - Influencer] - Kumamon is a man in demand, anything he touches turn to gold. Each phase, he may sponsor a fake write-up and have the host post it.
[Active - Fundraiser] - Once during the game, Kumamon may promote a fundraiser effort by having the host post a message to the thread on his behalf. He may urge people to donate to the fundraiser. Any player donating will unbeknownst to them donate their role to him for the remainder of that cycle.
[Active - Why? For The Glory Of Satan] - Of course
...If all his team members are dead, Kumamon will make a last stand to achieve victory for his team. For their glory, and for the glory of Satan. Factional kills performed by him will be upgraded to a super-kill and each night, he may use [
Free Licensing] a second time to perform the ability of one of the dead members of his team.
--- [Bonfire] - Kumamon may target a Grove and set fire to it for the glory of Satan, he will role-crush any player present there for 2 cycles.
Yhwach – @Alibaba
Conflict is always such a bitter affair."
[Passive - War And Peace] - As a self proclaimed lover of peace, Yhwach hates conflits and would rather avoid them or deal with them as swiftly as possible when necessary. If a player ends up voting against him for two cycles in a row, Yhwach gains an additional vote when voting that player and if he attacks them, his attacks will be upgraded.
[Passive - Restoration] - Should Yhwach's physical or spiritual capabilities be impaired by his opponent, he can easily restore them. He is bulletproof and immune to role-crushes. He will regenerate any ability stolen or destroyed the following phase.
--- [Reishi] - Twice during the game, Yhwach may target a limited use ability and restore it by channeling reishi through it. He may self target, however he may not target the same ability with these two shots.
[Passive - Omniscient] - For everything he sees, he will also understand. Yhwach starts the game aware of the identity of half the roles that made it into the game. Each phase, he will learn about a new one.
[Passive - Auswählen] - Yhwach despises failure and weakness more than anything. If one of his teammate were to die in the game, Yhwach will strip them of their abilities and make them his own. Upon Yhwach's activation of this ability, his targets are engulfed in massive columns of light. Their abilities will not appear on their role-sheet upon their death.
--- [Consumption] - If he performs the factional kill, he will absorbs the power of anyone he kills and gain a 1-shot ability from their role at random. If he's among the three first voters of any successful lynch wagon, he will consume his target the same way.
--- [Power Bestowal] - Yhwach has the power to share his spirit with others, he may choose to redistribute the abilities he's stripped to his other teammates.
[Active - Sankt Altar] - Summoning five orbs of Reishi above his fingers to surround his opponent, Yhwach fires beams of energy that steal power from his target. Each cycle, he may target a player and steal one of their active abilities temporarily. This may fail on certain abilities and roles.
[Active - The Almighty] - Yhwach can see everything that is about to occur from the present moment into the far-flung future. Each cycle, he will evade the first negative action targeting him. He will learn the effect of it, and the the role name that targeted him as well.
--- [Omni-Precognition] - Rather than seeing a linear future, Yhwach observes all possible futures at once and uses that knowledge he has gained to anticipate and counter his opponents. He will immediately commute himself during the Twilight Phase if he's the target of the lynch, even if the vote count do not reflect it. Due to the commute, he will be unable to perform an action the following night phase.
--- [Future Acausility] - Yhwach's true power is the ability to alter the future into whatever outcome he desires. He sets trap to where his opponents will be. Each day phase, Yhwach may select a post number and 2 players. He will place a trap targeting them on that location, if they post on it, he will role-crush them and gain their voting power temporarily.
--- [Future Modification] - Once during the game, he can target an ability in the write-up and change its target. The original effects will be nullified, and it will affect the secondary target. This may fail on certain powerful abilities.
--- [Power Intuition] - Any power of which he "knows" will become his ally. That power will not only be unable to defeat him, but become unable to harm him in any way. Yhwach is immune to the attacks of any player that has claimed their role in the thread.
--- [Concussive Force] - Yhwach can fire blasts of force powerful enough to send his targets flying. Each cycle, Yhwach may target a player and destroy the next action they perform.
[Active - Blut] - An advanced Quincy technique which grants one inhuman offensive and defensive capabilities. On odd cycles, Yhwach may use it to become super-bulletproof for the duration of a phase. On even cycles, Yhwach may use it to upgrade his factional kill into a super-kill. Each effects lay only be used twice at the start of the game.
Active - Soul King] - After participating in the lynch, or personally killing 1 member of each alignment, Yhwach will become the new
[Soul King] absorbing the abilities of his three victims and gaining access to a few others as well as improving his older abilities through an enhanced and increased spiritual power.
--- [Barrier Generation] - Yhwach can create an enormous black barrier over an area by merely unleashing darkness from his fingertip. On odd cycles, Yhwach may switch his position on the player list and create a barrier engulfing 15 slots above and underneath him. Actions performed by players outside of the barrier will fail against him, and any team member within it. A super-kill will break it.
--- [Eyeball Creatures] - Through his access to the power of the Soul King, Yhwach can manifest these tiny creatures to devour and absorb the abilities of anyone killed by his team. Once during the game, he may devour a lynched player that he voted against. [3-shots]
--- [Matter Transmutation] - Having a certain degree of control over physical matter, Yhwach may create a one-shot ability and gift it to a player of his choice or use it himself. [3-shots]
--- [Worldly Assimilation] - Yhwach can manually merge all groves into one. Once during the game, he may activate this merger during the day and all players will be located on the same grove the following night.
Oden – @Cinera / @Noctis
"I am Oden! And I was born to boil"
[Passive - Hardboiled] - Oden is immune to poisoning and any kind of debuffs.
[Passive - Strong Will] - Oden is an extremely brash, confident, and self-willed man. His vote and actions are immune to any kind of manipulations.
--- [Haoshoku Haki] - Oden possesses the ability to use the conqueror's Haki, a very rare type of Haki whose users are said to have the qualities of a king. Any clash he is part of releases a shockwave that can knockdown nearby players. Any time Oden performs an action, he has a 25% chance of role-blocking the players adjacent to his target due to the shockwave his actions emit.
[Passive - Retainers] - Oden is an extremely charming man with people becoming devoted to him after witnessing his actions. Any player that performs 2 positive actions on Oden in the game will become his retainers. Oden's retainers are loyal to him until the end, he is immune to their votes and actions permanently.
[Passive - Voice of All Things] - Oden possess the very rare ability to hear the
[Voice of All Things], a unique power that only a few people in the world can manifest. He is able to hear words conveyed by inanimate objects and animals that do not speak the human language. At the end of each cycle, he will learn the identity of any
[???] appearing in write-ups.
[Active - Philologist] - As a descendant of the Kozuki Family, Oden inherited from his ancestors the knowledge and skill to read Poneglyphs and write its ancient language, the write-up language. Each phase, Oden may create a write-up and have the host post it.
[Active - Oden Nitoryu] - Oden's swordsmanship style is based on powerful attacks with two swords, placing a particular emphasis on advanced Ryuo, one's spiritual energy.
--- [Togen Shirataki] - Oden hardens both his swords using Ryuo and then delivers a diagonal slash with each one of them at the same time. Each cycle, he may target a player and destroy one of their abilities permanently. Due to the range of this attack, it has a 50% chance of affecting the players adjacent to his target. If Oden performs the faction kill, and fails to kill their target, he will damage half their abilities disabling them for two cycles.
--- [Gun Modoki] - After hardening his swords using Ryuo, Oden crosses his swords and charges forward, slicing anyone in his path. During the day, Oden may position himself in the sign up thread and face a direction. For the next 4 phases, he will destroy any destroy any defensive passive his 4 targets have. Each day, he may cancel this ability and reposition himself to a new position.
--- [Togen Totsuka] - His ultimate ability
, Oden hardens his swords using Ryuo, then leaps toward his opponent, and performs an X-shaped slash capable of going through anything. D2 or after, Oden may target a player and super-kill them.
Kei Tsukishima – @Random Asshole
"Hi. I'm the normal guy. Nice to meet you."]
[Passive - Psychological Warfare] - Tsukishima takes pride in and relishes when his opponents see him as a nuisance due to his smug attitude. He must always reply to people quoting and tagging him in a snarky manner, or he'll be mod-blocked the following night. If they comment on his attitude, he will gain an additional voting power when voting against them that phase.
[Passive - Calm] - Tsukishima is a calm and collected person who thoroughly analyzes his actions. He is immune to role-blocks and possession. Never falling for decoys, Tsukishima's actions will always find their target.
[Passive - Time Difference Attack] - By strategically delaying his attack, Tsukishima is able to bypass any wall against him. If he performs the factional kill, he'll bypass protections.
[Active - Reconnaissance] - The only thing Tsukki trusts is information. Able to quickly process all the opponents informations, Tsukki may target a player during the day and learn their role.
[Active - Blocking] - Tsukishima is immensely proficient at blocking primarily because of his height. Each cycle, he may target a player and shield them from any negative actions including super-kills, redirecting any actions targeting them back.
--- [Block Playmaker] - Twice during the game, Tsukishima may organize his team into a blocking wall and guide them into redirecting back any actions targeting them. The blocking last a phase. This may not be used two cycles in arow.
[Active - Feint] - When not defending, Tsukishima is always ready to attack and he's not a slouch on that end either. Using a feint strategy to trick his opponent, Tsukisha can redirect their action to a secondary target of his choice. This may not be used on the same player twice in a row as they'd get used to his feint.
Sailor Moon – @Robin
"In the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!"
[Passive - Leader] - Originally from a prosperous civilization on the Moon known, Sailor Moon has reborn and re-awoke as the leader of the
[Guardians Mafia]. She is their Godmother, granting her immunity against Role-Crushes, possessions and any kind of debuffs.
[Passive - Sailor Moon] - As the Sailor Guardian of love and justice, Usagi appears as Town if investigated. She is also immune to lie-detectors.
[Passive - Sailor Form] - In her Sailor's uniform consists, Usagi possesses a white chest-armored leotard protecting her. She is super-bulletproof.
[Active - Disguise Pen] - Using this item, Sailor Moon can disguise herself in order to complete a mission more easily. While she looks like the person she wants to be, she gains the knowledge of whoever she changes into. Each day, she may target a player and disguise herself as them. She will learn any information they have received previously, and receive during that day. Votes and actions against her will also effect her target. Any action she performs will appear as if it was performed by her target.
--- [You've Really Done It Now] - Twice during the game, Sailor Moon may target a player that has claimed their role and voted against her 2 cycles in a row. She will gain access to their role.
[Active - Supersonic Waves] - A vibration-based attack used only rarely, as a least resort to defend herself. To perform this attack, Sailor Moon panics and start crying. This causes her Odango Covers to amplify her wailing until it became physically painful for her enemies. During the day, Sailor Moon may post in the thread a post containing 4 different crying emojis. The shockwave from that post will role-block the next 3 players that post after her, and grants her immunity against them for that cycle. If a player quote it, her wailing will be unbearable role-crushing and draining them of their vote.
[Active - Sailor Moon Kick] - While Sailor Moon prefers not to fight opting instead to spread love and hope, she can throw hands when it's needed. Or kicks in this case. Sailor Moon can perform her famous Sailor Kick on a write-up of her choice disabling it. Any effects it had are nullified.
[Active - Eternal Sailor Moon] - After the first lynch of one of her team, Usasgi will gain a brooch enabling her to transform into
[Eternal Sailor Moon] in order to protect her team.
--- [Eternal Tiare] - The strongest and most powerful moon weapon, this grants ESM an immunity against role-blocks. Factional kills performed by her are upgraded to super-kills, however she may not perform one two cycles in a row.
--- [Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss] - Using this healing-based attack, ESM may target a player of her choice and healing them and returning them to their start of the game state. This refills any expended X-shots. Players affected by this ability must post "Beautiful!" alongside 5 of their posts the following day phase.
--- [Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power] - Eternal Sailor Moon's final and most powerful attack. ESM combines all of the Galaxy's Sailor Crystals into the Cosmos Crystal and unleashes the Lambda Energy to super-kill a player of her choice. If her target had claimed in the thread previously, this will bypass any super-protection or super-bulletproof status. Due to the AoE of this attack, it has a 50% chance of killing the players adjacent to her target.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to The Guardians Mafia.