Independents -
COVID-19 - @oddoddfruit
"The threat is the virus, not the people."
You are Covid-19
[Passive - Patient Zero] - Before a virus ravages the world, before the deaths soar, before the outbreak triggers fear, a Virus strikes a single person. During D0, the player that is lynched will actually survive. Due to them being buried alive and lack of hygienic preparations, they will contract COVID-19 during N0 after accidentally eating a bat while passed out.
--- [Man-made Virus?] - Nature always finds a way. If a [No-Lynch] occurs, the first 2 people to target COVID-19 will contract the virus and become the patient zeros.
[Passive - Contagious] - Due to its contagious nature, anytime a players interact with a player that has contracted the virus, they risk a chance of being infected themselves. The risks depends on how contagious a player. The hosts roll a D10. During the first phase, only 10 would infect them. During the second phase, [9-10] would infect them. This goes on following the same pattern until the end of the . Players in the same special locations may infect each other as well.
--- [Incubation Period] - As is common with infections, there is a delay between the moment a person first becomes infected and the appearance of the first symptoms. After being infected a player develops symptoms only 3 phases later. That is when they'll learn if they are infected.
--- [Asymptomatic] - Any player that doesn't develop symptoms at the end of the incubation period remains contagious for a cycle.
--- [Second Wave] - A player that has gone through the different cycles of the infection will become immune for a cycle. Afterwards, they may be infected again and this time their incubation period will only a phase and their chances of developing symptoms are double.
[Passive - The Silent Killer] - COVID-19 doesn't appear in write-ups when performing actions.
[Passive - Novel Virus] - COVID-19 is immune to most offensive actions in the game. As no one knows much about it in the early days of the pandemic, any investigations targeting will return a no result.
--- [Live with it] - COVID is here to stay, that is until a vaccine has been developed. Even if the role dies, the effects and consequences of the virus will still remain present in the game. It may win even after death.
[Passive - Symptoms] - The symptoms period begins 3 phases after a player has been infected. An infected player runs a 25% chance of developing symptoms. Players with symptoms are 95% infectious.
--- [Comorbidity] - If a player suffers from some negative effects during the incubation period, they'll develop symptoms 100% of the time.
--- [Fever] - A player suffering from fever will be more vulnerable. Protections and defensive passive have a 30% chance of failing.
--- [Cough] - A player constantly coughing will have their actions be redirected 30% of the time.
--- [Tiredness] - A player suffering from fever will have their actions fail 30% of the time.
--- [Serious Symptoms] - If a player is role-crushed while developing the infection, they will suffer grave symptoms. Hospitalized for a 4 phases, they will be unable to perform any action. Their role will be under the control of the virus.
[Active - Both Sides] - After the discovery of the first cases, COVID-19 will be able to count on true allies to both his causes. Each phase, the virus may share a write-up to the public through the host. This is immune to any write-up investigation.
--- [COVID Party] - Twice during the game, a party may be hosted at night in defiance against the fear mongering. All alive players will be invited, and they may choose to attend or not. A hot bed for infections, attendees to these parties run a higher risk of getting infected than the usual single interactions.
Wincon - All living players must have abstained at least once by fear of catching/spreading COVID, or because of its symptoms.
"The role of a clown and a physician are the same - it's to elevate the possible and to relieve suffering."
You are Clown!
[Passive - Clown Knowledge] - Clown is the only professional fool in town, the only one that really knows the job and has put in the hours. He'll always recognize the works of amateurs. At the end of each cycle, he will learn how many tampered write-ups there has been (if any).
--- [This Is My Corner] - He may select a write-up he thinks has been tampered with, and if correct it will be fixed. Anytime he successfully out the work of nefarious acts, he will earn an extra life and his [World Clown Association] invite may not be refused.
[Passive - Clown Costume] - Wearing the freshest costume, our friendly Clown is ready for any bullshit that comes his way. He is super-bullet proof and immune to Role-Crushes.
--- [The Village Idiot] - Everybody knows him, and everybody loves him. He can't hurt a fly. Clown appears as Innocent and he is immune to lie-detectors and role-cops.
[Active - The Circus] - Each, The Clown may target 2 player that has received more than one vote the previous day phase, and show them the way of clowns. Give them a better life. Clown will start by gifting them some clown shoes easing them into their own life. Wearing the shoes, his targets will learn how to take it easy in life and worry about meaningless votes. They will start the following phase with -1 vote. Alongside his target, he must choose 5 players in the game. During the following cycle, if any of those players target him, they will instead be redirected to his previous night target.
--- [World Clown Association] - Each cycle after gifting his shoes, Clown may follow it up by gifting them their own Clown Costume and taking them under his wing. They will be offered a new role based on a submission that hasn't made it into the game, with a clown-ish twist. If they accept, they will join him in the [World Clown Association] chat and become his underlings. If they refuse, he will gain a permanent immunity against their votes and actions. He will also learn their role.
Wincon - The Clowns outnumber the rest
"The Home of the Whopper"
You are Burger King!
[HIDDEN] - An advertisement will be made the following phase of the CEO's death looking for new CEOs to players visiting Grove 50. Players may apply privately through the hosts until the end of that phase. They will be asked to provide resumes. The following phase, they will participate in an [Interview] process, silencing them and starting the phase with votes against them. The resumes will be provided to a jury formed by friends of the [Board of Directors] (of the hosts lol). The winner becomes the new CEO.
[Passive - Lawyer Army] - Burger King is immune to any kind of investigations in the game. Nothing can bypasses this. He will always appear as a non-threat.
[Passive - Grove 50] - Having recently opened its doors on the Island, Burger King has invested enormously on this new location with the shareholders anxious from some good returns. Each player that visits this Grove will have the opportunity to grab a meal there.
--- [CCTV] - Unbeknownst to its visitors, Burger King will learn the identity of any player that visits it. On a second visit, Burger King will learn their role names. On a third visit, any attacks targeting Burger King will redirect to that players, this includes even super-kills. On a fourth visit, Burger King will gain control of their role for the remainder of the game.
--- [Free Wifi] - Offering free wifi as an amenity to its clients, at night players dining at the restaurant will join a [Burger King] chat where they may talk with each other during that phase.
--- [Whooper] - It's here, and it's better than ever. Empowered by it, players that grab a bite from your Whoopers may not be role-blocked nor redirected that phase. It costs a 50K Berrys.
--- [French Fries] - Players may opt for a side dish of your famous [French Fries]. The will gain an additional vote the following phase. It costs 40K Berrys.
[Active - New Menu] - Each night, Burger King may craft a new item as a special that will appear temporary on the menu the following cycle. The same item/effect may not be used twice in a row. A new item must be approved by the [Board of directors - Hosts].
--- [Ad Campaign] - Each new launch of a product, Burger King may purchase an ad slot in a write-up for 50k belly to promote its new menu.
[Active - Coupons] - To get new customers inside its doors, Burger King may give out a free coupon each phase to a target of her choice, gifting one item on the house.
--- [Go To McDonald's] - Burger King may weed out non-BK material persons. Each phase, she may target a player and ban them from the restaurant. Bans may be lifted. Any player that ends the day voting against Burger King will be automatically banned, and they must be eliminated.
Wincon - All the remaining players in the game must have visited Burger King.
"Dammit, Kool-Aid Man, what the hell!"
You are Kool Aid Man!
[Passive - Mascot] - As the mascot of the game, Kool Aid Man is immune to death as long as players believe in him. If he's lynched, he'll be terminated by the drink company employing him and leave the game.
[Passive - Creepy] - Even though he means good, people can't be helped but be a little bit creeped about his appearance and behavior. He starts every phase with 3 votes against him, and do not have a voting power. With everyone preferring to stay clear of him, he is immune to Role-Crushes.
[Active - Oh Yeah!] - Each cycle, Kool Aid Man may broadcast his presence in the game as a savior, and leave his number with the host. Players may call him on it asking for his assistance. He may select a player every phase that has previously called them that cycle and answers their calls. Gifting them with pitcher full of Kool-Aid, his targets are immune to any negative actions that cycle. He will learn the identity of anyone that call his number. Any player that has been assisted by him must seamlessly work an "Oh yeah" alongside at least 5 of their posts the following phase.
--- [Leaving A Mess Behind] - One frequent issue with Kool-Aid Man is that he always leaves a mess behind. He doesn't enter from the front door when called, he breaks the whole instead. He's one for dramatic entrances. Anytime Kool Aid Man helps a player, the host will role a D20.
[1 - 5] - Kool Aid Man will also vote-silence his target.
[6 - 9] - He will role-block them that phase.
[10 - 13] - He will inadvertently redirect their actions to a random target that phase.
[14 - 16] - He will disable half of their abilities for a cycle.
[17 - 18] - He will role-crush them for a cycle.
[19 - 20] - The biggest of messes. He will inadvertently kill the target he's supposed to protect.
--- [No More Mistakes] - If he rolls a 10+ more than 3 times, he will be under a lot of pressure from management to not mess up again. His next 2 visits will not cause a mess while he's on his best behavior.Wincon - Town wins the game, and a player he has assisted survives until the end of the game
"I do not fear death. I fear only that my rage will fade over time."
You are Kurapika!
[Passive - Phantom Troupe] - After infiltrating the Weebs journey, the Troupe has made its way into Sabaody. At the start of D1, eight players in the game will be marked as [Spiders]. Each of them will receive a slight buff to their role, and learn that you've began hunting them down. They're the target of your revenge, and must be eliminated at all costs.
--- [Nen Contract] - As proof of his determination and to achieve his goal, Kurapika has placed a Nen Contract on himself which gives him a boost in powers but subsequently restricts him. He may not use his [Chain Jail] or [Judgment Chain] on non troupe members. If he does, he will die.
[Passive - Master Strategist] - Kurapika can formulate flawless plans even in combat to exploit his opponent's weaknesses to the fullest and to minimize the risks to himself. He can't afford to die before having finished his revenge. Kurapika evades the first action targeting him each phase.
[Conditional Passive - Scarlet Eyes] - As the last remnant of his clan that was wiped out for these eyes, Kurapika is fueled with an insatiable rage. Any time a vote is placed against Kurapika, his eyes glow scarlet red until they change their vote. If at least one player ends the day voting for him, his eys will remain red during the night phase. Alternatively, any time he finds a Troupe member or one of them dies, his eye will glow red for the following cycle. With his eyes glowing Red, Kurapika's abilities are enhanced.
--- [Specialist] - When his eyes shifts to scarlet, Kurapika becomes a specialist which allows him to use all Nen categories at 100% efficiency. In this state, Kurapika is bulletproof and immune to Role-Crushes as well as any kind of debuffs. He will survive a super-kill targeting him, however it'll force him out of this state immediately, and role-crush him for the remainder of the cycle.
[Active - The Chain User] - As a Conjurer, Kurapika is able to create any object that he wants after receiving the proper training. His chosen object is a chain. One might not believe that chains amount to much, but under his Scarlet Eyes, they are a devastating tool to go up against.
--- [Dowsing Chain] - Shaped like a ball and chain, Kurapika uses this for investigation purposes. Each phase, he may target a player and learn if they're a Phantom Troupe member, or have previously interacted with one during the last cycles.
--- [Chain Jail] - With a hook at the end, this chain restrains any person it encounters, wrapping them up like a blanket. At night, use this on any player that you wish, that player will be role crushed for 2 cycles. It is nigh-impossible to get out of this chain. However, there are some roles that do have that power and cannot be chain jailed.
--- [Holy Chain] - Having a cross at the end of it, this chain is used to heal back injuries. Each cycle, Kurapika may target a player to protect them for that phase. They will be protected against regular attacks. He may self-target.
--- [Judgment Chain] - The ultimate chain that you own, it is a Stake of Retribution. With a blade at the end, this chain wraps around the heart of your target. There are two commands that you can issue to your target with this chain. Your target will be unable to disobey those commands. If they do, they will die. This is a an unstoppable kill. This may only be used when his eyes are glowing Red.
--- [Steal Chain] - With the shape of a syringe, this chain steals the abilities of another person. Each phase, Kurapika can target a player and name an effect or an ability name they may have. If the player has that ability, Kurapika will temporarily steal it and may use it.
--- [Emperor Time] - After Kurapika's eyes shift into scarlet, he will upgrade all the above abilities will. [Dowsing Chain] will give him the names of the players his target interacted with. [Chain Jail] will not fail on anybody. [Holy Chain] can protect against super-kills. [Steal Chain] will only require the role name of his target.
Wincon - You must eliminate at least 4 Phantom Troupe members using your own hands.