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So because a woman has a lot of sex, she has less value and "sucks"? (best pun of the year)
if u don't have a choice but to indulge in this... it doesn't change the fact that its bad to be a pleasure toy for a dollar... some ppl do it coz they're poor...i get them and understand why do they do it.. but a person with a high social class...

At the end it doubles down to how high on crack this society is that forced people to be used or even endorsed this... in Komurasaki's case i am sure she is still a virgin.. coz she's a fraud in that "occupation" I'm glad oda highlighted that.. or it could have been sad..
Yea unlike your 🤡 ass. Listen i am looking good. Zoro getting praised by Youkous, Franky currently winning against Flying 6, etc... My powerscaling looking Gucci. While your clown ass talking about Ace can beat Zoro:gokulaugh: Same Ace who couldn't beat Base Yamato. Same Ace that Oda made all the flying 6 and commanders leave the island. :milaugh: Biggest 🤡 on here.
You mad because you know you are talking about stupid things like Luffy=>Zoro.... :gokulaugh:
They were also calling her a slut and hating on her character because of her profession, i think that's not fair at all.
Well there is muddying the water here, she wasn't actually a prostitute and didn't actually have sex with her clients, she was a glorified hostess, so they are misrepresenting what she actually did.

If she was really a prostitute, that is a personal decision for both the prostitute and the person themselves how they view that profession.
You can think lawyers are ambulance chasers, think all politicians are crooked, and think that many prostitutes are sad unhappy and live unfulfilling lives and sell something that shouldn't be sold, contrarily you can say lawyers provide the framework for legal defense, that politicans uphold democracy and that prostitutes are just people trading their time for money like any worker, it's kind of strange to shame someone for shaming, let them have their opinion.

If someone would be fine having a wife that gets reamed by 10 men daily, that is their prerogative, just as it is another persons choice to find that abhorrent both in terms of the woman and the willing cuckold, but their opinion shouldn't effect either the prostitute or the partner.


hyori is probably still a virgin i don’t think denjiro would let his master’s daughter work as a prostitute
That was also my interpretation. But i could be wrong.

I took it as Hiyori played the old mans, just getting money from them and promising when they finally get together she would be theirs. But when they lost everything, she would just throw them away and they couldn't do anything about it beacuse she had protection from Denjiro.

And there's the special case for Orochi, in chapter 927 he said "Today's the day i'll make you mine", implying he would finally try to have sex with her. But i think Denjiro + Hiyori knew that would happen eventually and they had the blood bags plan for just that moment, so if Orochi tried to force himself into her, Hiyori was to run away and get cut down by Denjiro for running, that's why she had that shit prepared in the first place.
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