I really don't understand that kill. I came out of that last day phase thinking that while Usopp's reaction to being voted off appeared genuine enough, the resolution of the lynch left it feeling like nothing but a whole lot of pathos. I had an entire post written about it wherein my vote ended up on Usopp for this Day Phase. To burn a superkill this early on that... I can only assume scum are either readily paranoid, new and inexperienced or have a pleathora of superkills to burn through. Either way, it offers some interesting food for thought regarding the nature of the scum team in this game.
On a similar note, I'm immediately suspicious of each and every individual who readily accepted this partnership thing, and even more so of those who partook in it. Given that it is a mechanic that has clearly been developed, one would assume it is related to solving the game in some form, and not just simply a whole extra mechanic tacked on purely for flavour purposes. Given that, why one would subject themselves to it without any critical thought whatsoever indicates to me that they are either informed (and thus likely scum) or simply don't care (and thus aren't going to be very useful town players anyway). In a previous Oreki game, a similar mechanic featured the option to play in a Mafia-style "Death Note RPG" mini game. I advised caution there too, and pointed out that people so happily involving themselves within it exhibited the aforementioned traits. Of course I was ignored, and would you have guessed, a scum ringleader was directly involved, and the whole mechanic itself came from scum. My point is to say that there is a non-negligible chance that partaking in this mechanic is harmful to the Town, and should be avoided where possible.