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If injured injured Sanji faces Jack this act
Act 4 then will have him healthy beating King

Anyway, another average chapter
Wasted on sanji being hopeless ,black maria and her gifters squad
Yamato is the one who is probably gonna face Jack
Since she is near the basement where Retainers are and her plot revolves around retainers and Oden too

Yamato (28 y.o ) vs Jack (28 y.o)
Protecting Momo (28 y.o) and retainers
Sanji vs King
Where the hell did Sanji vs Jack come from
I also joined the narrative lol

Yamato is the nearest to retainers and her plot is with them
Sanji is on the 3rd floor.

Jack vs Yamato
Queen vs Drake + ? (Since Zoro is on the roof )
King vs Sanji
You would probably laugh too if it was EL
Cause Sanji was injured and nerfed yet went on beating Jabra
No, Queen doesn't look like someone who uses kicks in a fight
Even his arms. He uses mostly his neck and sometimes his swords.

Cyborg, gunners or whatever aren't what Sanji mostly fight in an arc

Sanji vs Queen will be boring, it feels odd
Sanji vs King actually has a build up , King is a kicker who knows swordmanship and can fly.
Brook and robin vs Black Maria
People thought Brook could beat Apoo or Perospero
:choppawhat:Chopper vs Numbers?

Franky Nami Ussop + gifters vs Sasaki P1 Ulti
Carrot and Wanda vs Perospero
Jinbei vs WhoWho
Yamato vs Jack
Drake/Killer vs Queen
Sanji vs King
Zoro vs Smoothie
Garp & co vs Linlin
SN trio vs Kaido
Yamato is the nearest to Retainers
Sanji would need to go through the floors to reach the basement... he cant just fly down there unless he breaks through the grounds/floors
In fact. Kaido subordinates noticed Yamato which means they also found Momo!
That means King will try to order Jack to kill also Momo or so
There's no Sanji vs Jack

Oda isn't even hinting at it

Franky + help gets the 5th strongest
Jinbei gers the 4th strongest Beast pirate
Yamato gets the 3rd strongest *Jack
Sanji gets either King or Queen
Zoro gers either King or Queen or Smoothie
For a supposed “non-Sanji fan”, you seem very invested in Sanji vs King :josad:

Let me tell you it won’t happen just like all your braindead Zoro predictions
Here I go again with a new week enduring the sarcasm from Sanji haters about "Save me Robin" moment!

I better stay low until Sanji vs Calamity moment comes

Sidenote: I'm glad that at least Oda made Robin acknowledge Sanji for trusting her... at least dramatically Oda did not fuck up here Lol and sold the Robin hype to high heaven

Also nice to see Nami immediately knowing why Sanji lost

Anyways, gotta stay hidden for the few next weeks!
Damn you Oda for always using Sanji in those plots!

One day I will travel to Japan and suplex that mother fucker Lol


Lazy is the way

So it's not even his chivalrous code but just his pride which is stopping him here too? If yes, you'd have to think there'll be a limit to it considering who's crew you're up against.
It seems Oda wants to educate male reader and tell us that a man shouldn't hit a woman.

It is obviously a commendable goal but in universe it is a bit ridiculous


You don´t wanna understand it, you point is totally wrong.
Sanji gonna face for sure Jack, you can tell this and that but it don´t going chance the fact that Sanji face Jack.
You make a big mistake with saying Sanji going above in that case you are totally wrong bro.
Sanji know King plan and he know the Scabbards get attacked soon, he will go under and save them and he will face Jack.
Since Sanji DON`T KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YAMATO, he can´t expect that someone else save the Scabbards, he is the only one who know the place of the scabbards, the only one who is free right now to handle alone, he is the only one who can save them, he don´t know anything about Yamato. So do the math, Sanji is FOR SURE going down and fight Jack.

How the fight going on? Probably 1on1 fight with Sanji winning extrem high diff oor he get clapped so Yamato can save him and take the fight or Yamato+Sanji vs Jack. I take the second opinion, with Sanji getting defeated, get saved and get healed later by Marco to face with a another character Queen.

The whole arc is based on teamfights, if people think Sanji taking out a 100% health Calamity, they are wrong(quote me if im wrong later).
So far only Jinbe have his own 1on1 fight of all strawhats since his enemy is on his lvl while Sanji and co are the underdogs.
Sanji isn't the only one who can save them
Jack is on the move already, sanji has to take stairs or lift downstairs while yamato is already near the basement floor

Why would Yamayo need help to beat Jack?
Base Yamato >zoan/base Jack.

Injured Sanji beating someone isn't even insane when he beat jabra and could match Vergo while being injured pre fight.

This arc is team fight for people who are weak
Jinbei, Sanji, Yamato won't get help to beat their opponents
Robin and Brook are not going to fight 2v1.
I’m disappointed too but it seems Oda is actually doing this

Like I doubt the gifter women Black Maria has around her will stop Brook so Brook seems to be part of this 2v1

like remember Thriller bark? When Brook and Robin teamed up TO FIGHT A ZOMBIE SPIDER? Well, parallels
This chapter confirms what I said again. Oda set up sanji against all 3 calamity yet people cling to the judge line for dear life.

All this confirms for me is Yamato is gonna fight Jack. She is already near the scabbards.

Hybrid Yamato vs hybrid Jack next chapter
Pretty sure she's nowhere near them, but anything is possible
Retainera are in the basement (treasure room or so) ! Not second or 3rd floor
Yamato is also at the basement floor
What are you saying bro LOL?
Read the previous chapter again. The treasure room is on the second floor and it's directly connected to the third floor. You are lying to me because you don't want to see Sanji vs Jack.
And Yamato is not on the second floor. She's pretty far. Check out this map.
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