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sheer coincidence and in midst of fight or from getg
This isn’t what I mean

it’s not a “sheer coincidence” because ODA MADE IT HAPPEN INTENTIONALLY

This is what I mean by Oda wouldn’t create a plot point WHICH NO ONE IN THE STORY CARES ABOUT

This is just writing 101. There is no chance of Sanji not caring about whatever Queen’s relationship with Judge is because it’s not a plot point until someone cares.
Are you a retard ?

When big mom says that brat you think she's talking about a sword ?

Where does kaido say it was only cause of enma ?
Why didn't enma hurt him when zoro didn't use haki on onigiri ?
its enma's innate ability that damages kaido.. it releases excess haki.. hence that oddity in haki flow that zoro utilizes to cut kaido... if you're still gonna argue about this.. then tell why isn't zoro using sandai or even wado who he has more proficiency with.. 👀👀👀...
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