We all knew that the Beast Pirates were a screwed-up crew and that Kaido and the Calamities were far from good bosses but I find it forced to see Queen take this moment to mock and taunt his infected subordinates while he should be focused on Marco who's been constantly attacking him for some time and while the battle is raging, just so many of the Beast Pirates would switch sides.
And I am not impressed that none of the Calamities ever seem to use Armament Haki to defend themselves, as Queen could have perfectly used it to block Chopper's attack with it.
The only really interesting part about this chapter is the moment with the CP0 that talk about Vegapunk and the Lineage Factor, and reveal that the artificial devil fruit that was created by Vegapunk and deemed a failure was copied on Kaido's DNA after one of his multiple captures.
This makes me even more interested about Vegapunk, his personality, his knowledge of DNA and devil fruits and his projects.
I have more and more the feeling that his new invention is none other than fully cloned devil fruits whereas he only managed to give partial df powers to Pacifistas before, meaning that the new Pacifistas will not only be much stronger and more durable than the prototypes but will have complete copied devil fruit powers too.