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Lazy is the way
Him and Usopp being mates is a possibility but my strongest scum read remains TAC, it's no contradiction. I also made sure to take into account the offchance that one of the two is Cult to pin all case scenarios.

Tell me, why did you dodge my question? Are you hiding something perhaps?

If anyone is acknowledged about Rayan's meta spill the beans I guess, I noticed that the man is posting very randomly since basically the very moment the game came to a start.
yeah yeah, posting again without real meaning behind the words

If you want to take into account all the scenarios possible you won’t vote for anyone nor accuse anyone because without proof everything is possible.

so choose a stance.

what question. : if that is my town meta ? This is your question I didn’t answer to ? Lol yeah it’s really an important question we have here....


Zoro Worshipper
yeah yeah, posting again without real meaning behind the words

If you want to take into account all the scenarios possible you won’t vote for anyone nor accuse anyone because without proof everything is possible.

so choose a stance.

what question. : if that is my town meta ? This is your question I didn’t answer to ? Lol yeah it’s really an important question we have here....
I robustly showed proactiveness when it comes to be extensively elastic in this game, and that's because of my shift in meta I had announced last game, reasons well known at this point. I even asked town to be with me and decide together on who to vote for yesterday, but I was accused for that and so I preferred to return to my old meta, at least when it came to voting, and I was honest in announcing this last point too, so this is a moot point of yours.

Not to mention that a vote can be changed any time regardless, and that this Usopp situation occurred post I voted TAC nevertheless.

And also what's wrong with answering my question exactly? You are admitting you dodged, I see.
Hi guys, it's me oddoddfruit. I am humbly requesting 100 word essays from everyone again on why you are townie. Looks like Flower was setup to look bad with a 60 word restriction so I'm glad I didn't push it yesterday but today it really should get done. It will be a great help to town if you go through with it, I can't reveal the benefits of doing this so I'm just going to ask you guys to trust me here. Besides it's only a 100 words, you all write that much without even trying.

If you've already done it could you be a lamb and please just quote the post you did it on then tag me, I'll make sure I make a note of it. Sorry for not paying the most attention but I feel like a bit of an outsider this game, plus I went on a bender but that's not relevant to today I suppose I am however still a mafia player and yes Lanji I've got some reads and I think we can make some serious town progress today.

If you're having any trouble reaching 100 words just ask your fellow townies for some pointers, I'm sure they'll be happy to lend a hand. Seraphoenix how's that for 200 words and then some?

I am town because I was not town in my only other game here, so in terms of probability, it is much likelier for me to be town this time than not.

This is doing me a flummox.

@Robin time for you to talk again my friend

Mario Summon
I'm confused about why you think that I used an ability on Rhea, or that I'm the one who silenced her. I did not use any such ability on Rhea, nor do I know who did.

I have a question that I need answered: I am town reading Jew D. Boy. Does anyone have a reason to be suspicious of him? If there is anything incriminating about JDB, then I overlooked it, and I want to know about it.


There's no "Tina!"
I have a question that I need answered: I am town reading Jew D. Boy. Does anyone have a reason to be suspicious of him? If there is anything incriminating about JDB, then I overlooked it, and I want to know about it.
Luthon and Flower 2.0 scum read JDB. I too am town reading him, but apparently Flower got some message last day phase that said that JDB's flavor name is Luthon.

And now players suspect him as a potential third party. Which could be true tbh.
Luthon and Flower 2.0 scum read JDB. I too am town reading him, but apparently Flower got some message last day phase that said that JDB's flavor name is Luthon.

And now players suspect him as a potential third party. Which could be true tbh.
When did Flower reveal that message? Was it before she died yesterday, or today after she came back?

Why is the Luthon role assumed to be guilty?
I am town because I am trying my hardest to ensure that Town wins, If I wasn't into this game I wouldn't have taken my annoying passive so seriously because I wanna win this game and make sure to minimise the amount of town Lynched and Killed by Mafia. I made some mistakes this game like not using my abilities in Night 1 and jumping on the Flower bandwagon but the former happened because of irl stuff and the latter happened because I trusted Fuji a lot
I am town because I was not town in my only other game here, so in terms of probability, it is much likelier for me to be town this time than not.

I'm confused about why you think that I used an ability on Rhea, or that I'm the one who silenced her. I did not use any such ability on Rhea, nor do I know who did.

I have a question that I need answered: I am town reading Jew D. Boy. Does anyone have a reason to be suspicious of him? If there is anything incriminating about JDB, then I overlooked it, and I want to know about it.
I like the energy but it's not 100 words sorry
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