Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Damn this looks really good!👍🏻
I wish that I could write a letter to Oda. I would write down all the good ideas from the members of this temple. I would also send him the newest Playboy magazine from Germany. I sure that the magazine would get his attention :myman:
You can write fan letters to his office. Theres an address somewhere, you have to look it up online.
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ouch u just struck a nerve xd
Actually my personal standing with zoro ships is:
1 zorobin
2 zoro x perona
3 zoro x nami
4 zoro x hiyori
5 zoro x tashigi
6 zoro x bonney (lets be honest, she just found an excuse to jump on him, who can blame her)
7 zoro x vivi (she looked attracted to zoro like many female characters, but she is much closer to luffy)
honorable mention to zoro x ryka in 10 years