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"If Odd is claiming he killed Nat, and nobody counterclaims him, then isn't he certain to be innocent"
not how I see it
if cult is separate from mafia
he could be that.
Cults don't usually have kills. It's possible, but unusual.

also he killed the vig and ran with the death miller theory
he was certain both tris and usopp were scum
my vote stays here .
nothing is moving it.
rest of you can do what you want.
You're misrepresenting what happened with Usopp.

First of all, we didn't know Usopp was the vig (if he even was) until after he died. You applying that knowledge retroactively to Oddjutsu is very biased, to put it mildly. Usopp got himself killed; he put the town in a position where we had no choice but to kill him. Usopp aroused more suspicion than nearly anyone else in the game, and he was allowed to live under the condition that he shoot whoever we chose. Usopp not only claimed to shoot at someone nobody told him to kill, he also conveniently had no proof of his attack. With what the town knew at the time, we had to kill Usopp. The only person to blame for that is Usopp. After he died, I remember that several people noticed inconsistencies or oddities in Usopp's role. I don't think Oddjutsu even started the death miller theory.

I think it's very suspicious that you are planting your vote and refusing to move it so early into the phase, especially when important information is still coming out.
Cults don't usually have kills. It's possible, but unusual.

You're misrepresenting what happened with Usopp.

First of all, we didn't know Usopp was the vig (if he even was) until after he died. You applying that knowledge retroactively to Oddjutsu is very biased, to put it mildly. Usopp got himself killed; he put the town in a position where we had no choice but to kill him. Usopp aroused more suspicious than nearly anyone else in the game, and he was allowed to live under the condition that he shoot whoever we chose. Usopp not only claimed to shoot at someone nobody told him to kill, he also conveniently had no proof of his attack. With what the town knew at the time, we had to kill Usopp. The only person to blame for that is Usopp. After he died, I remember that several people noticed inconsistencies or oddities in Usopp's role. I don't think Oddjutsu even started the death miller theory.

I think it's very suspicious that you are planting your vote and refusing to move it so early into the phase, especially when important information is still coming out.
second part
totally right
well perhaps saying odd is the lynch for today is too early
but am leaving my vote here for now.
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