Sorry, but compare Law and Zoro's flashback to me, it's really a different world. zoro's dream is to be the strongest, you know who has a similar background? Bullet who also wants to be the strongest. and just because of that, Bullet is the least interesting of the movie villains written by Oda. Law's ambition is much more relevant because he wants to know the mysteries of this world what the D means It's so intriguing than I just wanna be the strongest swordsman even all the crew members have a better background than him. It's really shameful
Many swordsmen may yearn to become the strongest
but only a scant few would choose their burdens over their lives and not everyone gets the privilege of being told that they're just a big frog in a small pond by the same Apex that they swore to achieve... and yet not everyone gets admired for their will by the same Apex that humiliated them for being naive.
"to push and keep pushing, that is the way of the sword"
- Roronoa Zoro