1. You are proving my point with loose parallels. Yea if you want you can litteraly make 100% of the op verse parallel someone from the past.
That's the Point. But how are similarities for one character of higher weight than of another chracter, when both have their most quirks and characteristics similiar to the Person you compare them too? This is just a subjective view from you, when you Argument one sided. What you do.
Your Brook and Roger comparision is complete bs here. We are comparing Rayleigh - who was the closest to the captain rankwise - with the 2 closest to Luffy rankwise. They don't have official ranks ofc, but based on events, they are the ones closest to the rank of Vize Captain.
2. Yea being scared in a similar manner and having a similar mannerism is substantial. Saying stuff like sanji fast and rayliegh is fast so parallels. Or sanji has blonde hair and rayliegh has blonde hair so parallels. Guess what roger used a sword and brook uses a sword so parallels. Oh brook has black hair and roger had black hair so parallels.
Just so you know, i don't agree with Arguments like blonde hair etc. this doesn't say anything. Same goes for having scars. But while for you blonde hair is not an Argument, but scars are - how is that? Explain it to me. Both things are ''look'' based Features.
3. Lol 70% of op are not swordsmen just stop right there.
Just look at the Basic pirates and marines, most of them have swords on them.
None of what i said are weak as parallels. They are core parts of the characters that we know of rn. No its none sense when you make loose parallels like fucking hair to parallel someone to someone else.
I never made the hair parallel lol - don't mix me up here with someone.
Going by the ''weight'' of your ''significant'' Arguments - you have the same counter parts from Sanji.
As example:
Zoro - Rayleigh
1. Sword user (known for)
2. Like to drink (likings)
3. Scars (look)
Sanji - Rayleigh
1. Smart and think ahead (known for) - here you can even ad being fast, good swimmer etc.
2. Like Woman (likings)
3. Blonde hair (look)
Exact same Things - but somehow Zoro's similarities are Right and Sanji's are wrong??? They have the same weight...
Thinks like Swordskills, Speed, being a good Swimmer etc. are ability's. Can be used for parallels.
Rayleigh was shown to be very smart, in many and different situations. This is a big feature of his character. Is Zoro smart? Rayleigh himself said, that Zoro is not really bright. He said, that even the one who doesn't look very bright, will understand Luffy's message. Hinting that Zoro is the stupidest one in the SHC (Luffy not included). The exact opposide of Rayleigh.
While Rayleigh have a different Fighting style as Sanji.
What exactly Shows, that only Zoro or only Sanji are not very good parallels to Rayleigh.
Rayleigh is a mix of Sanji and Zoro - what is there even to argue about? Or is the Argument being a swordsman above everything?