Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Dude it's his obcession to have Zoro vs Orochi so he can make fun of Zoro, facts and logic do not apply to him. It is pure headcanon
lol what were you waiting ??? man lives in fiction to make fun of zoro , lives in deeper fiction to hype sanji.. While he hypes Sanji to high hills , probably sanji is fleeing from onigashima already.. Thats why he wanted go to Kinemon's side desperately. To disguise
This guy is being trashed left and right and you expect something from him lol.

tho King who is a swordsman is fitting for Zoro. You know Zoro always takes on the stronger opponent... so it only makes sense for Sanji to end up with Queen at best
"AlWaYs". Can't wait for this disgusting headcannon to be destroyed this arc.
Luffy was never hit by that combined attack, he dodged it and warned the supernova of the coming attack. So stop spweing BS.
He dodged it thanks to Zoro.

When Luffy said something big is coming he's still standing beside the other SN.

He knew a powerful attack was coming he just didn't know the exact attack.

The first time we see Luffy move is with the rest of the supernovas who are still behind Zoro.
The ryuma legend. For one
Well i doubt he going to turn back into a dragon for Zoro to cut his head off but i guess we will see.
Cause Zoro cutting off a human head or even hybrid version head don't seem like it would happen .
Then having zoro kill a opponent that already get beat just seem against his character well time will tell .
Those guy are so funny . Like we have the son of WB who is said to have the same attack power as young WB , yet never was he compared to a yonkou or a admiral .

We can just look at Zoro feats and compare it to Luffy feats .

Luffy use red rock and make Kaido fall downz, injure him and compare him to Xebec, Roger, Shanks, and Whitebeard.

Luffy partially dodge thunder bagua wich untol now we don't know if anyone oustide of Luffy can dodge it given luffy speed and COO only saved him .

The same thunder bagua wich Law was unable to dodge despite his ability to teleport .

Luffy use gear 4 and injure Kaido . Luffy fly to Kaido and make Kaido bleed with rhino schneider .

Luffy tank BM electricity with 0 problem .

Luffy tank boro breath with barely any problem Luffy with FS and speed dodge all Kaido wind blade.

Luffy pummel Kaido so hard to he is out for few page , he take so much hit .

Luffy predict Kaido and BM attack and dodge it .

Luffy proceed to 1 vs 1 Kaido wich allow the other 4 to deal with BM .

Luffy tank Kaido bat on BASE form .

Luffy dodge Kaido laser on BASE form . Lufft tank Kaido ragnarok on BASE form .

This chapter Luffy learn new COC and proceed to pummel Kaido on BASE form .

Most of Luffy attack was when Kaido was focused on him and Kaido was ready for Luffy .

Let's look at Zoro feats : Attack Kaido with Killer , basically no damage .

Ask Law to teleport him and proceed to Cut Boro breath while he was distracted by Luffy .

Proceed to use a powerful attack that cut the big crane horn and BM is shocked by the power of that attack.

Still that attacked missed and Zoro is tired by the haki use . Take a hit from BM elecrticity.

Counter Kaido attack while injuring BM , quite a good feat honestly BUT Kaido again was distracted by Luffy .

And the feat of last chapter Zoro tank a attack from 2 yonkou for few second which is honestly amazing, but would have died from the attack if law did not teleport him out of the way.

And this last chapter Zoro use Ahsura wich leave a scar on Kaido , again a amazing feats .

If you look at those feats you can see few thing ,

Luffy landed way more hits and.his hits are way more impressive only the last one is to be confirmed .

Not only that most of Zoro attack landed when Kaido was not ready for it while Kaido was ready for Luffy feats and even was attacking him .

Zoro even now needs law's help due to his slpw agility and mobilty.

He also needed Orlumbus help to fight Pica

Comparing Zoro and Luffy is nonsense ,

Luffy got one shotted because of Kaido speed and you guys whant to ignore the speed compenent when it one of Kaido true strength .

Question would Zoro be able to react to a thunder bagua ?. I doubt it .

Even Luffy with his upgrade and FS hardly was able too .
You're confused. You should realize that Zoro's and Luffy's fighting style are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Luffy uses cumulative damage. As a speedy brawler, his consecutive strikes are needed in order to put down an opponent, especially of Kaidou's calibre. He will always have more opportunities to show more because it is required to.

Zoro's strikes are not meant for barrages. He's not a speeder. He's a bruiser tank. He technically only needs a strike to mortally wound an opponent. This is basic swordsmanship. Lethality is a clause of cutting someone with a physical blade.

Luffy will have more attacks that land because that's a clause for his fighting style. Does that negate Zoro's strength if he only lands one significant strike on Kaidou? No, it doesn't due to the fact that his fighting style usually entails only one strike to finish off his opponent. Swordsmen don't need multiple strikes to take out usual fighters. Luffy will always have multiple feats because of his fighting style.

In the case of Kaidou, Zoro has done a feat that only Oden has done in the past. A strike that according to Kaidou will leave a permanent scar on him. That is the most significant wound we've seen so far. We understand just how amazing that is due to kaidou's own words. There has never been a samurai as strong as Oden. Not even his scabbards combined could open up his wound. But now, Zoro has apparently replicated this feat.

So to say Zoro isn't comparable to Luffy is honestly a joke. I do agree that Luffy is obviously stronger but Zoro has just shown he's more than capable of causing serious damage to Kaidou. His strike with asura has been the most significant so far. I'm sure Luffy will show something better in the long run. We'll have to wait and see. I'm excited what he can possibly do with g4 plus this new coc haki form and ryou.
"AlWaYs". Can't wait for this disgusting headcannon to be destroyed this arc.
I mean, you lost that argument entirely when Zoro straight up blocked an attack from two Yonko and damaged 1 of them multiple times.

Your single biggest argument for Sanji vs King has always been Zoro staying on the rooftop lol, seems that argument is crumbling right under your feet.
But was Mihawk actually the strongest swordsman on the planet after that?
Unknown since there's swordsmen he hasn't fought since, unless BM and Shanks submitted their paperwork and the WG determined Mihawk still was cooler in which case he is the best on the planet, it's unknown if Enel picked up swordsmanship in the Moon and has surpassed the ocean dwellers though.
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