Powers & Abilities Oden and Kaido surpassed Whitbeard and Roger | full analysis


World's Strongest Swordsman
I mean yeah, he had extremely powerful armada. He had extremely strong crew and a DF that can literally destroy the entire world.

What else you would call a guy who can literally create tsunamis lol. Whitbeard was undefeatable in the seas. But that has nothing to do with fighting power...

Because he knew lough-tale's location and he also knew the entire history of the world.

I agree, of course Whitbeard is a greater obstacle than irresponsible Big Mom and Kaido lol. Luffy entered Meme's territory, defeated her two sons, destroyed everything she valued in the world, and successfully escaped. Try to do that with Whitbeard...
And yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Shanks is weaker than Whitbeard.

Lol. This is classic Oda trolling. After that he said that Whitbeard was the strongest pirate because of the way he lived. This is way I say that all those strength titles mean nothing.
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Lol. Chil out Zoro fan.
Refute my point then I dare you.

Oden was no where close to rogerbeard.

Lmfaoooo zoros gonna do better than odens best feat to a stronger hybrid kaido. Then what zoro > oden = rogerbeard ?
Lmfaoooo zoros gonna do better than odens best feat to a stronger hybrid kaido. Then what zoro > oden = rogerbeard ?
Kaido mentioned that there won't be a monster samurai of his likes again (Oden), after witnessing the ineffectiveness of the scabbards who failed to even open the old wound. That's some big foreshadowing for Zoro right there, who seems very likely to get that kind of recognition.

Being as strong as someone like Roger is an entirely different matter.
  • Update after chapter 1009&1010
When I first made this thread people were saying, and I quote: Whitbeard and Roger were clearly stronger than Kaido and Oden, their weapons weren't even touching etc.

And I said to them, I quote: We've never seen Yonkos using haki, so we can't say that Whitbeard and Roger's haki was stronger than theirs etc.

And as we can see, I ended up being right...

We found out that Kaido has the same
level of haki as Roger and Whitbeard,
but we also got an answer to another question/complaint from people. Some of you were saying that: Oden can't possibly be on the same level as Whitbeard and Roger because he was pushed around by Roger's attack, while I was saying that Oden became stronger during his journey with Roger.

And unlike your words, mine were backed up by the manga, but the main problem was that Oden spent with Roger only one year, and some of you were saying that it wasn't enough for Oden to grow stronger.

And here we can see Luffy figuring out how to use advanced CoC after getting hit by Kaido with CoC attack. Luffy managed to figure it out in just few days, do you really think that Oden wouldn't be able to do the same after being hit by Roger's CoC attack!? And unlike Luffy Oden had one year to learn it while being surrounded by multiple CoC haki users. Do you really think that Oden, who had interest in everything wouldn't ask Roger and Whitbeard about their haki, especially after being surprised by the fact that their weapons weren't even touching!? Of course he would, and Roger probably thought him how use advanced CoC.

Both Luffy and Oden clearly used combination of advanced CoA and CoC to significantly damage Kaido. There is/was a reason of why Kaido was so scared of Oden, he was shiting his pants just by seeing him.

Kaido even compares Luffy to those few who had/have advanced CoC and CoA. So, yet again, both Kaido and Oden were at the very least equal to Roger and Whitbeard.

Even Whitbeard acknowledged Oden's strength... it's not just Oden who said "if I can't take down Kaido then nobody from our generation will" it's also Whitbeard who also acknowledged the same thing, Whitbeard himself refused to go and fight against Kaido.
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The more chapters come out the more this will be accepted in the community.
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Zoro Worshipper
As far as I got offensively using CoC in a blow allows not to touch the enemy independently from the level of haki being used.

It could be intriguing to find if defensively this applies too, for example if the enemy would be unable to touch your body or even barrier if you were defending yourself with CoC /CoC+CoA but that smells as unlikely.