i can believe it if its mango.
He started the train on tac, prob got worried that it would go through and tried to derail it. He did that in the garou game.
He started the train on tac, prob got worried that it would go through and tried to derail it. He did that in the garou game.
However I voted TAC because of several reasons, I felt like he wasn't acting as his usual self, and he also threadbanned me for petty reasons, and more.
However upon seeing that over the majority of players had voted him by sheeping T-pein I was immensely mad as the votes had no pushback, and T-pein made me go absolute nuts as he was the most obnoxious piece of work I'd encountered in a good long while.
I was pissed, because I was in a very similar situation in the last game I was in, and people were trying to conspire that I was Cell and all that bs.
I found it exceedingly unlikely that a mafia role would be voted by that huge of a margin.