How the hell can someone be disappointed about Sanji confronting Queen? I mean, it was fucking obvious that Zoro Vs King would happen, like every fucking fight in every fucking arc of a manga with more than 1000 fucking chapters.
In Arlong Park, Sanji vs the third stronger, and Zoro vs the second stronger. In Arabasta, Sanji vs the third stronger, and Zoro vs the second stronger. In Enies Lobby, Sanji vs the third stronger, and Zoro vs the second stronger, etc. Come on guys, your attitude is pathetic as hell.
I know some people was expecting Sanji vs King when they saw their first clash, Sanji saving Momo, but come on, you always knew Queen was there for him. I still don't know how Zoro Vs King will happen, but it will happen, like every fucking One Piece arc with major fights.
And that doesn't demerit my boy Sanji, he's fighting a guy with 1.3 billion. That's madness, and I'm so fucking proud of him.
If you want to throw bullshit to some character, there you have Jinbe, a fucking ex-shickibukai, and the one who was supposed to be the new heir of the Trio Monster, fighting against a Tobi Roppo.
That's regrettable, and not your Sanji vs king bullshit.