I know you hate Sanji, but this is getting ridiculous.
What feats bruh? Failing to beat Chopper?
What feats? Well how about him Cracking BM's head?
In this Chapter it's literaly stated that he was playing with Chopper and he was about to kill him, but Sanji stopped him lol
Did you not read the spoilers?
And even without the spoilers it was more than obvious Queen was playing with him.
Base King is taking stronger attacks than Zoan Queen from Marco and was still unfazed.
Based on what? So now out of nowhere you know the ranks of Marco's skill set and what his strongest attacks are?
Marco used 2 named attacks on Queen and only 1 on King.
Marco's second attack was a cutting attack against Base Queen. And even that, Queen completely healed it.
King and Queen were both bleeding, so no idea how you get to the conclusion that King was "unfazed" but Queen not?
He was the one who damaged Marco and is the primary reason why Marco is exhausted.
"Damaged Marco" lol
He didn't take any damage from Kings Sword attack.
"Primary reason why Marco is exhausted"?
Look at the page above...
"Huff huff...as expected holding back
two foes with bounties over a billion isn't easy...huff huff" + he was keeping everybody warm with his fire.
King is faster.
Has better offensive power.
Has better endurance.
Has better bounty
Better position in the crew.
Speed and probably bounty is the only thing he has above Queen.
Offensive power? Yeah, no. Queen cracked BM's head, highest feat so far.
Endurance, none of them got lasting damage, but Queen took more damage from the too of them in total - so far Queen has that point as well.
What better position does King has? Being an All Star? Well guess what, Queen is one aswell and every All Star has the same authority.