do u actually expect an answer for this or are u straight up faking contribution now?
its not like its still page 3 and JDB only has 3 posts, all of them denying my kingship
im confused by this question
How am I faking contribution? If that question was contributing in anyway, then you would have answered it. The fact that you don't want to answer it means that you think it's not contributing so I can't be faking anything.
Plus, refusing to follow you doesn't automatically make him guilty. Why would anyone be innocent just because they decided to follow you? If there's an answer to that then you could possibly say that JDB is guilty for not following you. That's because you would have established a certain form of town behavior that aligns with following the king, and when a player is put into that position, we determine their alignment from their actions vs what's expected of them.
To me, however, you seem to putting anyone who follows you as town and anyone as scum for not following you, Usopp.