Guys guys, lemme lay this out, just because Zoro MIGHT fight King later, doesn't mean feats-wise and strength-wise Zoro and Sanji are in the same tier.
How quickly you guys forgot that prior to fighting King, Zoro was fighting 2 Yonkou, scarring one, stopping an attack that could destroy the entirety of Wano, broke 30 bones.
Whearas Sanji got fooled by a Toppi Roppo, got beat up.
Like, if you think these feats are even comparable

Like, Zoro fighting King is the worst thing that could happen to you guys. Not only Zoro fought 2 Yonkou, he also stole what you guys wanted the most, the "artistic, highspeed, aerial combat" with King that you guys were begging for. So stop twisting like somehow Zoro fighting King is an L for the Zoro fanbase. It's not. It's an L for YOUR fanbase.