Future Events EoW Zoro swaps Enma for Nidai...?

Does Zoro part ways with Enma at the end of Wano?

  • Yeah - Enma goes back to Momo

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • Nope - Enma is here to stay

    Votes: 38 77.6%

  • Total voters
Y'all trippin, Enma will go back to Hiyori. It will be treated as a national treasure just like Shusui (to a lesser degree, Since Ryuma held off the world government and did many other things for Wano). Where as Enma will help end Kaido's oppression which is great but not to same degree as what Shusui represents but holds the same meaning. It will be Closer for Oden and his Inherited Will. Zoro fulfilling his promise to end Kaido with the blade that needs to get that job done turning it into a Black Blade, Hence its job is done. Enma, Shusui both stay in Wano.

Zoro leaves with Nidai(2nd) Keitetsu, (3rd) Keitetsu and Wado.

And how Y'all not able to see what Oda is planning by introducing Nidai Keitetsu and having it waved around Zoro and him not getting it. He owns the 3rd series sword already, he will get this 2nd one and he will take the 1st Keitetsu from Gandhi...

Getting all three complete series of cursed blade's maybe that's another future powerup waiting to happen.
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I think so. Enma is only useful because it allows zoro to draw out large amounts of haki. But if Zoro gains the ability to do that by himself, then Enma isn't that special, so he can give it back to Hiyori as it is a memento of her father.
Think of Enma as Luffy's strawhat promise to give it back to Shanks. Luffy will give the hat to Shanks and maybe get back later but he will give back to Shanks at one point fulfilling his promise. Same thing with Enma which he got from Hiyori, He will fulfill its promise, turn it into a Black Blade and give it back.
Promise fulfilled, Job done.

Heck after Zoro Defeats Mihawk he will leave Wado back at the dojo with Kuina's grave. Signifying his inherited will complete and promise fulfilled.
He will go on with his complete set of Keitetsu series blade's.
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Y'all trippin, Enma will go back to Hiyori. It will be treated as a national treasure just like Shusui (to a lesser degree, Since Ryuma held off the world government and did many other things for Wano). Where as Enma will help end Kaido's oppression which is great but not to same degree as what Shusui represents but holds the same meaning. It will be Closer for Oden and his Inherited Will. Zoro fulfilling his promise to end Kaido with the blade that needs to get that job done, Hence its job is done. Enma, Shusui both stay in Wano.

Zoro leaves with Nidai(2nd) Keitetsu, (3rd) Keitetsu and Wado.

And how Y'all not able to see what Oda is planning by introducing Nidai Keitetsu and having it waved around Zoro and him not getting it. He owns the 3rd series sword already, he will get this second one and he will take the 1st Keitetsu from Gandhi...

Getting all three complete series of cursed blade's maybe that's another future powerup waiting to happen.
This basically...

I've got to say that I still think Zoro will keep Enma and just swap Sandai for Nidai, but I'm surprised the option of returning Enma is more or less dismissed outright by everyone. Guess it triggers a certain PU controversy...

And all the "Enma was never Momo's sword" crowd... Ok, I said Momo cause he might put the sword to use, while Hyori isn't a fighter. But OK, back to Hyori then. :luuh:


Zoro Worshipper
He might lend Enma back if he can use another sword why not. I'm hoping for Nidai too despite it's said to be a cursed sword bringing death to the carrier and Luffy did carry it for a little while. Kiku did and he might die. But I don't necessarily believe in manga superstitions.
I'm hoping for Nidai too despite it's said to be a cursed sword bringing death to the carrier and Luffy did carry it for a little while. Kiku did and he might die. But I don't necessarily believe in manga superstitions.
There is no doubt Zoro will get Nidai. That's his character trait. Most of Zoro's attacks are Demons, God's, afterlife, or cursed themed.

Wado Ichimonji doesn't suit Zoro; his style is more "Demonic". Wado is something that is Kuina's "Inherited Will" which I think he will return when he beats Mihawk just as Enma is Oden's "Inherited Will" which he will return after Slaying Kaido.

Zoro's character is this demon "evil, cursed character" perfectly matching the swords he will carry. He has been carrying the 3rd series of Keitetsu already for a long time. he found the 2nd one which might give him a bigger power up than Enma. When he beats Gandhi for the 1st he will have the whole set.
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I don't think so. Why would he trade Enma? It's a powerful sword Hiyori entrusted to Zoro. A sword that happens to be created by the same swordsmith as his Wado. Why would he swap it with Nidai? He won't take Shusui back either. It's a national treasure of Wano and Zoro made clear, as long as he gets a good replacement, he's fine with it. Shusui is no special blade (its blackness aside) and Zoro will forge his own 3 Kokutos.
I don't think so. Why would he trade Enma? It's a powerful sword Hiyori entrusted to Zoro. A sword that happens to be created by the same swordsmith as his Wado. Why would he swap it with Nidai? He won't take Shusui back either. It's a national treasure of Wano and Zoro made clear, as long as he gets a good replacement, he's fine with it. Shusui is no special blade (its blackness aside) and Zoro will forge his own 3 Kokutos.
Enma will most likely become a Black Blade end of Wano. Most of the work making it a black blade goes to Oden. I think Blacking a Blade is a long historical process of battles and training. Zoro carrying something Oden spent most of his life Forgoing does not seem honorable or in character with Zoro. Zoro intentionally injuries himself or handicaps himself because he thinks its not fair or dishonorable or that its not earned by his efforts. Zoro will leave Enma and take Nidai because that's his character.

"Edit" Zoro doesn't know what Black Blades truly are but end of Wano he will find out. Before he didn't want to part with Shusui because he earned it. He will realize that end of Wano that Shusui and Enma are not his hard earned black blades. Most of the work making them black are not from Zoro's effort in Shusui's case 0 effort on Zoro's part. In Enma's cause most of the work is done by Oden. Its not in Zoro's character to carry something that he didn't put effort in getting.
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Most of the work making black goes to Oden
Swords don't store armament. Even Shusui, which became black, didn't harm Monet, as Zoro did not use his armament. Zoro will turn black not only Enma, but his other 2 swords too. Within a span of 2 years of knowing Haki. Oden was simply not powerful enough to turn Enma black.
Swords don't store armament..
Thats not what i'm saying.

Oden was simply not powerful enough to turn Enma black.
Not true. He just didn't have enough time. If Power is what matter with blacking blades than why are there only 2 known black blades in the world. When the likes of Roger, Shanks, Raliegh and others didn't make it. There much more to Blacking blades than just power.
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Not true. He just didn't have enough time
Oden died at the age of 39, being in his prime for a decent time. Mihawk at the time of his debut was 41, and it doesn't look like he achieved a Black Blade just recently. Zoro will achieve his black blades at the age of 21, 22.
If Power is what matter with blacking blades than why are there only 2 known black blades in the world. When the likes of Roger, Shanks, Raliegh and others didn't make it. There much more to Blacking blades than just power.
It's both power and skill. Your armament needs to be of the highest order. Maybe even advanced CoC is required on top of it ("conquering the blade"). But obviously, also top tier swordskill is needed (Mihawk saying that a sword without grace is no good sword, with Zoro asking Mihawk to teach him "the way of the sword").

Skill + Haki, I'm sure it's a combination. Oden's swordskill was top notch, but his Haki probably wasn't enough. While Roger has top notch Haki, but probably his skill was not good enough (with skill I mean, the ability a master swordsman aims for; "to cut everything"). While Roger so far preferred to throw Haki barriers with his sword, which is rather unusual for a masterswordsman, since cutting >> barriers.
Oden died at the age of 39, being in his prime for a decent time. Mihawk at the time of his debut was 41, and it doesn't look like he achieved a Black Blade just recently. Zoro will achieve his black blades at the age of 21, 22.

It's both power and skill. Your armament needs to be of the highest order. Maybe even advanced CoC is required on top of it ("conquering the blade"). But obviously, also top tier swordskill is needed (Mihawk saying that a sword without grace is no good sword, with Zoro asking Mihawk to teach him "the way of the sword").

Skill + Haki, I'm sure it's a combination. Oden's swordskill was top notch, but his Haki probably wasn't enough. While Roger has top notch Haki, but probably his skill was not good enough (with skill I mean, the ability a master swordsman aims for; "to cut everything"). While Roger so far preferred to throw Haki barriers with his sword, which is rather unusual for a masterswordsman, since cutting >> barriers.
Okay... Its not just Time or effort that makes Black Blades but a combination of all of it but most importantly fulfilling your greatest desire.

What is Haki anyway? It is your will.

Your willed channeled into a sword and left unfulfilled will not turn it black. Hence you get "Enma". Oden Failed to kill Kaido.
But when Enma's inherited will is fulfilled which being the last thing neccessary for it to turn black will be complete.
Your willed channeled into a sword and left unfulfilled will not turn it black. Hence you get "Enma". Oden Failed to kill Kaido.
I think that's a nice interpretation.

I think the Haki needs to be of high magnitude though. And it needs to be armament too, hence Mihawk said Zoro needs to master that feat. Will alone would mean, Zoro's blades would've become black against Daz Bones already, since his will of cutting iron was fulfilled.
I think that's a nice interpretation.

I think the Haki needs to be of high magnitude though. And it needs to be armament too, hence Mihawk said Zoro needs to master that feat. Will alone would mean, Zoro's blades would've become black against Daz Bones already, since his will of cutting iron was fulfilled.
But is that Zoro's Greatest desire or will? No.
Its to be the greatest swordsman. so it would not turn black even if at the moment and time his will was to cut iron. He greatest desire is what matters.

While i agree with everything else you said regarding Armament and other types of haki and skills needed to turn a blade black i still think the most important reason being is being Successful in your greatest desire or "will"(haki). Having all the skills but not accomplishing your greatest wish will not turn your blade black.

Same thing can be said about Roger, Shanks, or Oden. Also in Roger and Shanks case Their greatest "will" or desire is not something that can be channeled to a sword so maybe that's also why they don't got black blades.

Roger greatest desire(will) was left unfulfilled (all these hints about Roger is waiting for someone) he left it to shanks or future generations. Maybe the Strawhat will turn Black when Luffy fights the world government and wins.

Edit: imagine Luffy fighting like Kung Lau from mortal kombat with his black Strawhat. Joking btw incase someone takes this seriously.
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Kitetsu replaces Kitetsu i hope. Or he takes the other Osen sword. But imo, he will have three of the 21 great grade swords, make them all into black blades, and improve their rank into among the 12 supreme grade swords. I hope this is where Oda is going
Thats not what i'm saying.

Not true. He just didn't have enough time. If Power is what matter with blacking blades than why are there only 2 known black blades in the world. When the likes of Roger, Shanks, Raliegh and others didn't make it. There much more to Blacking blades than just power.
Since when 15+ years is not enough?
Oden was using haki since young age