I'd give this chapter 9 out of 10. Chapter starts with Tama parts, which I think is a bit dragging, and I hope her plot in this war is already over. Next parts of the chapter are fire.
Queen's hybrid design really reminds me of Dr. Octopus and Inspector Gadget, and the first thing comes to my mind when I see him is Inspector Gadget's theme. Can't wait for Sanji vs Queen, LET'S GO SANJI!! Plus, Zoro is probably back into action in 1 or 2 chapters, and whether it is going to be King or Kaido, I'm hyped for it. GRANDMASTER HYPE!!

Then, the best part about this chapter is Jinbe vs Who's Who. The fight really looks so good with all the techniques both Jinbe and Who's Who have shown, and the choreography looks really sick, I can't wait to see this on the anime. Also, all the talks about MADS and Gomu Gomu no Mi being stolen make me even more excited to see Vegapunk and the World Government itself, so much mysteries revolved around them, many more questions have risen about them.
Anyway, I hope next chapter will bring the same or even more hype like this chapter did.