What will happen till end of Wano?

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With all the Ryuma talk, him unlocking a black blade would be dope~! ^^ and personally I'd prefer if it ends up being Wado and not Enma given the significance that sword has to him but given the amount of focus Enma is getting I'm not confident it'd be Wado ^^"
Wado can only turn Black when Zoro completes Kuina's will, of one of the two becoming the greatest swordsman.
It really isn't. Oh shit. I'm so sad now. Wait, you know what? Screw that. Most strong people have DFs, tech or some shit. Why can't Sanji have some hax himself? He doesn't even use his hands to attack. I still love him. Can't wait to see him stalemating admirals.
That's better than him depending on some shitty raidsuit
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