Managed to overwhelm in direct clash:
Managed to overwhelm him in CQC
I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here changing the subject? Why are we even talking about Zoro?
It's a
fact that for majority of chapter 415, after Jyabura got serious, he was absolutely shitting on Sanji in strength, speed, and everything. They had multiple clashes following the scratch-attack, and Jyabura won in every single one of them and there was a lot of time where Sanji could not even react to him. He was overwhelmed by a serious Jyabura and was forced to use DJ- and even then, he couldn't one-shot and took a hit to land a finishing blow.
Can you refute any of what's stated above?
Quit talking to me about early battle and Sanji landing stuff when Jyabura was fucking around.
If Sanji was near Jyabura's equal, then he would not get absolutely shit on and overwhelmed for entire end fight until DJ.
It's similar to Scabbards vs Kaido. Just because Scabbards shone vs Kaido, it doesn't mean that they could match him when serious. They got stomped afterward.
Anyhow, don't waste my time if you can't refute the stuff above. Idc for Zoro's fight in this debate and neither should you- this is about whether Sanji was anywhere near Jyabura until DJ or not.