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Yoy mad that Yamato still on the roof ?
That she has adcoc which zoro doesn't have?

"Zoro > Yamato " yet is struggling vs base King while Yamato didn't lose to kaido 1v1

Wait... you will be salty once you see the full summary or more details
There's some parts not posted yet. You guys should stop hating on Yamato

She's above anyone not named Luffy and Yonko in this arc
Zoro > Yamato

WTF are you talking about? Zoro did much more damage and better against Kaido then Yamato did. 1 v 1 don't mean anything if you don't do anything impressive in that 1 v 1
``I suggest you get of out your fucking room before calling these man morbidly obese.``-chill out rando Joe:gokulaugh:
Are you his promoter or what?
And yeah this ``strongest man``fiasco is bullshit, lifting strength has nothing to do with who is stronger than who/bar in one aspect lifting power and thats all.
I want to see this fatass vs a world tier heavyweight boxer or an ufc dude 1v1 before claiming that he is the strongest dude in the room:lulz:
Do you know the definition of "strength''?
That my point, he isnt the strongest if he does not beat them, congrats in proving yourself wrong:lulz:
Your point has nothing to do with what I am saying.
You are trying to say these guys are the world's baddest man, title that Mike Tyson once had. Which I never claimed them to be, they are the strongest guys in the world not the biggest fighting threat which if you don't know are two different things.
We are not on One Piece boy.
Same thing can be said about Jack... we're basically getting the same fight that happened like twenty chapters ago, only this time it isn't off-panelled and Jack is down for the count.
Probably it is even the same, basic on the spoilers it seems like Oda off-panelled the fight with Jack again...

WCi arc was great, the teaparty was a unexpected event and had his moments(alliance get defeated), it was really a great arc until the wedding shit happen and even then it is better then the raid so far, since it had far better feeling about danger threat and also unexpected events. Kinda feel the opposite in Wano. Kaido his beastly but his crew get poor portrayal.
In Wci Big mom crew get a great portrayal but she was kinda nerfed(even though chapter 871 she was beastly).
If I can choose which arc was better for me I would say I like WCi more then Wano when it come to the build up and tension.
Still hope for a change but at this point I give up on the idea that we going to see unexpected ways...


Talent is something you make bloom.
People say side characters but it's not much better for straw hats either, okay Jinbe and Robin fights weren't bad but others fights were either super rushed (Franky vs Sasaki) or ruined (Big Mom and Tama involvement in Nami and Usopp fight) or didn't get an actual fight at all (Brook), or took a L (Chopper)
Hopefully Zoro and Sanji fights are more than 1 chapter long:josad:
But it's PRECISELY because a bunch of random ass fuckers get involved in their fights that they end up that bad.
Nami and Usopp? Don't be fooled.
Nami didn't win.
Zeus did.
Nami actually MISSED the attack, and Zeus, on his own, adjusted the trajectory of the attack in order to hit Ulti.
Nami didn't do shit except throw some sparks at Ulti. Big Mom made a hole in her chest with her homies.
"But then the homies did it, not Big Mom". And who creates the homies again? Oh yes. Big Mom.
Don't forget the fake death of Zeus. LMAO.
Usopp is trash. I have 0 hopes for his eventual fights against Van Augr and Yasopp. 0 chance Oda can make an interesting duel against long range fighters. That ship has sailed since Usopp's last display of being an actual decent fighter by completely controlling a fight against Luffy and losing purely because the plot demanded it. It's only downhill from there. The Perona fight is funny but, in the end, is just that. Funny.
His "fight" against Sugar is a joke, and not the funny type, like Perona's.
Your point has nothing to do with what I am saying.
You are trying to say these guys are the world's baddest man, title that Mike Tyson once had. Which I never claimed them to be, they are the strongest guys in the world not the biggest fighting threat which if you don't know are two different things.
We are not on One Piece boy.
You claim that he is the strongest, but in reality all your arguments are about lifting strength, you are eighter dumb or playing dumb, strongest takes in consideration fighting abilities also, lifting strength mean shit.
You claim that he is the strongest, but in reality all your arguments are about lifting strength, you are eighter dumb or playing dumb, strongest takes in consideration fighting abilities also, lifting strength mean shit.
In the real world it doesn't. We are not on One Piece, these guys are universally accepted in our world as the World Strongest Man's and what you think should be the strongest man in the world doesn't matter here.
You are the one playing dumb.
Do you? Explain yourself first before commenting at random, I already disproved the other dude, lets see your argument first:lulz:
Um, yes... that's why I asked. I'm an athletic trainer working on a clinical master's lol.


1. the quality or state of being physically strong.
"cycling can help you build up your strength"

the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure.
"they were taking no chances with the strength of the retaining wall"

The Oxford dictionary is pretty accurate for conversational purposes. It's only when people watch so much anime that they conflate strength with other capabilities.
In the real world it doesn't. We are not on One Piece, these guys are universally accepted in our world as the World Strongest Man's and what you think should be the strongest man in the world doesn't matter here.
You are the one playing dumb.
Random titles mean nothing, there are multiple people who has the title of ``world strongest``, but are they tho? Meaningless tiles mean shit. You can accept them no problem, but no one is obligated to accept your bullshit boya lmao.
There are no ``world strongest`` in our world, the rest is just marketing campaigns, so just stay on that copium and dont claim that you know shit.:cheers:
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