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World's Strongest Swordsman
He wasn't really inconsistent with Onigashima. It was said Kaido will aim for the rooftop because Onigashima is too small to contain his Dragon form. And the stairs leading into Onigashima were also seen from distance. Onigashima being said to be 10km+ was just some weird fan calculation that took elements, like tree branches, out of proportion.
Just not true it had multiple numbers in Oars size which are what 60 m and Queen was looking down on them from what the second floor iirc and they looked tiny and there's 5 floors. And that's just the inside of the skull.
BTW, this chapter seems to destroy the Momotaro argument. Momo seems to leave this chapter to stop Onigashima, which sort of breaks the logic that Marco or the "pheasant" is supposed to be up there assisting. Not that I can't see Marco going up there eventually if he's recovered, but it doesn't look like Oda is following that little story, unless it happens later?
Gonna be honest I was angry but not because of Luffy. The problem is Oda and his shitty writing. Luffy awakening adv CoC was fine for me but this is just a Fairy Tail lvl of writing. One Piece was my favourite manga and my childhood but it went downhill in so may ways. I shit on Luffy
I really hope the clash is somewhat like Adcoc coated Boundman attack or other gear 4 or 5 attack Vs Kaido's clash lol
If it's base Luffy sky splitting then I'm gonna take solid 6 month break:catsweat:
You know damn well if this was Zoro splitting the sky we would have forum orgy taking place
Really? Is that why people are still downplaying Zoro blocking Hakai? The strongest attack we've seen in the entire manga.

I agree that splitting the sky is an impressive feat and it definitely proves that Luffy's on the next level. But I can't tell you how many times I've seen people consistently downplay blocking Hakai. It's so bad they consider TB a stronger attack.


You can't win
Jozu for example blocked Mihawk's slash, which towered over the Moby dick, effortlessly. Zoro blocked Hakai for e few seconds at the cost of having his body crushed, without nullifying the attack. Which is still great, but not out of everyone's league. The two Yonko were also pretty casual using that move.
Precisely: The impressive thing around the hakai feats are the fact Zoro could actually block it for a second, plus the fact he endured it a bit the time of the block, but ultimately he still couldn't fully stop it and would have died if he took the attack completely(saved by Law), which while impressive, isn't really a top tier lvl feat
He wasn't trying to defeat Vista. He didn't even take him serious.

This is the greatest hype we've seen throughout the entire war.

Luffy not wishing to fight Mihawk because he's too strong even though he had no problems facing 3 admirals. The man who feats nothing feared Mihawk.
He feared the blade. The condoms are weak to those things.
Anyway, back to vista vs mihawk, actually vista is the one who looks unimpressed and boored, to the point he had mihawk begging for his life and asking for a withdrawal.:milaugh:
Also, do you call Luffy being a punching bag vs the admirals a fight? Damn, must have been a crazy ``fight`` then.
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