BleakAsh likes both Zoro and Sanji, nothing wrong with it
i kinda feel bad after hearing that coz i predominantly wank sanji here who gets downplayed and criticize zoro fans for overwanking and Underwanking through ad hominem.. i rarely talk about zoro.. and barely anyone wanks his character to the roof than his strength which is the part I like the most about him.. it sad how this forum gets us segregated due to conceptions
since it doesn't sit right with them that i see zoro more grounded than them they call me fake coz i don't sit on the same wave length as their "requirements".
this forum in general is a colorful mess or OP fan base itself.. Kid gets abased for basically being humble rather than taking that as a development in mentality they take it as character's degradation , Killer under-waned for fighting hawkins, sanji hated for being sanji and compared to zoro, Luffy hated for being MC and not zoro or sanji.. Zoro getting hated for having such fans.. it comes full circle
I'm just looking for a chance to make certain pivotal threads that require attention and explore OP as a story than PS bs.. and take a hike.
call it sounding butt hurt.. but that doesn't change the reality of how indifferent and ignorant we are to what matters irl snd here as well
well can't point at anyone since i post my fair share of BS here lmao..
huh.. fuck what majority thinks honestly.. as long as you can comprehend and derive details out of something intuitively.. thats what matters.. YOU UNDERSTANDING WHAT ONE PIECE IS COMPREHENSIVELY and the intentions, story, story, philosophy behind characters and themes.
the days when some of us cried to what Hiruluk said before he died or WB's speech.. or even LUFFY Screaming out to Robin.... those days were golden.. ig publicizing opinion have its fair share of merits and demirts..