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Nick the Hick

Considering who was the D1 vote, isn't it funny that Nick decided to policy vote Ekko in his very first post of the game, only to never remove his vote? Post 7.

Post 408, Nick's catchup in D1, has a couple of pingy things. First, I do not like how he scum reads Prof for being hit with a PR. Kind of weird he calls Ramsey scummy out of all things. Second, Ekko being 'quiet' is apparently a good thing in Nick's eyes despite activity being completely NAI for Ekko. You can look at his other reads and see how you feel about them, but they're not great.

So, starting with post 454, there are some interactions between Ekko and Nick. It continues in posts 504, 515, 521, 578, and it might seem like some early fake interaction between these two. 578 is interesting to me because after saying that Ekko looked good in his previous reads, and then interacting with him in a way where, it really seemed like Nick was throwing soft shade at Ekko, still has Ekko in the null pile.

Post 1308 is going to be important later on down the road. He asks for ZoroTuna's claim and says that his vote is going to end up on him unless he seems something better. Please note that Nick's reasons for his hard stance on Zoro can be found in the very convincing post 1245. This also kind of looks like Nick is sitting back and keeping his voting options open, something he does a lot of in D2.

Post 1335 is fun for me because Nick asks me if I have any additional reasons for ZoroTuna despite sussing him himself for little reasons. If you read my words, I'm kind of half-hearted about Zoro, and you'll see in D2, how Nick votes me partly because I was content with a ZoroTuna CFD (more on that later).

Post 1340 is Nick telling me he agrees with ZoroTuna about some of his points on me. Note, he doesn't specify which posts, just says some so he can turn his heel on me. Also note, this is the same guy 32 posts ago that Nick said he was going to most likely vote for at the end, but now he's agreeing with the guy he wants to vote the most. How does that make sense?

Post 1446 is kind of another awkward post about ZoroTuna. This is continuing trend where Nick has openly said he wants to vote for ZoroTuna, but then questions everyone else who does, almost in a defensive manner. I get that you want to be wary of people sheeping votes, but it seemed like he was trying almost too hard at asking people why they were voting ZoroTuna. I know if I view someone so scummy I'm content to possibly place my vote there, I'm happy when others vote that person, not combative about it. Post 1452 is even him being conscious of what he's doing.

Post 1716 here is Nick responding to Tpein calling him out for town reading Ekko but CFDing him. Now, Nick didn't go as far as to call Ekko town, but as I posted above, he did say, and his only real comment about how he felt about Ekko's alignment, was that Ekko being quieter made Nick feel good about him. As I also pointed out, Nickhad his vote on Ekko since the first post of the game, no technically he wasn't CFDing him. This gives me the feel of a frozen partner here since he was VERY quiet during EOD.

This ends Nick's D1. There was no real attempt to game solve from him and I felt like he didn't really engage in any meaningful interactions. He never moved his vote off of Ekko after 'policy voting' him. He talked a little about ZoroTuna, and despite saying he'd probably vote for him at the end, never showed any inclination of voting that way. Then he was super quiet at EOD as a CFD on Ekko happened. Lots here to make me think he's scum and Ekko's partner.

Post 1811 he is conveniently RC'd despite being someone I don't think would be a high priority to be RC'd.

post 1831 is where he begins to suss me. He throws me, Fuji, and Mango out because we were all apparently late voters to Ekko's CFD. Tell me, doesn't CFDs usually happen quickly and at EOD? I don't know how someone can be sussed for being a late vote for something like this that develops so quickly. Not only that, but it just seems lazy to suss those people instead of looking at people who didn't vote for Ekko or didn't vote at all. This just feels like an easy way for Nick to start 'hunting' in D2.

Post 1874 once again asking about later voters of Ekko. Please note that Fuji has now been dropped from him calling out me and Mango.

Post 1893 weird comment on Lind possibly being anti-town. I mean, possibly, but why bring it up right here? Feels like Nick trying to cause paranoia.

Post 1895 throws shade Ratchet's way for some reason.

Post 1912 and 1948 are back to back posts by Nick asking for claims. He also asked, or said he'd be fine getting, for three claims in D1 (Lind, Adam, and ZoroTuna). Feels like a lot to ask for.

Post 1962 is another kind of weird self recognition post of Nick saying he knows he's asking for claims, but it's like he's asking for a mass claim. So a game where we have no idea what flavor looks like, and we have a janitor, Nick seems quite alright with claims being out there, no matter what he's saying here. Also, is this a wolf tell of Nick's that he calls himself out for what people might think is scummy behavior? As I posted above, this isn't the first time he's done this. Almost to stop people from calling him out on it.

Post 1986 where have I heard this before?

Post 2004 brings up the point of how he doesn't know if he can trust Tpein anymore but then, just drops it? For what purpose was this post made?

Post 2032 another weird post where he acknowledges that claims are probably shit now but as said before, he's been comfortable with claims. Is this another example of him getting ahead of any potential bad press coverage he may get for some of the things he's said?

Post 2355 This is a super stinky post. First, Nick is seemingly convinced by Adam here, to vote for Fuji, despite saying he'd probably end up voting me or Marimo. Didn't take much to change his mind. Second, he's already setting up Fuji's flip and who he might go after once he does. Not the first time he does this. Third, says Cal is a good vote, despite not voting for him. This is the same thing he susses me for doing with ZoroTuna, one of the reasons why he votes for me this phase.

Post 2361 says Mango is Fuji's buddy. Seems jumpy and ready to set up his next vote.

Post 2371 now, I should have maybe pulled posts from before, and I know there will be posts after, but Nick has done a lot of 'dead fishing' like you see in this post. What I mean by that, is that when anyone gets a bit confrontational with them, he kind of just stone walls it and goes 'nah, we ain't talking' and just drops or ignores its. He's been very unwilling to engage with meaningful arguments, which is probably one of the biggest reasons he's wolf here.

Post 2410 is just pure irony when he says we have too many claims seeing as how he was content with at least five people claiming already this game.

Post 2415 shades Ratchet again for no reason.

Post 2438 here's just another bad post. First, remember Nick sussed me and Conq for saying that ZoroTuna was a decent vote. But now he's just kind of shrugging off Cal for sussing Nick for that exact same reason.

Post 2454 dead fishes Ratchet.

Post 2469 are fourth leading poster is apparently lazy this game. I understand he's sick, no doubt there, but he's clearly a beast powering through his illness because I wouldn't call his game lazy at all.

Post 2471 here is his 'lazy' reads. Really random reads, but interesting to note that he brings up Ali's name for some reason (future place to put a vote?) and how Conq is null, despite him mentioning me and him in the same light for being okay with a ZoroTuna CFD in D1, something Nick consistently susses me for.

Post 2508 is interesting. Nat offers him a vote on me and he refuses. It really makes me think like Nick did not want to change his vote to a wagon that had less votes.

Post 2521 how many times has Nick done this in this game? Once again calling out someone for saying someone is suss but not having their vote on them. I mean, Nick is no newbie to this game, you can suss multiple people while having your vote placed somewhere else for a bit, kind of like how he is doing by constantly shading my name while not voting me. This feels like an unfair hand Nick is dealing out.

Post 2611 Nick responds to Fuji calling him out for something I have an issue with as well, Nick sussing people who were late to the Ekko CFD in D1. At the end of the day, we voted out scum D1, that's a huge win. It wasn't like there was a ton of votes on Ekko at EOD, but the fact that Nick wants to swoop over late voters should make you look at Nick as suss. Not only that, but then he goes and calls Fuji out for OMGUS. Not a great defense.

Post 2620 is another example of something Nick has done this game that I haven't liked, but haven't posted prior examples of it. Nick has, on more than one occasion, called out this game as being hostile, which I don't really think it has? Whenever I see a post like this of Nick's, it makes me feel like he's faking his emotions.

Post 2627 supports my theory that Nick doesn't like to vote where the wagon isn't built. I mean, if he is going to come off of Fuji, it's 100 logic for Nick to immediately vote for me given how he's viewed and talked about my slot this entire game. Yet, he looks back at Nat for confirmation, almost like he wants her to take the lead so he isn't the one to be blame for me being mislynched. I do not like this approach at all from Nick, who I've seen as town close up, be fearless in his pursuit of scum. Post 2639 he votes me after Nat does. Post 2651 doesn't really care that I am not around AT ALL to defend myself. That's a good townie right there. Post 2655 makes a weird comment feinting surprise that the wagon built on me quickly despite saying I've been scummy all phase. Fake emotion?

Post 2680 now he wants to CFD Tpein? WTF?

Post 2728 we finally get Nick's most coherent post yet of why he susses me. Remember, Nick sussed me earlier about how I was a late voter on Ekko's CFD. So when Nick finally decides to state his case against me, don't you think he should include everything he's got on me? Instead, he chooses to focus, once again, despite me going back and forth with the man himself about the this exact point, on how I was okay with a ZoroTuna CFD and didn't actually vote for him. Remember, we've already identified Nick is doing this exact same thing this game. Also, we saw how Conq is NULL in Nick's eyes, despite Nick, admitting in the same post, that Conq did the same thing. How does that work? This just shows to me Nick is inconsistent. I also get called scum because of me not being around, despite me saying I wouldn't be able to be around.

Post 2742 adding paranoia to game state. No point in this post.

Post 2822 dead fish.

Post 2831 and 2830 he seems interested in where others are voting. Is there some PTSD from D1's CFD on his mate?

Post 2845 fake emotion. When called out about this before, he didn't care at all.

Post 2855 shocked someone else is voting for me. Continues trend of being defensive against people potentially sheeping votes. Again, this feels like a way for Nick to setup his next vote when his current suss, in this case me, flips town, he can say he had a reason, but these people who voted him didn't, thus we should go after them.

Post 2893 the end of his mini interaction with YTW about their vote on me, which ends with Nick just dropping the fact that YTW voted me after a dice roll. Hella suss on both.

Post 2979 just such a bad, wolfy post. Already setting up where his vote goes next after I flip town. Post 2987 is another example of this.

Post 2997 fake emotion. 2999 as well, once again commenting how hostile this game apparently is, despite being the one yelling at Cal.

Post 3013 look at this dishonest fuck. He literally is playing dumb about the dice despite me pointing out he had an interaction with YTW about this. Nick and YTW are probably on Ekko's team. Post 3018 more dishonesty. Nick didn't question fuck all, all he did was write a question mark and then dropped it. So fucking scummy.

Post 3019 here's another post where Nick yet again says me and Conq did the same thing, but has never scum read or voted Conq, just me. So if we both are blamed for doing the same shit, shouldn't we both be equally sussed?

Post 3031 and 3038 because it's just a disingenious painting of my narrative. Like, if there is five minute left at EOD and there's a CFD going on last second, are the people joining last REALLY scum bussing at last minute to try and get cheap credit? There's just so many other options why that happens, mainly because it's happening at the last fucking second of the phase so of course things are going to be rushed last second and all over the place. If I see the writing is on the wall for my partner, don't I try to be a little ahead on the CFD instead of just standing there with my pants around my ankles when I'm present at EOD and am actually chatting about the merits of an Ekko CFD? That's just poor fucking play on my part where I'm actually active and I huge misrepresentation of my skill as a player.

Post 3070 feels like a setup. I mean, I clearly was not around during D2, I posted saying I still had an hour drive home from work, but Nick, knowing there's about an hour and half left at EOD at this point, says this. I feel like if I had been the vote here, after I flipped town Nick would have said something like 'he had a chance to catchup and give me a reason not to vote for him but he didn't'. Just reeks of this guys giving out fake patience.

Post 3070 so after being convinced by Adam's case on Fuji, and only not voting him because of Kvo's invest on him, Nick drops this comment. Considering how scummy Fuji's play is, to be this nonchalant about this possibility is just wild in my eyes.

Post 3106 EASILY is convinced to vote for Nat despite never talking about her. Real good move. He doesn't care where the vote is as long as it isn't on one of his mates.

Post 3128 what is this shit even? Like, so much fake smugness and it's disgusting. He's literally voting Nat in a CFD, but feels the need to chastise here? He just needs to burn at this point.

Post 3182 quite happy to be part of a CFD again (that ended up being on a townie).

Overall, there's been nothing townie about this guy at all. I got a close look at him at town in my HXH game, where he was confident, pushed his suspects, and didn't waver. In this game, he doesn't care at all where his vote is an has been waiting in the corner to pounce at the right time. There's been a lot of fake emotion and hypocriticism in his game. Nick needs to die a million ways.

Vote Nick

Yo Tan Wa Has Got To Go Yeah

Opening posts 592, 595, 598, 602, 640, are all fluff and doesn't really show me much urgency from a sub. While some might say this is NAI, I can't let this much fluff slide for a sub.

More fluff in posts 656, 671, 676, 718, you get the point.

So after a very uneventful D1, YTW hasn't really tried to solve the game, but there's evidence that they have been reading and catching up in the game, as you can see in some of their D2 posts.

Post 2030 is pingy because it feels like YTW is trying to setup some future votes by saying that anyone saying not all characters are bad/good, like Ekko was about the SH, might have TMI and should be looked at. That's not very sound logic and feels like an easy cop out to justify a vote.

Post 2063 oh, look at what YTW is doing, calling someone out for saying they suss someone even though their vote is on someone else. Where have I heard this before? Oh right, from our wolf friend Nick!

Post 2088 asks for Adam to claim. Does YTW even have any authority to ask for that?

Post 2100 asks Enryu for the names of their abilities. Nick and YTW really love fishing for these claims. Post 2103 asks again. I guess this is also interesting when you think that Enryu mentioned a lie detect. Post 2426 more fishing.

Post 2158 this is a trend of YTW's in this game where YTW asks a people for their opinions or asks them a question, but never really gives their own opinions on things. This one in particular is kind of pingy because YTW is interested in me all of a sudden. Him and Nick coming at me together is really suss.

Post 2169 doesn't give a straight answer about who they scum read, leaving the door wide open for wherever they do eventually choose to vote.

Post 2842 it just feels like YTW is having trouble scum hunting and is looking for an easy place to put their vote. In fact, if you look at Nick and YTW's posts in D2, there was a lot of asking people where they are voting and a lot of role fishing. They really were trying to collect a ton of information last day.

Post 2852 votes me, out of the blue for not reason as of yet.

Post 2859 this just seems like odd advice from someone who is just voting randomly and without a reason?

Post 2865 here's YTW and Nick's interaction, something I already touched upon in my case against Nick. This just smells like a fake interaction with how lazy these back and forth was and how Nick just dropped it without pressing it further. If Nick really was concerned with players sheeping wagons and voting without giving reasons themselves, he really should have pushed YTW harder here, but he never did.

Post 2866 and here we have YTW's last post of D2, them saying that they are voting for me because they rolled a dice and then dipping. No explanation why they decided to randomly roll a dice for their vote, but this all goes back to me saying that they were struggling with where to place a proper vote in order to not be suspected. Considering Nick was on my ass all game, this was an easy sheep for YTW.


Ripped Cal

Kvothe Kingkiller




Light D Lamperouge


Yo Tan Wa
Nick the Hick

Considering who was the D1 vote, isn't it funny that Nick decided to policy vote Ekko in his very first post of the game, only to never remove his vote? Post 7.

Post 408, Nick's catchup in D1, has a couple of pingy things. First, I do not like how he scum reads Prof for being hit with a PR. Kind of weird he calls Ramsey scummy out of all things. Second, Ekko being 'quiet' is apparently a good thing in Nick's eyes despite activity being completely NAI for Ekko. You can look at his other reads and see how you feel about them, but they're not great.

So, starting with post 454, there are some interactions between Ekko and Nick. It continues in posts 504, 515, 521, 578, and it might seem like some early fake interaction between these two. 578 is interesting to me because after saying that Ekko looked good in his previous reads, and then interacting with him in a way where, it really seemed like Nick was throwing soft shade at Ekko, still has Ekko in the null pile.

Post 1308 is going to be important later on down the road. He asks for ZoroTuna's claim and says that his vote is going to end up on him unless he seems something better. Please note that Nick's reasons for his hard stance on Zoro can be found in the very convincing post 1245. This also kind of looks like Nick is sitting back and keeping his voting options open, something he does a lot of in D2.

Post 1335 is fun for me because Nick asks me if I have any additional reasons for ZoroTuna despite sussing him himself for little reasons. If you read my words, I'm kind of half-hearted about Zoro, and you'll see in D2, how Nick votes me partly because I was content with a ZoroTuna CFD (more on that later).

Post 1340 is Nick telling me he agrees with ZoroTuna about some of his points on me. Note, he doesn't specify which posts, just says some so he can turn his heel on me. Also note, this is the same guy 32 posts ago that Nick said he was going to most likely vote for at the end, but now he's agreeing with the guy he wants to vote the most. How does that make sense?

Post 1446 is kind of another awkward post about ZoroTuna. This is continuing trend where Nick has openly said he wants to vote for ZoroTuna, but then questions everyone else who does, almost in a defensive manner. I get that you want to be wary of people sheeping votes, but it seemed like he was trying almost too hard at asking people why they were voting ZoroTuna. I know if I view someone so scummy I'm content to possibly place my vote there, I'm happy when others vote that person, not combative about it. Post 1452 is even him being conscious of what he's doing.

Post 1716 here is Nick responding to Tpein calling him out for town reading Ekko but CFDing him. Now, Nick didn't go as far as to call Ekko town, but as I posted above, he did say, and his only real comment about how he felt about Ekko's alignment, was that Ekko being quieter made Nick feel good about him. As I also pointed out, Nickhad his vote on Ekko since the first post of the game, no technically he wasn't CFDing him. This gives me the feel of a frozen partner here since he was VERY quiet during EOD.

This ends Nick's D1. There was no real attempt to game solve from him and I felt like he didn't really engage in any meaningful interactions. He never moved his vote off of Ekko after 'policy voting' him. He talked a little about ZoroTuna, and despite saying he'd probably vote for him at the end, never showed any inclination of voting that way. Then he was super quiet at EOD as a CFD on Ekko happened. Lots here to make me think he's scum and Ekko's partner.

Post 1811 he is conveniently RC'd despite being someone I don't think would be a high priority to be RC'd.

post 1831 is where he begins to suss me. He throws me, Fuji, and Mango out because we were all apparently late voters to Ekko's CFD. Tell me, doesn't CFDs usually happen quickly and at EOD? I don't know how someone can be sussed for being a late vote for something like this that develops so quickly. Not only that, but it just seems lazy to suss those people instead of looking at people who didn't vote for Ekko or didn't vote at all. This just feels like an easy way for Nick to start 'hunting' in D2.

Post 1874 once again asking about later voters of Ekko. Please note that Fuji has now been dropped from him calling out me and Mango.

Post 1893 weird comment on Lind possibly being anti-town. I mean, possibly, but why bring it up right here? Feels like Nick trying to cause paranoia.

Post 1895 throws shade Ratchet's way for some reason.

Post 1912 and 1948 are back to back posts by Nick asking for claims. He also asked, or said he'd be fine getting, for three claims in D1 (Lind, Adam, and ZoroTuna). Feels like a lot to ask for.

Post 1962 is another kind of weird self recognition post of Nick saying he knows he's asking for claims, but it's like he's asking for a mass claim. So a game where we have no idea what flavor looks like, and we have a janitor, Nick seems quite alright with claims being out there, no matter what he's saying here. Also, is this a wolf tell of Nick's that he calls himself out for what people might think is scummy behavior? As I posted above, this isn't the first time he's done this. Almost to stop people from calling him out on it.

Post 1986 where have I heard this before?

Post 2004 brings up the point of how he doesn't know if he can trust Tpein anymore but then, just drops it? For what purpose was this post made?

Post 2032 another weird post where he acknowledges that claims are probably shit now but as said before, he's been comfortable with claims. Is this another example of him getting ahead of any potential bad press coverage he may get for some of the things he's said?

Post 2355 This is a super stinky post. First, Nick is seemingly convinced by Adam here, to vote for Fuji, despite saying he'd probably end up voting me or Marimo. Didn't take much to change his mind. Second, he's already setting up Fuji's flip and who he might go after once he does. Not the first time he does this. Third, says Cal is a good vote, despite not voting for him. This is the same thing he susses me for doing with ZoroTuna, one of the reasons why he votes for me this phase.

Post 2361 says Mango is Fuji's buddy. Seems jumpy and ready to set up his next vote.

Post 2371 now, I should have maybe pulled posts from before, and I know there will be posts after, but Nick has done a lot of 'dead fishing' like you see in this post. What I mean by that, is that when anyone gets a bit confrontational with them, he kind of just stone walls it and goes 'nah, we ain't talking' and just drops or ignores its. He's been very unwilling to engage with meaningful arguments, which is probably one of the biggest reasons he's wolf here.

Post 2410 is just pure irony when he says we have too many claims seeing as how he was content with at least five people claiming already this game.

Post 2415 shades Ratchet again for no reason.

Post 2438 here's just another bad post. First, remember Nick sussed me and Conq for saying that ZoroTuna was a decent vote. But now he's just kind of shrugging off Cal for sussing Nick for that exact same reason.

Post 2454 dead fishes Ratchet.

Post 2469 are fourth leading poster is apparently lazy this game. I understand he's sick, no doubt there, but he's clearly a beast powering through his illness because I wouldn't call his game lazy at all.

Post 2471 here is his 'lazy' reads. Really random reads, but interesting to note that he brings up Ali's name for some reason (future place to put a vote?) and how Conq is null, despite him mentioning me and him in the same light for being okay with a ZoroTuna CFD in D1, something Nick consistently susses me for.

Post 2508 is interesting. Nat offers him a vote on me and he refuses. It really makes me think like Nick did not want to change his vote to a wagon that had less votes.

Post 2521 how many times has Nick done this in this game? Once again calling out someone for saying someone is suss but not having their vote on them. I mean, Nick is no newbie to this game, you can suss multiple people while having your vote placed somewhere else for a bit, kind of like how he is doing by constantly shading my name while not voting me. This feels like an unfair hand Nick is dealing out.

Post 2611 Nick responds to Fuji calling him out for something I have an issue with as well, Nick sussing people who were late to the Ekko CFD in D1. At the end of the day, we voted out scum D1, that's a huge win. It wasn't like there was a ton of votes on Ekko at EOD, but the fact that Nick wants to swoop over late voters should make you look at Nick as suss. Not only that, but then he goes and calls Fuji out for OMGUS. Not a great defense.

Post 2620 is another example of something Nick has done this game that I haven't liked, but haven't posted prior examples of it. Nick has, on more than one occasion, called out this game as being hostile, which I don't really think it has? Whenever I see a post like this of Nick's, it makes me feel like he's faking his emotions.

Post 2627 supports my theory that Nick doesn't like to vote where the wagon isn't built. I mean, if he is going to come off of Fuji, it's 100 logic for Nick to immediately vote for me given how he's viewed and talked about my slot this entire game. Yet, he looks back at Nat for confirmation, almost like he wants her to take the lead so he isn't the one to be blame for me being mislynched. I do not like this approach at all from Nick, who I've seen as town close up, be fearless in his pursuit of scum. Post 2639 he votes me after Nat does. Post 2651 doesn't really care that I am not around AT ALL to defend myself. That's a good townie right there. Post 2655 makes a weird comment feinting surprise that the wagon built on me quickly despite saying I've been scummy all phase. Fake emotion?

Post 2680 now he wants to CFD Tpein? WTF?

Post 2728 we finally get Nick's most coherent post yet of why he susses me. Remember, Nick sussed me earlier about how I was a late voter on Ekko's CFD. So when Nick finally decides to state his case against me, don't you think he should include everything he's got on me? Instead, he chooses to focus, once again, despite me going back and forth with the man himself about the this exact point, on how I was okay with a ZoroTuna CFD and didn't actually vote for him. Remember, we've already identified Nick is doing this exact same thing this game. Also, we saw how Conq is NULL in Nick's eyes, despite Nick, admitting in the same post, that Conq did the same thing. How does that work? This just shows to me Nick is inconsistent. I also get called scum because of me not being around, despite me saying I wouldn't be able to be around.

Post 2742 adding paranoia to game state. No point in this post.

Post 2822 dead fish.

Post 2831 and 2830 he seems interested in where others are voting. Is there some PTSD from D1's CFD on his mate?

Post 2845 fake emotion. When called out about this before, he didn't care at all.

Post 2855 shocked someone else is voting for me. Continues trend of being defensive against people potentially sheeping votes. Again, this feels like a way for Nick to setup his next vote when his current suss, in this case me, flips town, he can say he had a reason, but these people who voted him didn't, thus we should go after them.

Post 2893 the end of his mini interaction with YTW about their vote on me, which ends with Nick just dropping the fact that YTW voted me after a dice roll. Hella suss on both.

Post 2979 just such a bad, wolfy post. Already setting up where his vote goes next after I flip town. Post 2987 is another example of this.

Post 2997 fake emotion. 2999 as well, once again commenting how hostile this game apparently is, despite being the one yelling at Cal.

Post 3013 look at this dishonest fuck. He literally is playing dumb about the dice despite me pointing out he had an interaction with YTW about this. Nick and YTW are probably on Ekko's team. Post 3018 more dishonesty. Nick didn't question fuck all, all he did was write a question mark and then dropped it. So fucking scummy.

Post 3019 here's another post where Nick yet again says me and Conq did the same thing, but has never scum read or voted Conq, just me. So if we both are blamed for doing the same shit, shouldn't we both be equally sussed?

Post 3031 and 3038 because it's just a disingenious painting of my narrative. Like, if there is five minute left at EOD and there's a CFD going on last second, are the people joining last REALLY scum bussing at last minute to try and get cheap credit? There's just so many other options why that happens, mainly because it's happening at the last fucking second of the phase so of course things are going to be rushed last second and all over the place. If I see the writing is on the wall for my partner, don't I try to be a little ahead on the CFD instead of just standing there with my pants around my ankles when I'm present at EOD and am actually chatting about the merits of an Ekko CFD? That's just poor fucking play on my part where I'm actually active and I huge misrepresentation of my skill as a player.

Post 3070 feels like a setup. I mean, I clearly was not around during D2, I posted saying I still had an hour drive home from work, but Nick, knowing there's about an hour and half left at EOD at this point, says this. I feel like if I had been the vote here, after I flipped town Nick would have said something like 'he had a chance to catchup and give me a reason not to vote for him but he didn't'. Just reeks of this guys giving out fake patience.

Post 3070 so after being convinced by Adam's case on Fuji, and only not voting him because of Kvo's invest on him, Nick drops this comment. Considering how scummy Fuji's play is, to be this nonchalant about this possibility is just wild in my eyes.

Post 3106 EASILY is convinced to vote for Nat despite never talking about her. Real good move. He doesn't care where the vote is as long as it isn't on one of his mates.

Post 3128 what is this shit even? Like, so much fake smugness and it's disgusting. He's literally voting Nat in a CFD, but feels the need to chastise here? He just needs to burn at this point.

Post 3182 quite happy to be part of a CFD again (that ended up being on a townie).

Overall, there's been nothing townie about this guy at all. I got a close look at him at town in my HXH game, where he was confident, pushed his suspects, and didn't waver. In this game, he doesn't care at all where his vote is an has been waiting in the corner to pounce at the right time. There's been a lot of fake emotion and hypocriticism in his game. Nick needs to die a million ways.

Vote Nick

Yo Tan Wa Has Got To Go Yeah

Opening posts 592, 595, 598, 602, 640, are all fluff and doesn't really show me much urgency from a sub. While some might say this is NAI, I can't let this much fluff slide for a sub.

More fluff in posts 656, 671, 676, 718, you get the point.

So after a very uneventful D1, YTW hasn't really tried to solve the game, but there's evidence that they have been reading and catching up in the game, as you can see in some of their D2 posts.

Post 2030 is pingy because it feels like YTW is trying to setup some future votes by saying that anyone saying not all characters are bad/good, like Ekko was about the SH, might have TMI and should be looked at. That's not very sound logic and feels like an easy cop out to justify a vote.

Post 2063 oh, look at what YTW is doing, calling someone out for saying they suss someone even though their vote is on someone else. Where have I heard this before? Oh right, from our wolf friend Nick!

Post 2088 asks for Adam to claim. Does YTW even have any authority to ask for that?

Post 2100 asks Enryu for the names of their abilities. Nick and YTW really love fishing for these claims. Post 2103 asks again. I guess this is also interesting when you think that Enryu mentioned a lie detect. Post 2426 more fishing.

Post 2158 this is a trend of YTW's in this game where YTW asks a people for their opinions or asks them a question, but never really gives their own opinions on things. This one in particular is kind of pingy because YTW is interested in me all of a sudden. Him and Nick coming at me together is really suss.

Post 2169 doesn't give a straight answer about who they scum read, leaving the door wide open for wherever they do eventually choose to vote.

Post 2842 it just feels like YTW is having trouble scum hunting and is looking for an easy place to put their vote. In fact, if you look at Nick and YTW's posts in D2, there was a lot of asking people where they are voting and a lot of role fishing. They really were trying to collect a ton of information last day.

Post 2852 votes me, out of the blue for not reason as of yet.

Post 2859 this just seems like odd advice from someone who is just voting randomly and without a reason?

Post 2865 here's YTW and Nick's interaction, something I already touched upon in my case against Nick. This just smells like a fake interaction with how lazy these back and forth was and how Nick just dropped it without pressing it further. If Nick really was concerned with players sheeping wagons and voting without giving reasons themselves, he really should have pushed YTW harder here, but he never did.

Post 2866 and here we have YTW's last post of D2, them saying that they are voting for me because they rolled a dice and then dipping. No explanation why they decided to randomly roll a dice for their vote, but this all goes back to me saying that they were struggling with where to place a proper vote in order to not be suspected. Considering Nick was on my ass all game, this was an easy sheep for YTW.


Ripped Cal

Kvothe Kingkiller




Light D Lamperouge


Yo Tan Wa
What shit is this:milaugh:

I am not readin it lmao


Lead them to paradise.
Nick the Hick

Considering who was the D1 vote, isn't it funny that Nick decided to policy vote Ekko in his very first post of the game, only to never remove his vote? Post 7.

Post 408, Nick's catchup in D1, has a couple of pingy things. First, I do not like how he scum reads Prof for being hit with a PR. Kind of weird he calls Ramsey scummy out of all things. Second, Ekko being 'quiet' is apparently a good thing in Nick's eyes despite activity being completely NAI for Ekko. You can look at his other reads and see how you feel about them, but they're not great.

So, starting with post 454, there are some interactions between Ekko and Nick. It continues in posts 504, 515, 521, 578, and it might seem like some early fake interaction between these two. 578 is interesting to me because after saying that Ekko looked good in his previous reads, and then interacting with him in a way where, it really seemed like Nick was throwing soft shade at Ekko, still has Ekko in the null pile.

Post 1308 is going to be important later on down the road. He asks for ZoroTuna's claim and says that his vote is going to end up on him unless he seems something better. Please note that Nick's reasons for his hard stance on Zoro can be found in the very convincing post 1245. This also kind of looks like Nick is sitting back and keeping his voting options open, something he does a lot of in D2.

Post 1335 is fun for me because Nick asks me if I have any additional reasons for ZoroTuna despite sussing him himself for little reasons. If you read my words, I'm kind of half-hearted about Zoro, and you'll see in D2, how Nick votes me partly because I was content with a ZoroTuna CFD (more on that later).

Post 1340 is Nick telling me he agrees with ZoroTuna about some of his points on me. Note, he doesn't specify which posts, just says some so he can turn his heel on me. Also note, this is the same guy 32 posts ago that Nick said he was going to most likely vote for at the end, but now he's agreeing with the guy he wants to vote the most. How does that make sense?

Post 1446 is kind of another awkward post about ZoroTuna. This is continuing trend where Nick has openly said he wants to vote for ZoroTuna, but then questions everyone else who does, almost in a defensive manner. I get that you want to be wary of people sheeping votes, but it seemed like he was trying almost too hard at asking people why they were voting ZoroTuna. I know if I view someone so scummy I'm content to possibly place my vote there, I'm happy when others vote that person, not combative about it. Post 1452 is even him being conscious of what he's doing.

Post 1716 here is Nick responding to Tpein calling him out for town reading Ekko but CFDing him. Now, Nick didn't go as far as to call Ekko town, but as I posted above, he did say, and his only real comment about how he felt about Ekko's alignment, was that Ekko being quieter made Nick feel good about him. As I also pointed out, Nickhad his vote on Ekko since the first post of the game, no technically he wasn't CFDing him. This gives me the feel of a frozen partner here since he was VERY quiet during EOD.

This ends Nick's D1. There was no real attempt to game solve from him and I felt like he didn't really engage in any meaningful interactions. He never moved his vote off of Ekko after 'policy voting' him. He talked a little about ZoroTuna, and despite saying he'd probably vote for him at the end, never showed any inclination of voting that way. Then he was super quiet at EOD as a CFD on Ekko happened. Lots here to make me think he's scum and Ekko's partner.

Post 1811 he is conveniently RC'd despite being someone I don't think would be a high priority to be RC'd.

post 1831 is where he begins to suss me. He throws me, Fuji, and Mango out because we were all apparently late voters to Ekko's CFD. Tell me, doesn't CFDs usually happen quickly and at EOD? I don't know how someone can be sussed for being a late vote for something like this that develops so quickly. Not only that, but it just seems lazy to suss those people instead of looking at people who didn't vote for Ekko or didn't vote at all. This just feels like an easy way for Nick to start 'hunting' in D2.

Post 1874 once again asking about later voters of Ekko. Please note that Fuji has now been dropped from him calling out me and Mango.

Post 1893 weird comment on Lind possibly being anti-town. I mean, possibly, but why bring it up right here? Feels like Nick trying to cause paranoia.

Post 1895 throws shade Ratchet's way for some reason.

Post 1912 and 1948 are back to back posts by Nick asking for claims. He also asked, or said he'd be fine getting, for three claims in D1 (Lind, Adam, and ZoroTuna). Feels like a lot to ask for.

Post 1962 is another kind of weird self recognition post of Nick saying he knows he's asking for claims, but it's like he's asking for a mass claim. So a game where we have no idea what flavor looks like, and we have a janitor, Nick seems quite alright with claims being out there, no matter what he's saying here. Also, is this a wolf tell of Nick's that he calls himself out for what people might think is scummy behavior? As I posted above, this isn't the first time he's done this. Almost to stop people from calling him out on it.

Post 1986 where have I heard this before?

Post 2004 brings up the point of how he doesn't know if he can trust Tpein anymore but then, just drops it? For what purpose was this post made?

Post 2032 another weird post where he acknowledges that claims are probably shit now but as said before, he's been comfortable with claims. Is this another example of him getting ahead of any potential bad press coverage he may get for some of the things he's said?

Post 2355 This is a super stinky post. First, Nick is seemingly convinced by Adam here, to vote for Fuji, despite saying he'd probably end up voting me or Marimo. Didn't take much to change his mind. Second, he's already setting up Fuji's flip and who he might go after once he does. Not the first time he does this. Third, says Cal is a good vote, despite not voting for him. This is the same thing he susses me for doing with ZoroTuna, one of the reasons why he votes for me this phase.

Post 2361 says Mango is Fuji's buddy. Seems jumpy and ready to set up his next vote.

Post 2371 now, I should have maybe pulled posts from before, and I know there will be posts after, but Nick has done a lot of 'dead fishing' like you see in this post. What I mean by that, is that when anyone gets a bit confrontational with them, he kind of just stone walls it and goes 'nah, we ain't talking' and just drops or ignores its. He's been very unwilling to engage with meaningful arguments, which is probably one of the biggest reasons he's wolf here.

Post 2410 is just pure irony when he says we have too many claims seeing as how he was content with at least five people claiming already this game.

Post 2415 shades Ratchet again for no reason.

Post 2438 here's just another bad post. First, remember Nick sussed me and Conq for saying that ZoroTuna was a decent vote. But now he's just kind of shrugging off Cal for sussing Nick for that exact same reason.

Post 2454 dead fishes Ratchet.

Post 2469 are fourth leading poster is apparently lazy this game. I understand he's sick, no doubt there, but he's clearly a beast powering through his illness because I wouldn't call his game lazy at all.

Post 2471 here is his 'lazy' reads. Really random reads, but interesting to note that he brings up Ali's name for some reason (future place to put a vote?) and how Conq is null, despite him mentioning me and him in the same light for being okay with a ZoroTuna CFD in D1, something Nick consistently susses me for.

Post 2508 is interesting. Nat offers him a vote on me and he refuses. It really makes me think like Nick did not want to change his vote to a wagon that had less votes.

Post 2521 how many times has Nick done this in this game? Once again calling out someone for saying someone is suss but not having their vote on them. I mean, Nick is no newbie to this game, you can suss multiple people while having your vote placed somewhere else for a bit, kind of like how he is doing by constantly shading my name while not voting me. This feels like an unfair hand Nick is dealing out.

Post 2611 Nick responds to Fuji calling him out for something I have an issue with as well, Nick sussing people who were late to the Ekko CFD in D1. At the end of the day, we voted out scum D1, that's a huge win. It wasn't like there was a ton of votes on Ekko at EOD, but the fact that Nick wants to swoop over late voters should make you look at Nick as suss. Not only that, but then he goes and calls Fuji out for OMGUS. Not a great defense.

Post 2620 is another example of something Nick has done this game that I haven't liked, but haven't posted prior examples of it. Nick has, on more than one occasion, called out this game as being hostile, which I don't really think it has? Whenever I see a post like this of Nick's, it makes me feel like he's faking his emotions.

Post 2627 supports my theory that Nick doesn't like to vote where the wagon isn't built. I mean, if he is going to come off of Fuji, it's 100 logic for Nick to immediately vote for me given how he's viewed and talked about my slot this entire game. Yet, he looks back at Nat for confirmation, almost like he wants her to take the lead so he isn't the one to be blame for me being mislynched. I do not like this approach at all from Nick, who I've seen as town close up, be fearless in his pursuit of scum. Post 2639 he votes me after Nat does. Post 2651 doesn't really care that I am not around AT ALL to defend myself. That's a good townie right there. Post 2655 makes a weird comment feinting surprise that the wagon built on me quickly despite saying I've been scummy all phase. Fake emotion?

Post 2680 now he wants to CFD Tpein? WTF?

Post 2728 we finally get Nick's most coherent post yet of why he susses me. Remember, Nick sussed me earlier about how I was a late voter on Ekko's CFD. So when Nick finally decides to state his case against me, don't you think he should include everything he's got on me? Instead, he chooses to focus, once again, despite me going back and forth with the man himself about the this exact point, on how I was okay with a ZoroTuna CFD and didn't actually vote for him. Remember, we've already identified Nick is doing this exact same thing this game. Also, we saw how Conq is NULL in Nick's eyes, despite Nick, admitting in the same post, that Conq did the same thing. How does that work? This just shows to me Nick is inconsistent. I also get called scum because of me not being around, despite me saying I wouldn't be able to be around.

Post 2742 adding paranoia to game state. No point in this post.

Post 2822 dead fish.

Post 2831 and 2830 he seems interested in where others are voting. Is there some PTSD from D1's CFD on his mate?

Post 2845 fake emotion. When called out about this before, he didn't care at all.

Post 2855 shocked someone else is voting for me. Continues trend of being defensive against people potentially sheeping votes. Again, this feels like a way for Nick to setup his next vote when his current suss, in this case me, flips town, he can say he had a reason, but these people who voted him didn't, thus we should go after them.

Post 2893 the end of his mini interaction with YTW about their vote on me, which ends with Nick just dropping the fact that YTW voted me after a dice roll. Hella suss on both.

Post 2979 just such a bad, wolfy post. Already setting up where his vote goes next after I flip town. Post 2987 is another example of this.

Post 2997 fake emotion. 2999 as well, once again commenting how hostile this game apparently is, despite being the one yelling at Cal.

Post 3013 look at this dishonest fuck. He literally is playing dumb about the dice despite me pointing out he had an interaction with YTW about this. Nick and YTW are probably on Ekko's team. Post 3018 more dishonesty. Nick didn't question fuck all, all he did was write a question mark and then dropped it. So fucking scummy.

Post 3019 here's another post where Nick yet again says me and Conq did the same thing, but has never scum read or voted Conq, just me. So if we both are blamed for doing the same shit, shouldn't we both be equally sussed?

Post 3031 and 3038 because it's just a disingenious painting of my narrative. Like, if there is five minute left at EOD and there's a CFD going on last second, are the people joining last REALLY scum bussing at last minute to try and get cheap credit? There's just so many other options why that happens, mainly because it's happening at the last fucking second of the phase so of course things are going to be rushed last second and all over the place. If I see the writing is on the wall for my partner, don't I try to be a little ahead on the CFD instead of just standing there with my pants around my ankles when I'm present at EOD and am actually chatting about the merits of an Ekko CFD? That's just poor fucking play on my part where I'm actually active and I huge misrepresentation of my skill as a player.

Post 3070 feels like a setup. I mean, I clearly was not around during D2, I posted saying I still had an hour drive home from work, but Nick, knowing there's about an hour and half left at EOD at this point, says this. I feel like if I had been the vote here, after I flipped town Nick would have said something like 'he had a chance to catchup and give me a reason not to vote for him but he didn't'. Just reeks of this guys giving out fake patience.

Post 3070 so after being convinced by Adam's case on Fuji, and only not voting him because of Kvo's invest on him, Nick drops this comment. Considering how scummy Fuji's play is, to be this nonchalant about this possibility is just wild in my eyes.

Post 3106 EASILY is convinced to vote for Nat despite never talking about her. Real good move. He doesn't care where the vote is as long as it isn't on one of his mates.

Post 3128 what is this shit even? Like, so much fake smugness and it's disgusting. He's literally voting Nat in a CFD, but feels the need to chastise here? He just needs to burn at this point.

Post 3182 quite happy to be part of a CFD again (that ended up being on a townie).

Overall, there's been nothing townie about this guy at all. I got a close look at him at town in my HXH game, where he was confident, pushed his suspects, and didn't waver. In this game, he doesn't care at all where his vote is an has been waiting in the corner to pounce at the right time. There's been a lot of fake emotion and hypocriticism in his game. Nick needs to die a million ways.

Vote Nick

Yo Tan Wa Has Got To Go Yeah

Opening posts 592, 595, 598, 602, 640, are all fluff and doesn't really show me much urgency from a sub. While some might say this is NAI, I can't let this much fluff slide for a sub.

More fluff in posts 656, 671, 676, 718, you get the point.

So after a very uneventful D1, YTW hasn't really tried to solve the game, but there's evidence that they have been reading and catching up in the game, as you can see in some of their D2 posts.

Post 2030 is pingy because it feels like YTW is trying to setup some future votes by saying that anyone saying not all characters are bad/good, like Ekko was about the SH, might have TMI and should be looked at. That's not very sound logic and feels like an easy cop out to justify a vote.

Post 2063 oh, look at what YTW is doing, calling someone out for saying they suss someone even though their vote is on someone else. Where have I heard this before? Oh right, from our wolf friend Nick!

Post 2088 asks for Adam to claim. Does YTW even have any authority to ask for that?

Post 2100 asks Enryu for the names of their abilities. Nick and YTW really love fishing for these claims. Post 2103 asks again. I guess this is also interesting when you think that Enryu mentioned a lie detect. Post 2426 more fishing.

Post 2158 this is a trend of YTW's in this game where YTW asks a people for their opinions or asks them a question, but never really gives their own opinions on things. This one in particular is kind of pingy because YTW is interested in me all of a sudden. Him and Nick coming at me together is really suss.

Post 2169 doesn't give a straight answer about who they scum read, leaving the door wide open for wherever they do eventually choose to vote.

Post 2842 it just feels like YTW is having trouble scum hunting and is looking for an easy place to put their vote. In fact, if you look at Nick and YTW's posts in D2, there was a lot of asking people where they are voting and a lot of role fishing. They really were trying to collect a ton of information last day.

Post 2852 votes me, out of the blue for not reason as of yet.

Post 2859 this just seems like odd advice from someone who is just voting randomly and without a reason?

Post 2865 here's YTW and Nick's interaction, something I already touched upon in my case against Nick. This just smells like a fake interaction with how lazy these back and forth was and how Nick just dropped it without pressing it further. If Nick really was concerned with players sheeping wagons and voting without giving reasons themselves, he really should have pushed YTW harder here, but he never did.

Post 2866 and here we have YTW's last post of D2, them saying that they are voting for me because they rolled a dice and then dipping. No explanation why they decided to randomly roll a dice for their vote, but this all goes back to me saying that they were struggling with where to place a proper vote in order to not be suspected. Considering Nick was on my ass all game, this was an easy sheep for YTW.


Ripped Cal

Kvothe Kingkiller




Light D Lamperouge


Yo Tan Wa
Id be fine with both bb girl, given yesterdays events.

Midnight ,damn What a giga chad.
Nick the Hick

Considering who was the D1 vote, isn't it funny that Nick decided to policy vote Ekko in his very first post of the game, only to never remove his vote? Post 7.

Post 408, Nick's catchup in D1, has a couple of pingy things. First, I do not like how he scum reads Prof for being hit with a PR. Kind of weird he calls Ramsey scummy out of all things. Second, Ekko being 'quiet' is apparently a good thing in Nick's eyes despite activity being completely NAI for Ekko. You can look at his other reads and see how you feel about them, but they're not great.

So, starting with post 454, there are some interactions between Ekko and Nick. It continues in posts 504, 515, 521, 578, and it might seem like some early fake interaction between these two. 578 is interesting to me because after saying that Ekko looked good in his previous reads, and then interacting with him in a way where, it really seemed like Nick was throwing soft shade at Ekko, still has Ekko in the null pile.

Post 1308 is going to be important later on down the road. He asks for ZoroTuna's claim and says that his vote is going to end up on him unless he seems something better. Please note that Nick's reasons for his hard stance on Zoro can be found in the very convincing post 1245. This also kind of looks like Nick is sitting back and keeping his voting options open, something he does a lot of in D2.

Post 1335 is fun for me because Nick asks me if I have any additional reasons for ZoroTuna despite sussing him himself for little reasons. If you read my words, I'm kind of half-hearted about Zoro, and you'll see in D2, how Nick votes me partly because I was content with a ZoroTuna CFD (more on that later).

Post 1340 is Nick telling me he agrees with ZoroTuna about some of his points on me. Note, he doesn't specify which posts, just says some so he can turn his heel on me. Also note, this is the same guy 32 posts ago that Nick said he was going to most likely vote for at the end, but now he's agreeing with the guy he wants to vote the most. How does that make sense?

Post 1446 is kind of another awkward post about ZoroTuna. This is continuing trend where Nick has openly said he wants to vote for ZoroTuna, but then questions everyone else who does, almost in a defensive manner. I get that you want to be wary of people sheeping votes, but it seemed like he was trying almost too hard at asking people why they were voting ZoroTuna. I know if I view someone so scummy I'm content to possibly place my vote there, I'm happy when others vote that person, not combative about it. Post 1452 is even him being conscious of what he's doing.

Post 1716 here is Nick responding to Tpein calling him out for town reading Ekko but CFDing him. Now, Nick didn't go as far as to call Ekko town, but as I posted above, he did say, and his only real comment about how he felt about Ekko's alignment, was that Ekko being quieter made Nick feel good about him. As I also pointed out, Nickhad his vote on Ekko since the first post of the game, no technically he wasn't CFDing him. This gives me the feel of a frozen partner here since he was VERY quiet during EOD.

This ends Nick's D1. There was no real attempt to game solve from him and I felt like he didn't really engage in any meaningful interactions. He never moved his vote off of Ekko after 'policy voting' him. He talked a little about ZoroTuna, and despite saying he'd probably vote for him at the end, never showed any inclination of voting that way. Then he was super quiet at EOD as a CFD on Ekko happened. Lots here to make me think he's scum and Ekko's partner.

Post 1811 he is conveniently RC'd despite being someone I don't think would be a high priority to be RC'd.

post 1831 is where he begins to suss me. He throws me, Fuji, and Mango out because we were all apparently late voters to Ekko's CFD. Tell me, doesn't CFDs usually happen quickly and at EOD? I don't know how someone can be sussed for being a late vote for something like this that develops so quickly. Not only that, but it just seems lazy to suss those people instead of looking at people who didn't vote for Ekko or didn't vote at all. This just feels like an easy way for Nick to start 'hunting' in D2.

Post 1874 once again asking about later voters of Ekko. Please note that Fuji has now been dropped from him calling out me and Mango.

Post 1893 weird comment on Lind possibly being anti-town. I mean, possibly, but why bring it up right here? Feels like Nick trying to cause paranoia.

Post 1895 throws shade Ratchet's way for some reason.

Post 1912 and 1948 are back to back posts by Nick asking for claims. He also asked, or said he'd be fine getting, for three claims in D1 (Lind, Adam, and ZoroTuna). Feels like a lot to ask for.

Post 1962 is another kind of weird self recognition post of Nick saying he knows he's asking for claims, but it's like he's asking for a mass claim. So a game where we have no idea what flavor looks like, and we have a janitor, Nick seems quite alright with claims being out there, no matter what he's saying here. Also, is this a wolf tell of Nick's that he calls himself out for what people might think is scummy behavior? As I posted above, this isn't the first time he's done this. Almost to stop people from calling him out on it.

Post 1986 where have I heard this before?

Post 2004 brings up the point of how he doesn't know if he can trust Tpein anymore but then, just drops it? For what purpose was this post made?

Post 2032 another weird post where he acknowledges that claims are probably shit now but as said before, he's been comfortable with claims. Is this another example of him getting ahead of any potential bad press coverage he may get for some of the things he's said?

Post 2355 This is a super stinky post. First, Nick is seemingly convinced by Adam here, to vote for Fuji, despite saying he'd probably end up voting me or Marimo. Didn't take much to change his mind. Second, he's already setting up Fuji's flip and who he might go after once he does. Not the first time he does this. Third, says Cal is a good vote, despite not voting for him. This is the same thing he susses me for doing with ZoroTuna, one of the reasons why he votes for me this phase.

Post 2361 says Mango is Fuji's buddy. Seems jumpy and ready to set up his next vote.

Post 2371 now, I should have maybe pulled posts from before, and I know there will be posts after, but Nick has done a lot of 'dead fishing' like you see in this post. What I mean by that, is that when anyone gets a bit confrontational with them, he kind of just stone walls it and goes 'nah, we ain't talking' and just drops or ignores its. He's been very unwilling to engage with meaningful arguments, which is probably one of the biggest reasons he's wolf here.

Post 2410 is just pure irony when he says we have too many claims seeing as how he was content with at least five people claiming already this game.

Post 2415 shades Ratchet again for no reason.

Post 2438 here's just another bad post. First, remember Nick sussed me and Conq for saying that ZoroTuna was a decent vote. But now he's just kind of shrugging off Cal for sussing Nick for that exact same reason.

Post 2454 dead fishes Ratchet.

Post 2469 are fourth leading poster is apparently lazy this game. I understand he's sick, no doubt there, but he's clearly a beast powering through his illness because I wouldn't call his game lazy at all.

Post 2471 here is his 'lazy' reads. Really random reads, but interesting to note that he brings up Ali's name for some reason (future place to put a vote?) and how Conq is null, despite him mentioning me and him in the same light for being okay with a ZoroTuna CFD in D1, something Nick consistently susses me for.

Post 2508 is interesting. Nat offers him a vote on me and he refuses. It really makes me think like Nick did not want to change his vote to a wagon that had less votes.

Post 2521 how many times has Nick done this in this game? Once again calling out someone for saying someone is suss but not having their vote on them. I mean, Nick is no newbie to this game, you can suss multiple people while having your vote placed somewhere else for a bit, kind of like how he is doing by constantly shading my name while not voting me. This feels like an unfair hand Nick is dealing out.

Post 2611 Nick responds to Fuji calling him out for something I have an issue with as well, Nick sussing people who were late to the Ekko CFD in D1. At the end of the day, we voted out scum D1, that's a huge win. It wasn't like there was a ton of votes on Ekko at EOD, but the fact that Nick wants to swoop over late voters should make you look at Nick as suss. Not only that, but then he goes and calls Fuji out for OMGUS. Not a great defense.

Post 2620 is another example of something Nick has done this game that I haven't liked, but haven't posted prior examples of it. Nick has, on more than one occasion, called out this game as being hostile, which I don't really think it has? Whenever I see a post like this of Nick's, it makes me feel like he's faking his emotions.

Post 2627 supports my theory that Nick doesn't like to vote where the wagon isn't built. I mean, if he is going to come off of Fuji, it's 100 logic for Nick to immediately vote for me given how he's viewed and talked about my slot this entire game. Yet, he looks back at Nat for confirmation, almost like he wants her to take the lead so he isn't the one to be blame for me being mislynched. I do not like this approach at all from Nick, who I've seen as town close up, be fearless in his pursuit of scum. Post 2639 he votes me after Nat does. Post 2651 doesn't really care that I am not around AT ALL to defend myself. That's a good townie right there. Post 2655 makes a weird comment feinting surprise that the wagon built on me quickly despite saying I've been scummy all phase. Fake emotion?

Post 2680 now he wants to CFD Tpein? WTF?

Post 2728 we finally get Nick's most coherent post yet of why he susses me. Remember, Nick sussed me earlier about how I was a late voter on Ekko's CFD. So when Nick finally decides to state his case against me, don't you think he should include everything he's got on me? Instead, he chooses to focus, once again, despite me going back and forth with the man himself about the this exact point, on how I was okay with a ZoroTuna CFD and didn't actually vote for him. Remember, we've already identified Nick is doing this exact same thing this game. Also, we saw how Conq is NULL in Nick's eyes, despite Nick, admitting in the same post, that Conq did the same thing. How does that work? This just shows to me Nick is inconsistent. I also get called scum because of me not being around, despite me saying I wouldn't be able to be around.

Post 2742 adding paranoia to game state. No point in this post.

Post 2822 dead fish.

Post 2831 and 2830 he seems interested in where others are voting. Is there some PTSD from D1's CFD on his mate?

Post 2845 fake emotion. When called out about this before, he didn't care at all.

Post 2855 shocked someone else is voting for me. Continues trend of being defensive against people potentially sheeping votes. Again, this feels like a way for Nick to setup his next vote when his current suss, in this case me, flips town, he can say he had a reason, but these people who voted him didn't, thus we should go after them.

Post 2893 the end of his mini interaction with YTW about their vote on me, which ends with Nick just dropping the fact that YTW voted me after a dice roll. Hella suss on both.

Post 2979 just such a bad, wolfy post. Already setting up where his vote goes next after I flip town. Post 2987 is another example of this.

Post 2997 fake emotion. 2999 as well, once again commenting how hostile this game apparently is, despite being the one yelling at Cal.

Post 3013 look at this dishonest fuck. He literally is playing dumb about the dice despite me pointing out he had an interaction with YTW about this. Nick and YTW are probably on Ekko's team. Post 3018 more dishonesty. Nick didn't question fuck all, all he did was write a question mark and then dropped it. So fucking scummy.

Post 3019 here's another post where Nick yet again says me and Conq did the same thing, but has never scum read or voted Conq, just me. So if we both are blamed for doing the same shit, shouldn't we both be equally sussed?

Post 3031 and 3038 because it's just a disingenious painting of my narrative. Like, if there is five minute left at EOD and there's a CFD going on last second, are the people joining last REALLY scum bussing at last minute to try and get cheap credit? There's just so many other options why that happens, mainly because it's happening at the last fucking second of the phase so of course things are going to be rushed last second and all over the place. If I see the writing is on the wall for my partner, don't I try to be a little ahead on the CFD instead of just standing there with my pants around my ankles when I'm present at EOD and am actually chatting about the merits of an Ekko CFD? That's just poor fucking play on my part where I'm actually active and I huge misrepresentation of my skill as a player.

Post 3070 feels like a setup. I mean, I clearly was not around during D2, I posted saying I still had an hour drive home from work, but Nick, knowing there's about an hour and half left at EOD at this point, says this. I feel like if I had been the vote here, after I flipped town Nick would have said something like 'he had a chance to catchup and give me a reason not to vote for him but he didn't'. Just reeks of this guys giving out fake patience.

Post 3070 so after being convinced by Adam's case on Fuji, and only not voting him because of Kvo's invest on him, Nick drops this comment. Considering how scummy Fuji's play is, to be this nonchalant about this possibility is just wild in my eyes.

Post 3106 EASILY is convinced to vote for Nat despite never talking about her. Real good move. He doesn't care where the vote is as long as it isn't on one of his mates.

Post 3128 what is this shit even? Like, so much fake smugness and it's disgusting. He's literally voting Nat in a CFD, but feels the need to chastise here? He just needs to burn at this point.

Post 3182 quite happy to be part of a CFD again (that ended up being on a townie).

Overall, there's been nothing townie about this guy at all. I got a close look at him at town in my HXH game, where he was confident, pushed his suspects, and didn't waver. In this game, he doesn't care at all where his vote is an has been waiting in the corner to pounce at the right time. There's been a lot of fake emotion and hypocriticism in his game. Nick needs to die a million ways.

Vote Nick

Yo Tan Wa Has Got To Go Yeah

Opening posts 592, 595, 598, 602, 640, are all fluff and doesn't really show me much urgency from a sub. While some might say this is NAI, I can't let this much fluff slide for a sub.

More fluff in posts 656, 671, 676, 718, you get the point.

So after a very uneventful D1, YTW hasn't really tried to solve the game, but there's evidence that they have been reading and catching up in the game, as you can see in some of their D2 posts.

Post 2030 is pingy because it feels like YTW is trying to setup some future votes by saying that anyone saying not all characters are bad/good, like Ekko was about the SH, might have TMI and should be looked at. That's not very sound logic and feels like an easy cop out to justify a vote.

Post 2063 oh, look at what YTW is doing, calling someone out for saying they suss someone even though their vote is on someone else. Where have I heard this before? Oh right, from our wolf friend Nick!

Post 2088 asks for Adam to claim. Does YTW even have any authority to ask for that?

Post 2100 asks Enryu for the names of their abilities. Nick and YTW really love fishing for these claims. Post 2103 asks again. I guess this is also interesting when you think that Enryu mentioned a lie detect. Post 2426 more fishing.

Post 2158 this is a trend of YTW's in this game where YTW asks a people for their opinions or asks them a question, but never really gives their own opinions on things. This one in particular is kind of pingy because YTW is interested in me all of a sudden. Him and Nick coming at me together is really suss.

Post 2169 doesn't give a straight answer about who they scum read, leaving the door wide open for wherever they do eventually choose to vote.

Post 2842 it just feels like YTW is having trouble scum hunting and is looking for an easy place to put their vote. In fact, if you look at Nick and YTW's posts in D2, there was a lot of asking people where they are voting and a lot of role fishing. They really were trying to collect a ton of information last day.

Post 2852 votes me, out of the blue for not reason as of yet.

Post 2859 this just seems like odd advice from someone who is just voting randomly and without a reason?

Post 2865 here's YTW and Nick's interaction, something I already touched upon in my case against Nick. This just smells like a fake interaction with how lazy these back and forth was and how Nick just dropped it without pressing it further. If Nick really was concerned with players sheeping wagons and voting without giving reasons themselves, he really should have pushed YTW harder here, but he never did.

Post 2866 and here we have YTW's last post of D2, them saying that they are voting for me because they rolled a dice and then dipping. No explanation why they decided to randomly roll a dice for their vote, but this all goes back to me saying that they were struggling with where to place a proper vote in order to not be suspected. Considering Nick was on my ass all game, this was an easy sheep for YTW.


Ripped Cal

Kvothe Kingkiller




Light D Lamperouge


Yo Tan Wa
Holy shit can you like break this down into bullet points for me so I can actually respond. I use mobile I don’t have time for this

The day had been long but the journey is not yet over. Some of you played a dangerous game yesterday, thinking I was gone and down for the count. The howls in the distance grew louder around me, yet few wanted to lend me a helping hand. That's fine, because the pack didn't finish the job when they should have and now they'll have hell to play. No one gets away with trying to put me six feet under without me being able to defend myself. The weak, the young, the unable, those are who I protect. Evildoers shall no swift judgment and pain will be their retribution.​
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