Speculations Law and Kidd Defeating Big Mom (Why At This Point Its The Most Logical For Them To Win)

you naive af if you think kidd and law can beat BM outright.
it took luffy 4 tries, plus the help of 9 scabbards + zoro's ashura + yamato's stalling, just to compete with kaido.

don't be stupid to think that oda is equating kidd and law to luffy's level.


Zoro Worshipper
Imo they seem to be lacking realistically...

Kidd still hasn't remotely displayed even a single attack that can abudantly hurt Big Mom yet. Law's hax doesn't seem to be efficient against her haki.

This is too difficult to handle if the goal is to destroy. But we shall find out.
Lmfao imagine Oda stops wanking Luffy for 1 sec to focus on someone else and this is the type of reaction we get.
Yeah why do people want only Straw hats to take on the yonko, it's a nice change instead of just the mc.

My only concern is how they will do it, Oda has been barely focusing on that fight. The Wano/Onigashima environment is perfect for their powers like that giant sword or the factories with explosives in them to create one big nuke for her.

But that environment is also favorable for Big Mom too she could just make a homie of that giant onigashima sword. There can be done a lot with these characters abilities Oda is just off screening them then in the final one or two chapter he wraps them up.
Yep,i think Law and Kidd will pull this off but it will feel like bullshit!
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Hell no. Law and Kid don't have anything remotely close to what Luffy has unlocked yet, and BM is supposed to be Kaido's equal.

Nobody but Luffy has the rights to beat BM. He is the one with the most beef on her, the one who messed up WCI and who she came chasing after in Wano. He made a promise to Katakuri to beat her.

Luffy cant become a real PK if he doesn't defeat all four Yonkos. They are his walls.
If Luffy beats Kaido and then finds the One Piece,he will be Pirate King!
The Yonko couldn't beat each other for years,if he beats one,he will be above all of them!
I think it's possible if Oda still wants to keep the sabaody trio rivalry. Because let's be honest, Luffy defeated two yonkou commanders in WCI and will now defeat Kaido by the end of Wano. What the fuck did Kid and Law even do? Even the dukes have better accomplishment by defeating Jack. That said I do believe they're getting some help, maybe Killer will come, Jinbe or whatever. Kid will still be the main player at the end but that would make more sense seeing all the stuff needed for Kaido to fall.
Also pretty funny seeing people hating the idea of someone else than Luffy defeating an emperor, not that long ago people where complaining about the Luffy's show:seriously: Also I honestly don't see the point of Luffy fighting Big Mom when he will already defeat Kaido who is equal/superior. Yet he needed help but he will his solo emperor fight against Blackbeard.
Hell no. Law and Kid don't have anything remotely close to what Luffy has unlocked yet, and BM is supposed to be Kaido's equal.

Nobody but Luffy has the rights to beat BM. He is the one with the most beef on her, the one who messed up WCI and who she came chasing after in Wano. He made a promise to Katakuri to beat her.

Luffy cant become a real PK if he doesn't defeat all four Yonkos. They are his walls.
Now this is a hot take. This is all with the mega assumption that none of the Supernova can ever have the right to challenge or be rivals for Luffy in the endgame. We KNOW this is what Kid is. Moreso than Law, and has been painted as such because:

- Luffy and Law allied together
- Kid allied with Hawkins/Apoo and had the opposite effect

Luffy does not need to beat all Yonko be PK. Roger stole the RP from BM. He did not beat her in her prime. The Yonko as a concept didn't even exist back then, and there's no reason to say one of Luffy's rivals can't take put one of them to still be a relevant opponent in the endgame.

Tldr: Kid can beat BM, then Luffy and Kid can fight instead in a future arc. Your logic is flawed.
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Yep,i think Law and Kidd will pull this off but it will feel like bullshit!
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If Luffy beats Kaido and then finds the One Piece,he will be Pirate King!
The Yonko couldn't beat each other for years,if he beats one,he will be above all of them!
While I don't agree with that guy, I still only think BM and Kaido are 1 tier of Yonko antagonists. Blackbeard clearly will be stronger than both of them (we know this) and Shanks had no observed upper limit yet so there's nothing stating Oda can't just "shonen" powerup Shanks to a point where he's just more dangerous. Same with Akainu, he apparently had the most dangerous offensive DF I the series. While Kaido/BM just tank attacks and these people are less tanks, they aren't going to sit there and get hit like these 2, while also having other offensive capabilities.

Law and Kidd have now separated from the 5v2 originally to now a straight 2v1 against Big Mom.

I would call this fight the true start of the battle even in Chapter 1001 Its titled "Battle Of Monsters On Onigashima"

As well with Kaidou and everyone's clear intentions that this battle itself no matter which side wins will be that much closer to being the king of the pirates

And that leads us to the current Battle with just Kidd and Law Vs Big Mom

Now to the Explanation Law and Kidd have always been set to be involved in the defeat of Kaidou and Big Mom just for the simple fact that they're apart of the Worst Generation.... Not only will the be supernovas of the best generation to ever exist within the series they're also apart of the 5 Nova's who will lead this generation... Everyone fails to understand that them being of that generation is already a huge reason why them fighting Big Mom right now makes complete sense Doffy already explained to us age are meant to fight each other for supremacy of the New World.

If you remember the new world didn't use to have this much competition their were several pirates there beforehand yeah but it was clear during chapter 432 that the Emperors ruled over the New World. But because of the 2 years lots of changed the worst generation as entered and started making noise within it the marines have moved there base within the New World so that they'll appose these pirates more than before not to mention there forces have even gotten stronger since akainu has been fleet admiral.

Now this is important to note because whenever we got to the punk hazard arc the one to push forward this age that was steady for the past 2 years was one of the generation leaders Trafalgar Law. The character that our main protagonist made alliance with to deal with an emperor.

Oda has always been building for this war since Punk Hazard and has always thought of the Worst Generation being the biggest role in it (Wano has been the most supernova related arc besides Sabaody).

Now for the most important and blatant reasonings

Everyone is debating with each other of whether both emperors will fall or not but for the same reason oda has made it clear Kaidou will fall here he's done the same for Big Mom we're in the Vs Yonkou Saga since the ending of Act 2 we've gotten the narrator has said this Raid will affect a change for the entire world us being the readers didn't follow understand what this change would be until Cp0 has also said that The 2 emperors losing here would be a change for the entire world which is clearly true because 2/4 emperors falling disrupts the balance of the marines pirates and warlords (warlords being replaced with SSG)

Not to mention that Marco has repeatedly said that they'll be a change within age after this battle and has been pushing for the Worst Generation to be the ones to accomplish this task

Not to mention their is also the prophecy... I see a lot of confusion and also running around with this point but the prophecy doesn't just include that of Luffy and Zoro and Kaidou every person that was included on the rooftop will be part of the defeat in both Kaidou and Big mom if you remember Yamato was talking to Ace in the Flash back for Chapter 999 and how they're strong pirates making a name for themselves in the North South and West and the Strongest that'll come from The East fast forward 20 years later these Great Pirates have come to defeat Kaidou for the own reasons or even for Wano...Oden the man who understands and has read the true history says These pirates are the ones that'll defeat him. Big Mom is also included in this since she is in alliance with Kaidou she isn't making out as a yonkou leaving this arc they've even made it clear she'll be included in the defeat since Luffy said he wants to whoop Kaidou, Big Mom and Orochi all within this war multiple times.

One more thing I wanted to note is the group is the side of the protagonist are also suppose to show the antagonist side wrong... Apoo here says that a alliance of pirates will never be able to defeat emperors our sides is suppose to prove this point wrong.

From a story stand point it makes sense, from a powerlevel one it doesn’t.

Then again Oda doesnt care about Pls much.

Agreed with thread.
Hell no. Law and Kid don't have anything remotely close to what Luffy has unlocked yet, and BM is supposed to be Kaido's equal.

Nobody but Luffy has the rights to beat BM. He is the one with the most beef on her, the one who messed up WCI and who she came chasing after in Wano. He made a promise to Katakuri to beat her.

Luffy cant become a real PK if he doesn't defeat all four Yonkos. They are his walls.
so is Luffy gonna defeat every admiral to? he just has to overcome the situation he'll never beat shanks but he'll beat the person who did
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I don't know why people are saying that Luffy should defeat Big Mom.

Do people realise that Luffy is mostly responsible for Law and Kidd getting the opportunity to fight Big Mom in the first place?

He doesn't need to defeat her in a 1 on 1
Exactly he just needss too overcome the emperors and admirals for example every theorizes that his subordinates will defeat the admirals thats also going to luffy since his underling did so
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All the current 4 emperors will be defeated by the end.
Whitebeard was the Start, then Kaido and Linlin, next arc Shanks, and finally Teach.
good order definitely agreed
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big mom alliance with kaido is for backstab kaido from behind
so,unless oda want to destroyed big mom popularity again,doubt she will down here permanently
she was never popular tbh lol look at each poll ppl just respect her strength
you naive af if you think kidd and law can beat BM outright.
it took luffy 4 tries, plus the help of 9 scabbards + zoro's ashura + yamato's stalling, just to compete with kaido.

don't be stupid to think that oda is equating kidd and law to luffy's level.
why ignore the narrative oda is pushing though instead just think of ways that it can be done because its set up to happen its naïve to ignore writing
Its so fucking obvious and yet people will argue against it because "big mom will come back and elbaf" and "Kid and Law aren't strong enough"

guys, this is literally the peak of big mom's career. The big mom x kaido alliance was given an ungodly amount of hype during the reverie and after. It is an alliance of 2 yonko, the return of Rocks, the biggest threat the straw hats have ever faced, a threat literally hyped to be bigger than the roger pirates.

There is no part 3 for big mom. Yeah sure, she could come back, she could even fight Luffy again. But I promise you, she will NEVER be more relevant, at least as an antagonist, than she was in wano.
i agree 100% how will BM be at elbaf? she already failed elbaf, i think elbaf will be the place where other yonko saga starts either shanks or BB, Oda knows Wano arc would be shitty Compare to marineford, thats why he needed to level it up, by letting 2 yonkos fall at the same time, goda at its finest,.
Now this is a hot take. This is all with the mega assumption that none of the Supernova can ever have the right to challenge or be rivals for Luffy in the endgame. We KNOW this is what Kid is. Moreso than Law, and has been painted as such because:

- Luffy and Law allied together
- Kid allied with Hawkins/Apoo and had the opposite effect

Luffy does not need to beat all Yonko be PK. Roger stole the RP from BM. He did not beat her in her prime. The Yonko as a concept didn't even exist back then, and there's no reason to say one of Luffy's rivals can't take put one of them to still be a relevant opponent in the endgame.

Tldr: Kid can beat BM, then Luffy and Kid can fight instead in a future arc. Your logic is flawed.
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Luffy has constantly declared war on BM and kept saying that he would come back for her. And just in case you'd use that one throwaway Jack line, no those are not comparable because Luffy constantly shits on BM while Jack is a nobody at this point. BM got a whole freaking complete backstory and for her not to be defeated in a significant way by Luffy or at Elbaf is just narratively disgusting.

Kid has more beef with Shanks than BM ffs. Kid can challenge Yonkos but beating them without being shown he's solid Yonko material narratively speaking is insanely contradictory. He is as much of a rival to Luffy as Law is to Luffy, which is to say they are beneath him in terms of narrative potential by a lot.

But the worst part is BM is still treating them like a bunch of scrubs. The intensity of their battle on-panel isnt even remotely anywhere near the level that Kaido's battles have received.

Luffy is supposed to accomplish things that Roger never could. And that also includes taking down the Yonkos who are the true rivals to him for PK title, Supernovas as challengers to that title is hilarious at this point

tl;dr Luffy is the MC, Kid and Law are Luffy cheerleaders, BM is a Yonko on the level of Kaido, Kid and Law defeating BM on Wano would be the biggest dumb take take on this series by Oda
Luffy has constantly declared war on BM and kept saying that he would come back for her. And just in case you'd use that one throwaway Jack line, no those are not comparable because Luffy constantly shits on BM while Jack is a nobody at this point. BM got a whole freaking complete backstory and for her not to be defeated in a significant way by Luffy or at Elbaf is just narratively disgusting.

Kid has more beef with Shanks than BM ffs. Kid can challenge Yonkos but beating them without being shown he's solid Yonko material narratively speaking is insanely contradictory. He is as much of a rival to Luffy as Law is to Luffy, which is to say they are beneath him in terms of narrative potential by a lot.

But the worst part is BM is still treating them like a bunch of scrubs. The intensity of their battle on-panel isnt even remotely anywhere near the level that Kaido's battles have received.

Luffy is supposed to accomplish things that Roger never could. And that also includes taking down the Yonkos who are the true rivals to him for PK title, Supernovas as challengers to that title is hilarious at this point

tl;dr Luffy is the MC, Kid and Law are Luffy cheerleaders, BM is a Yonko on the level of Kaido, Kid and Law defeating BM on Wano would be the biggest dumb take take on this series by Oda

"By Oda"

It's his manga lmao:gokulaugh: