Holy shit you are right. Just Like Baroque Works 100 'assassins' getting beat just by Zoro(but... it was Zoro after all) and Enies Lobby being impenetrabel and World's most skilled fighters etc etc etc.
Not to mention buster call stormtrooper aim at MerryGo ship. How could you miss when you have big guns ?

or ussop and nami are supposed normal human level. For example ussop survive 4 ton bat smash to his face. Nami literally survive the hit from superman people which she is supposed to die in one hit. If elephant or hippo hit you, they can one shot human being even strong guy. Ussop and nami are not said to be superman strenght or something.
Kuroobi with sword can’t kill fodder Genzo. Even trex, tiger, grizzley bears, well trained USA soilder can kill genzo with little difficult. Big dehype for Kuroobi.
Not to mention awesome Pell survive the nuke. Pell will be > King and can solo big meme pirates
Before Ace death, people joke nobody dies in one piece
There are so thing people will hate thst Oda doesif we read weekly preskip timeskip. Funny thing, l like timeskip arc better than preskip because it how it not strawhat show as preskip show it for itexcept after stra what what got separate by kuma guy. I like see worldbuilding art like fishmen island, dresssora, punk hazard, whole cake island. But people will hate for my opinion on this forum. Can’t wait to see Akainu action in future.
Me: lol can’t handle the opinion of mine.