General & Others Post TS arcs are massively underrated + Oda is on a level with the all time fantasy greats.


I agree that post ts arcs are underrated in the sense that Oda writing and storytelling has improved beyond the fights and most of the problems the new arcs have outside of the SH dynamics are things pre ts had since its early inception and its coming back to bite Oda in the ass as peoples expectations fail to get delivered. But beyond that post TS arcs wont reach the levels of the water 7 saga which is arguably the peak of the entire series as everything intentional AND unintentionally fell into place to make that story what it was.
Holy shit you are right. Just Like Baroque Works 100 'assassins' getting beat just by Zoro(but... it was Zoro after all) and Enies Lobby being impenetrabel and World's most skilled fighters etc etc etc.
Not to mention buster call stormtrooper aim at MerryGo ship. How could you miss when you have big guns ? :gokulaugh:
or ussop and nami are supposed normal human level. For example ussop survive 4 ton bat smash to his face. Nami literally survive the hit from superman people which she is supposed to die in one hit. If elephant or hippo hit you, they can one shot human being even strong guy. Ussop and nami are not said to be superman strenght or something.

Kuroobi with sword can’t kill fodder Genzo. Even trex, tiger, grizzley bears, well trained USA soilder can kill genzo with little difficult. Big dehype for Kuroobi.

Not to mention awesome Pell survive the nuke. Pell will be > King and can solo big meme pirates :funky:

Before Ace death, people joke nobody dies in one piece

There are so thing people will hate thst Oda doesif we read weekly preskip timeskip. Funny thing, l like timeskip arc better than preskip because it how it not strawhat show as preskip show it for itexcept after stra what what got separate by kuma guy. I like see worldbuilding art like fishmen island, dresssora, punk hazard, whole cake island. But people will hate for my opinion on this forum. Can’t wait to see Akainu action in future.


Me: lol can’t handle the opinion of mine.:zosmug:
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LOL there is nothing to compare here. Murata is on a whole another stratosphere. Murata should be compared only to few artist like Vegabond, berserk and few other artist. Putting Oda's name next to Murata as an artist is an insult to Murata.
When someone says Jake Paul is comparably to Mike Tyson in terms of boxing talent alone won't you start defending Mike Tyson?
So you are saying author of the best selling manga in earth is comparable to Jake Paul. Lmao. Get your pretentious ass out from here.
So you are saying author of the best selling manga in earth is comparable to Jake Paul. Lmao. Get your pretentious ass out from here.
In terms of "DRAWING" yes Oda is Jake Paul compared to Murata who is Mike Tyson.
Get your ignorant bitch ass outta here.
I mean you have to be a fool to compare Oda's "Drawing" to Murata's. This is the sort of cult you idiots make when you Overpraise Oda and exaggerate his work.

This is exactly what I mean when I say you'll fit right at home at Reddit with like minded dickriders like you.
I don't care about fights at all in one piece..... but it's clear that is all oda's goal is now. What does Luffy want?.... I want to become stronger so I can defeat them/yonko... I will become Kaizoku O etc... I can't become one if I don't defeat them..... Check out what Roger did? Actual fantasy/adventure, it was never mentioned he wanted to become strong or anything like that.. it even mentioned how he did not care about fights(since he avoided linlin completely). That is not the case with current writing/Luffy, it was like that earlier...i.e. first focus was the adventure part and the enemy part was just involved with it. Oda has made his decision and its clear he wants it to enemy focussed first.. that is just his way of involving the characters, tying loose ends, and ending the so-called "obstacles". The adventure part is no more.... And we can say that when all we get from characters are who are not even fighters are just fights.

Underrated? No they are not. We compare a series with itself first. And its been pretty shit without a doubt.
In terms of "DRAWING" yes Oda is Jake Paul compared to Murata who is Mike Tyson.
Get your ignorant bitch ass outta here.
I mean you have to be a fool to compare Oda's "Drawing" to Murata's. This is the sort of cult you idiots make when you Overpraise Oda and exaggerate his work.
Art is subjective, Oda has his own style. He perfectly delivers the emotion, perspective and the essence of a scene through his drawing. That is how a manga is supposed to be. Not just pretty art.
Yeah we are gonna overpraise him, what are you gonna do about it. Cry? Lmao. Keep crying while Oda is making millions by providing his readers with an engaging story.
4) The Best One Piece experience comes if you switched to One Piece manga in post ts & read it all from FI to wano in under a month & not in 10 years. Thats a huge difference of experience for the worse if you became a weekly reader post TS.(Most of you did from around 2011/2012).
Many suggest this...FI did follow previous formula oof adventure and mystery solving with good reveals.... but overall even binge reading...just makes us see more flaws from new world
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I strongly believe that one piece world is definitely one of the best fantasy worlds created..... but most probably as a book series(LN) it would have been much better.... this weekly shounen thing...I believe just made it much lamer than its potential.
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Like I said before I don't care much for art. You are trying to dodge the shit story telling of One Piece by focusing on art when I don't even care much for it.

I only called you out on art is because you comparing an Award winning artist like Murata and I mean just drawing and not overall manga sales and other shit. Murata is acknowledged as one of the best artist with far to many drawing awards to list and your comparing him to someone who makes bank with his overrated potential wasted story in terms of drawing???

Are you out of your dam mind... How much you gonna suck Oda off like that. people like you who compare amazing artist to shit what Oda draws is ridiculous.

Okay Oda isn't a shit artist I went a bit far there but compared to Murata he might as well be. Its like comparing Michael Jordan in Basketball to Dwayne Wade.

D Wade isn't bad but compared to Michael Jordan he seems mediocre. So don't compare Oda and Murata in terms of Drawing... Its Blasphemous.
You are contradicting yourself to a ridiculous extent.

First off you say that you dont care about art but more about story & yet you are a Murata worshipper whose job is primarily to draw the manga & not craft the story which ONE does mostly even for the manga version.

Murata drawing is better than Oda's drawing but Oda does both drawing & story telling. Story wise however OP is on another tier than OPM. The entire cast of characters of OPM is in the same league as just 1 arc(Dressrosa) of OP. Themes , Character arcs , Lores & mysteries ,World building , <- OP beats OPM by miles. Its not even close.

Just a side character in OP (Law) has far more build up & things going for him than most main characters of OPM.

OPM has a unique premise as in it parodies an entire genre called shonen but beyond that the substance in its story fell off , stalled & start to repeat way too much since somewhat into raid on Monster Association .

Right now OPM is just chapter after chapter of too much stretched out fights that dont even conclude with all character arcs being pretty much stalled for god knows how long eg. Genos lamenting about same old things again & again & again with no character growth in him.

Art wise(Murata) OPM > OP
Story wise OP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OPM (has few simple plot points going on for few characters & thats the entire scope & celing of OPM's story so far).
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so, you suggesting try to binge read one piece than reading it week by week ....
okay maybe i will reread wano arc after it,s over n give my judgement
n i watch morj philosophy of one piece n i agree with him about multi layered about justice n freedom the conclusion about absolute justice is corrupt n evil but absolute freedom is anarchy ....
But reading one piece week by week made people see the weakness of oda storytelling ,yes oda is great at world building n philosophy but the flaws post TS very very "visible" for Long Time Readers so it,s kinda hard to ignore ....
of course by your example in "version 1,2,3 " especially version 1 is the idealize version (Binge Reading at least per arc BUT we cannot Erased our memory n try to binge one piece, the only thing we do is REREAD the arc n i think .... most people will find lost of flaws in their Reread .


Ph and fishman Island are pure trash. Dressrosa and wano, WCI are good but should be half their length at most
You are contradicting yourself to a ridiculous extent.

First off you say that you dont care about art but more about story & yet you are a Murata worshipper whose job is primarily to draw the manga & not craft the story which ONE does mostly even for the manga version.

Murata drawing is better than Oda's drawing but Oda does both drawing & story telling. Story wise however OP is on another tier than OPM. The entire cast of characters of OPM is in the same league as just 1 arc(Dressrosa) of OP. Themes , Character arcs , Lores & mysteries ,World building , <- OP beats OPM by miles. Its not even close.

OPM has a unique premise as in it parodies an entire genre called shonen but beyond that the substance in its story fell off , stalled & start to repeat way too much since somewhat into raid on Monster Association .

Right now OPM is just chapter after chapter of too much stretched out fights that dont even conclude with all character arcs being pretty much stalled for god knows how long eg. Genos lamenting about same old things again & again & again with no character growth in him.

Art wise(Murata) OPM > OP
Story wise OP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OPM (has few simple plot points going on for few characters & thats the entire scope & celing of OPM's story so far).
The only reason why I was contradicting myself is because other user were refusing to acknowledge the difference in the level of "drawing" between Murata and Oda. So I had to correct that point first. Even you are doing it but at least you acknowledge Murata is better.

Also I'm am not a fanatic fan that over exaggerates for something or someone I like. Only reason why I may come off as one is due to the sheer ignorance and stubbornness of Oda dickriders to even give credit to Murata as a superior "Artist". When this fact is clear. I truly do believe the difference in terms of "drawing" of Murata, Miura(Berserk), Inoue(Vegabond), compared to Oda is VAST. Its really incomparable so I got a bit mad at the Oda dickriders for their foolishness regarding this point.

And comparing One Punch Man to One Piece overall as a story is even more ridiculous. One Piece up to Enies Lobby I would agree that its a better story than OPM. After that its mostly down hill and as it is now OVERALL (With all its good and bad) I say OPM is better.

But I won't argue more I've said my piece in this thread and I feel satisfied so to each his own.
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so, you suggesting try to binge read one piece than reading it week by week ....
okay maybe i will reread wano arc after it,s over n give my judgement
n i watch morj philosophy of one piece n i agree with him about multi layered about justice n freedom the conclusion about absolute justice is corrupt n evil but absolute freedom is anarchy ....
But reading one piece week by week made people see the weakness of oda storytelling ,yes oda is great at world building n philosophy but the flaws post TS very very "visible" for Long Time Readers so it,s kinda hard to ignore ....
of course by your example in "version 1,2,3 " especially version 1 is the idealize version (Binge Reading at least per arc BUT we cannot Erased our memory n try to binge one piece, the only thing we do is REREAD the arc n i think .... most people will find lost of flaws in their Reread .
Yes agreed.

Also what i am saying is that Pre TS arcs was binge reading for most of us (Version 1) which is >> Version 3 (rereading an arc )>>>>> version 2 (weekly reading ) & Post TS arcs were version 2 so they are not even on the same level playing field .

And also while reading pre ts arcs , most of us didnt debate to death & hyperanalyze things after each chapter ; all of which we did for post ts arcs & that affects the reading experience as well .

Yes post ts has several flaws. I am not denying them but overall OP has stayed nearly the same from alabasta to wano.

AT the end of the day i am trying to make open minded people realize that if they want to best enjoy OP then read it like you read the pre ts arcs . yes will need to quit & wait a lot. But its going to be worth it. At least it will be the best possible version of experiencing the story.
Truth be told, I aint reading all that shit.
Post-TS has cool ideas but the execution isn't that good or refined like Pre-TS. Back then oda put a lot more time and care into his craft. Now it's just a blueprint for the anime to expand on while he rushes his story.

Also I've never had any issue reading other manga week to week. They do a good job in setting up the chapters to where I want to come back excited to see how their story continues.

One piece is better on a binge, but it's presented in a weekly format. Rather than it be us that have a problem reading week to week, maybe oda just can't do that as well as he once did.
@The White Crane Steins gate was too much bland for its first half. People had said that things will gear up from the mid point. They did but to me felt like all the so called build up of the first half didnt pay off at the end. Far from it. In fact the only reason why the second half felt like the story has going few things for it is simply beacause the first half didnt have any to begin with.

It's comedy didnt click with me. By the end it became less of a mystery sci fi & more of a typical romance story so overall i wouldnt consider S;G anywhere close to being #1.

FMAB again had bad comedy for the most part. Edward was yet another decent shonen protagonist. Most shonen protagonists are just repetitive but Luffy is one of the best written characters for me & a very refreshing shonen main guy.

FMAB in its initial part had very predictable plot going for it + unnecessary sad emotional plot lines that were supposed to be sad but i didnt feel anything from them specially cause it lacked execution. Falsely overhyped characters like Edward's father who didnt end up living up to their hype. More characters like that black lighting scar guy had far more potential & again fell short of it.

FMAB had some great moments & few really good characters like King bradley. I'll give it that.

And lastly the main anatogonist( forgot its name) ; it didnt feel like to be the main villan. Bradley & that kid villan alone carried the entire cast of villans & felt more like primary villans even though they were supposed to be the secondary villans. To be more clear king bradley felt more intimidating than the primary villan even though it should have been the other way around.

Overall FMAB was good but not #1 in my book.
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Truth be told, I aint reading all that shit.
Post-TS has cool ideas but the execution isn't that good or refined like Pre-TS. Back then oda put a lot more time and care into his craft. Now it's just a blueprint for the anime to expand on while he rushes his story.

Also I've never had any issue reading other manga week to week. They do a good job in setting up the chapters to where I want to come back excited to see how their story continues.

One piece is better on a binge, but it's presented in a weekly format. Rather than it be us that have a problem reading week to week, maybe oda just can't do that as well as he once did.
Agreeing to disagree.
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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
When people read a series(or even watch a movie) for the first time, they tend to read it for pure entertainment. The 2nd reread can make it better or worse.

For Dressrosa, it was painful reading it week to week due to the constant showcase of minor, one dimensional characters hogging the spotlight. Binge reading DR made the arc better cause I could get the relevant parts more quickly. Wano on the other hand got worse the 2nd time around as I kept noticing more and more writing errors and inconsistencies(like, how does Sanji, Brooke, Usopp, Nami etc. get stuck in a hole that wasn't even deep? Sanji or Brook can easily jump out of it and Nami can float with wa swhen they were shown to be okay after Kaido blasted Oden Castle.).
I have added an additional point in my original post right after Daniel's clip :-

Merphy who has placed One Piece neck & neck with The Gentleman Bastards as her top 2 series of all time is not just a booktuber (with 300k+ subs) but also a manuscript critique professionally (people who offer detailed critique to authors before they go ahead). So reviewing plot, structure, pacing, character development and motivation, narrative prose, clunky dialogue, plot holes/inconsistencies is her daily professional job basically & she is successful enough to temporarily close her bookings for critique due to being booked a year in advance.

So yes even a flat earther has the right to vote but i would attach far more weight to opinion of people who are doing critique with great amount of success on youtube as well as in the offline world with manuscript critique being her daily profession (& on top of it she has read post ts arcs in one go + has the experience of reading & reviewing tolkien, George RR Martin , Erikson ,Sanderson etc)
reddit is for the oda worship threads, I think you posted on the wrong forum sir.
You people are really funny and damn hypocrites....

On one hand you mock reddit for being an echo chamber for Oda cults but you don't want any one piece "praise" threads in this can disagree with his points but funny enough how he is right about weekly "Oda bashers".....