I tagged you on Zoro because I don’t care to discuss Pirate Jesus or Yamatrash lol. Zoro has better feats than both of them. Frankly I assume Kid ~< Luffy because Luffy still hasn’t shown AdCoC and Gear 4. I’m not trying to pick on Zoro lol.
I am not sure what Kidd has shown for you to even suggests he compares to Zoro.
Kidd was grazed by CoAless much less CoCless one homie attack and he was a bloody mess
Zoro took
-Thunder Bagua AdvCoC knock out attack and wasn't even K.Oed
-Took Big Mom's stronger and bigger homie attack head on and no sold it. Literally no sold it.
-Lived through Hakai, shit that had Midd scared for his life.
Now I am not even gonna humor your Ashura > Law's attack because that's such a shitty bait, @Echizen_Jo_Ndule can do better than that.
But lemme try to break down since you don't know, internal damage is signified by coughing up of blood, showing damage has been done to organs like Doffy was leaking blood from mouth when Gamma knife Landed.
Internal damage can be done from external attacks too when attack hits you really hard and Zoro's Tatsumki, just grazing Kaido after overpowering Kaido's Tatsumaki that launched Kidd and Kidd and Law and Kidd were helpless against, just Tatsumaki grazing Kaido made Kaido cough up more blood than Law made Big Mom cough up blood.

Kaido was white eyed, rocked, screaming, nearly lost his footage
Law's attack did as much damage to Big Mom as fucking Killer did to Kaido and it was same mechanism, damage from inside and both attacks did less damage than Zoro's attack that wasn't even trying to do internal damage.

So Law's ultimate attack did less damage to Big Mom alongside Kidd's attack than Zoro's casual attack.
How can we even compare these chumps to Zoro?
I'll tell you one more time, if you wanna push agendas use Luffy and Yamato because bringing Zoro up will only hurt your case. Zoro has best feats in the entire serious and its hardly debatable. Hakai shits on everything Whitebeard did in Marine Ford and in turn Zoro blocking it translates to Zoro.