Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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aright, fuck ryuma, fuck wano, fuck condom, fuck strawhats, non of single motherfucker shouldnt mess Zoros birth week in his arc

i need this when Zoro's Birthweek Chapter comes:

i hope oda is not a pathetic retarded and Afraid of Zoro that he outshine above the MC when he give some screentime and let he declare his own dream instead Condoms retarded man carrying Dream

oda should at least let him declare his own dream or unless he is pussy without a backbone who afraid of Zoro the character that carrying the one piece
Sometimes I think back to before we knew that Zoro had CoC and before Wano was happening. My favorite argument was Zoro's not a conqueror despite working hard for his dream and taking command of situations (to name a few) instead he's just got this killer's intent. When ZKK happens I am going to say to all of the naysayers, "What did you expect? He's the only one with that killer's intent, which so many headcanoned."

im sorry boys we aint getting a Zoro's birth week chapter in his Own arc

the retard getting a Break week so he can draw more panels of kinemon, kanjuro, yamato, momonouske bitching and Tama, nami ussop sanji fucking around.

loda afraid of zoro to give screen time i doubt even he will ever declare his own Dream at least one time instead condoms retarded man carrying PK dream.

after postts he didnt do justice for zoro not even explaining his hardwork best example is when he clashing with kaido i still cant understand what the fuck happened there and not even explaining his coc.

i even doubt luffy is the no1 of WorldPopularitypoll instead Zoro, Zoro already outshine MC in everyway but loda cant let happens he wont even explain Zoros coc.
ZKK is the only hope for me oe if it not i dropped this Shit long time ago