The right hand man of the scummiest pirate in the sea's will for sure be another scum for sure. If he can sneak trash like Moriah he will for sure do it vs actual strong opponents.
It's possible to hide your presence from CoO, hell even Flampe could've do it.
There no prove of the Clear Clear DF helping to do it so...
Stealth Black RS > Clear Clear DF
The only advantage of the Clear Clear DF is to make other things invisible as well which is useful while RS offer more when it come to combat.
More like Sanji proves it being useless against him. He fought 2 opponents in the story so far that have invisibility and he countered and beat both of them.
Did Queen legitimately go invisible? I didn't dig personally. If that is the case do we know how long he can sustain that? That's also extensively relevant.
So far, King, Queen, Sanji, Mingo, Moriah, Drake and Hawkins couldn't sense someone when they went invisible, even when the person was right next to them. And the DF can probably be taken even further. COO users be damned.
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