Do you believe these spoilers ?

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Zoro prepares to return to Onigashima. Black lightings and smoke continue to come out of his swords.

Zoro: "If I have to be then so be it.
I will become
the King of Hell!!!"

Zoro uses a powerful attack in the air to propel himself towards the island. King continues to fall unconscious far from Onigashima

ZKK Incoming:steef:

Zoro vs kaido will happen again

you all better line up soon to take your reward
He was falling off the island. That little phrase is misleading. He propelled himself to the island then proceeds to faint which is only fitting as the other wing of the PK.
It is a gag battle, BM can't land a hit and the novas only landed that one hit, it's cook vs Queen V2. :josad:
Yeah, she is a female version of Queen. Ngl Sanji at least looked cool in his fight, not like these 2 clowns fighting goofy metal beams

Mid diff doesn't require newly unlocked techniques pushing your maximum to the point that "might kill you", and leave you fainting afterwards.
Stop the copium.
He needed those to beat Enma. As I said, it was 2vs1: King&Enma vs Zoro
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