Updated ranking of the Sanji Defense Force:
Warchief (Great General/Supreme Commander-in-Chief) - @Zoro D Goat
Four Great Heavenly Kings
1st King - @[No Name]
2nd King - @BillSlipton
Right hand man (General) - @Bango🍅
Left hand man (Deputy General) - @NotTommy
Advisor - @Hahasanji
Secretary - @Missy
Commanders Unit
1st Commander - @Doggo
2nd Commander - @Arrow
3rd Commander - @Yasheen
4th Commander - @BleakAsh
5th Commander - @Vinsmoke D. Zolo
6th Commander - @Hedfi
7th Commander - @Lukegranders
8th Commander - @SDfear
9th Commander - @Big D. Kaios
10th Commander - @LordVinsmoke
11th Commander - @Screws Loose242
12th Commander - @Ishin
13th Commander - @Raiden7
14th Commander - @Courier
15th Commander - @YASER
16th Commander - @zorji
17th Commander - @Necrohol
18th Commander - @BillSlipton
19th Commander - @Mackiss
20th Commander - @nRandle
21st Commander - @Ask D question
Sorry for the random tags out of nowhere y'all. If any of ya want to promote or demote from the ranking then let me know. ^^
Warchief (Great General/Supreme Commander-in-Chief) - @Zoro D Goat
Four Great Heavenly Kings
1st King - @[No Name]
2nd King - @BillSlipton
Right hand man (General) - @Bango🍅
Left hand man (Deputy General) - @NotTommy
Advisor - @Hahasanji
Secretary - @Missy
Commanders Unit
1st Commander - @Doggo
2nd Commander - @Arrow
3rd Commander - @Yasheen
4th Commander - @BleakAsh
5th Commander - @Vinsmoke D. Zolo
6th Commander - @Hedfi
7th Commander - @Lukegranders
8th Commander - @SDfear
9th Commander - @Big D. Kaios
10th Commander - @LordVinsmoke
11th Commander - @Screws Loose242
12th Commander - @Ishin
13th Commander - @Raiden7
14th Commander - @Courier
15th Commander - @YASER
16th Commander - @zorji
17th Commander - @Necrohol
18th Commander - @BillSlipton
19th Commander - @Mackiss
20th Commander - @nRandle
21st Commander - @Ask D question
Sorry for the random tags out of nowhere y'all. If any of ya want to promote or demote from the ranking then let me know. ^^