not sure about this, he seems lighter and more agile, it's only natural for this form to be quicker... if the punches are quicker, all the body might be since his legs would be faster too...
yes but still in an awkward position, and with queen it's totally different, way more difficult since it's a barrage of beams, something pacifista or franky can't do (for the moment). The thing is that oda drew this panel with the purpose of showing sanji dodging (smiling in front of the barrage of beams) and zoro dodging in an awkward position and doing it again when he compared king's tempura udon being as fast as a beam....
not sure about this, he seems lighter and more agile, it's only natural for this form to be quicker... if the punches are quicker, all the body might be since his legs would be faster too...
No because the G4 forms rely on the force of condensed and hardened rubber, so more area equals more force equals more speed.
The reason why the punches are quicker is not because it´s "lighter" (in the end it´s still air, so minuscule difference) but because the punches bounce over and over while in movement, so it gets quicker and quicker over time.
But the initial bounce it´s not particularly quick, which is why Kat questioned why Luffy is using it in the first place.
The reason why the punches are quicker is not because it´s "lighter" (in the end it´s still air, so minuscule difference) but because the punches bounce over and over while in movement, so it gets quicker and quicker over time.
He could do that in bounce man too, so why is it faster in snakeman ? I think we just have to accept what oda wanted to do with this form : the fastest gear 4 form
He could do that in bounce man too, so why is it faster in snakeman ? I think we just have to accept what oda wanted to do with this form : the fastest gear 4 form
yes but still in an awkward position, and with queen it's totally different, way more difficult since it's a barrage of beams, something pacifista or franky can't do (for the moment). The thing is that oda drew this panel with the purpose of showing sanji dodging (smiling in front of the barrage of beams) and zoro dodging in an awkward position and doing it again when he compared king's tempura udon being as fast as a beam....
My man, he literally side-stepped. He doesn't have to jump up. He didn't seem surprised, he didn't show any dialogue of struggle, he just side-stepped it.
And in literally next panel, he berates Sanji for being rusty and says he's slowing him down, which Sanji agrees to because his body felt weird lol. Hell, there's a reason why Sanji said "ugh" when dodging it.
Zoro dodged Queen lasers as easily as Sanji did so anyone claiming Zoro dodged it in some awkward way is pushing headcannon. We normally see Zoro spin and roll when he dodge attacks.
That was a cute attempt however you are bullshitting for two reasons
1. The perception of a yonko commander is far inferior to the perception of a yonko
2. This glorious speed you talked about queen himself stated that sanji CANNOT maintain for long hence why he collapsed afterwards
3. We are relying on the perception or the lack of perception from a person known to not be perceptive (queen) and a person known to be slow (queen).
Is sanji turning himself truly invisible? No. He is simply moving so fast that if his opponent cannot perceive his movement speed then he is invisible to them. It's the same concept of moving so fast someone can't see you. Again this would have been a great feat for sanji if it were king saying he can't see sanji or that sanji is invisible to him. This would have been impressive if a incredible coO user said he can't perceive sanji. But that was not the case which means that this same feat would not work the same against opponents like luffy or zoro or yonkos etc
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Yes you are spitting facts
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Nah he read it fine. It goes back to the point that none of sanjis opponents ever displayed speed on the same level as the opponents zoro fights hence why sanjis speed at times looks impressive because his opponents are actually slow
2- Sanji's speed is confused with invisibility in chapter 1031.
And yet, why is your point relevant here?
It is quite illogical to present the exhaustion argument in a topic where the focus is on discussing the speed of the characters. Should we consider your speed agreed?
3- Again, the Queen being slow has NO relation to your perception, it makes no sense for you to place that Queen is slow when my argument is TOTALLY disjointed with it.
It's all too easy to downplay the perception of someone who has confirmed CoO to lessen Sanji's achievement.
But I will delve into your argument.
Do you know who Queen noticed moving? Marco
Big mom
Do you know who he couldn't see move? Sanji
If he distorts seeing all of the characters above and can't see Sanji, isn't it more coherent to assume that it's because Sanji outruns them in speed?
I don't know what counter-argument you will use, but don't ignore my points, let's try not to be biased in the analyses.
But I will ask a question.
Why is Zoro's speed not emphasized over Sanji's speed?
2- Sanji also has speed confused with Invisibility in 1031.
And yet, why is your point relevant here?
It is quite illogical to present the exhaustion argument in a topic where the focus is on discussing the speed of the characters. Should we consider your speed agreed?
3- Again, the Queen being slow has NO relation to your perception, it makes no sense for you to place that Queen is slow when my argument is TOTALLY disjointed with it.
It's all too easy to downplay the perception of someone who has confirmed CoO to lessen Sanji's achievement.
But I will delve into your argument.
Do you know who Queen noticed moving? Marco
Big mom
Do you know who he couldn't see move? Sanji
If he distorts seeing all of the characters above and can't see Sanji, isn't it more coherent to assume that it's because Sanji outruns them in speed?
I don't know what counter-argument you will use, but don't ignore my points, let's try not to be biased in the analyses.
But I will ask a question.
Why is Zoro's speed not emphasized over Sanji's speed?
1. He blitzed kaido when using ashura since kaido had his club up trying to defend himself and yet could not react in time. So yes
2 cp9 soru has speed that's also confused with Invisibility.
3. Queen being slow has everything to do with perception since fast characters can innately comprehend fast objects better. This also proves that sanji hasn't face opponents with good observation haki as well..
Hence why i stated that at best your points were cute
2- Sanji's speed is confused with invisibility in chapter 1031.
And yet, why is your point relevant here?
It is quite illogical to present the exhaustion argument in a topic where the focus is on discussing the speed of the characters. Should we consider your speed agreed?
3- Again, the Queen being slow has NO relation to your perception, it makes no sense for you to place that Queen is slow when my argument is TOTALLY disjointed with it.
It's all too easy to downplay the perception of someone who has confirmed CoO to lessen Sanji's achievement.
But I will delve into your argument.
Do you know who Queen noticed moving? Marco
Big mom
Do you know who he couldn't see move? Sanji
If he distorts seeing all of the characters above and can't see Sanji, isn't it more coherent to assume that it's because Sanji outruns them in speed?
I don't know what counter-argument you will use, but don't ignore my points, let's try not to be biased in the analyses.
But I will ask a question.
Why is Zoro's speed not emphasized over Sanji's speed?
That is a very flawed argument because you're assuming those characters have used their top speed against Queen. If you can't answer that question then your whole post is invalid.
Zoro had no problem following King until after he obtained ACoC and Kings started using his top speed. That means up onto that point in time he wasn't using his highest speed.
Zoro has never used his high speed attacks against Queen. Marco wasn't trying to beat the calamity just stall them
2- Sanji's speed is confused with invisibility in chapter 1031.
And yet, why is your point relevant here?
It is quite illogical to present the exhaustion argument in a topic where the focus is on discussing the speed of the characters. Should we consider your speed agreed?
3- Again, the Queen being slow has NO relation to your perception, it makes no sense for you to place that Queen is slow when my argument is TOTALLY disjointed with it.
It's all too easy to downplay the perception of someone who has confirmed CoO to lessen Sanji's achievement.
But I will delve into your argument.
Do you know who Queen noticed moving? Marco
Big mom
Do you know who he couldn't see move? Sanji
If he distorts seeing all of the characters above and can't see Sanji, isn't it more coherent to assume that it's because Sanji outruns them in speed?
I don't know what counter-argument you will use, but don't ignore my points, let's try not to be biased in the analyses.
But I will ask a question.
Why is Zoro's speed not emphasized over Sanji's speed?
Zoro with Lion's Song managed to blitz King before he could react.
That's what blitzing is. Zoro is not the type who would blitz in circles before attacking- he goes for linear, quick blitzes, so he doesn't appear invisible for prolonged period of time generally. He poofs, you're cut, he appears behind you.
Or are you, like, discarding the opposition and just giving value to fast enough to poof and have someone say he poof'd? That's stupid lol- and Zoro did it back in Whiskey Peak to fodders. And of course Queen can see Marco and Zoro move. Queen can even see Sanji move perfectly unless he's blitzing. Characters don't always move with same burst.
1. He blitzed kaido when using ashura since kaido had his club up trying to defend himself and yet could not react in time. So yes
2 cp9 soru has speed that's also confused with Invisibility.
3. Queen being slow has everything to do with perception since fast characters can innately comprehend fast objects better. This also proves that sanji hasn't face opponents with good observation haki as well..
Hence why i stated that at best your points were cute
Imagine actually suggesting that Sanji is above Luffy in speed because you choose to take seriously an SBS in which Oda says Zoro would only come in fifth because he’d get lost, clearly underscoring the unseriousness of this list.
Luffy demolishes Sanji in speed. His speed was enough in base to cause Katakuri, who could see the future and tell exactly where he was going to be and when, as significant headache because he couldn’t land solid attacks on Luffy. And now, Luffy is fighting someone who is significantly faster than Katakuri, while doing so only in base.
Zoro with Lion's Song managed to blitz King before he could react.
That's what blitzing is. Zoro is not the type who would blitz in circles before attacking- he goes for linear, quick blitzes, so he doesn't appear invisible for prolonged period of time generally. He poofs, you're cut, he appears behind you.
Or are you, like, discarding the opposition and just giving value to fast enough to poof and have someone say he poof'd? That's stupid lol- and Zoro did it back in Whiskey Peak to fodders. And of course Queen can see Marco and Zoro move. Queen can even see Sanji move perfectly unless he's blitzing. Characters don't always move with same burst.
That is a very flawed argument because you're assuming those characters have used their top speed against Queen. If you can't answer that question then your whole post is invalid.
Zoro had no problem following King until after he obtained ACoC and Kings started using his top speed. That means up onto that point in time he wasn't using his highest speed.
Zoro has never used his high speed attacks against Queen. Marco wasn't trying to beat the calamity just stall them
I mean you're ignoring that Zoro has blitzed characters > Queen, and just basing your entire arguments off of "GO INVISIBLE!"
So I started doing same lol.
It's not that big of a deal. Ultimately, Zoro is capable of blitzing characters- just being he's not going invisibility mode by running in circles doesn't mean he ain't fast as shit.
1. He blitzed kaido when using ashura since kaido had his club up trying to defend himself and yet could not react in time. So yes
2 cp9 soru has speed that's also confused with Invisibility.
3. Queen being slow has everything to do with perception since fast characters can innately comprehend fast objects better. This also proves that sanji hasn't face opponents with good observation haki as well..
Hence why i stated that at best your points were cute
Man you just destroyed these deluded tapped Sanji fans MF trying to say Chopper is faster and leaving stuff form the SBS, when Oda literally said Zoro would be higher if not for his gag
"tell me you don't know how to understand context without telling it " a huffing sanji still looks better at dodging a barrage of beams, mostly directed at him btw
"tell me you don't know how to understand context without telling it " a huffing sanji still looks better at dodging a barrage of beams, mostly directed at him btw
The context was that Sanji struggled to dodge it because he was feeling weird. Literally just that.
In comparison, Zoro did not say "ugh" or anything along those lines. He just hopped off.
You're literally saying Zoro struggled because he decided to jump to the side instead of upward. Meanwhile Sanji, who was stated to move slow and admitted to feeling weird, didn't struggle despite saying "ugh" because he moved upward. Jesus lol
yes but still in an awkward position, and with queen it's totally different, way more difficult since it's a barrage of beams, something pacifista or franky can't do (for the moment). The thing is that oda drew this panel with the purpose of showing sanji dodging (smiling in front of the barrage of beams) and zoro dodging in an awkward position and doing it again when he compared king's tempura udon being as fast as a beam....
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