All I see is Bullshit.
That's not an objective and logical explanation, just a cringy ass contrived statement.
You really think out of all the characters Oda has drawn and written for, that all these convoluted points you have as to why "Carrot" is something special?
This magical little mink whose barely done anything of note and absent from any of the Antagonists downfalls is somehow "best".
I would normally get pissed. But you, you're just so incoherent and out of touch with reality...
I think you should get some therapy for yourself. Do yourself a favor. Stop reading, get help.
FIrst, you are gonna take your little irrespect with your little hands into your little bag. And you are gonna throw this S* out in a dumbster.. Okay ?
Now. What I did is called an analysis.. you might not be use to that so much but trust me it's solid.
The name Carrot by what it is, SPEAKS:
This is because Carrots have huge symbolisms in western culture and Oda knows that. Plus Carrot are mostly associated to Rabbit.
So again, by naming this girl "Carrot" Carrot made a perfect job of characterization. So calling out the lazyness of Oda on that choice is pure and utter BS from a fondamental point of view. Only those who don't know how characterization works would make such bad statements.
Now.. I didn't say that naming Carrot "Carrot" was making the girl special, it's just make her more relatable on a fondamental level because her name speaks volum.