Who will be the next Strawhat

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Yamato has already she does want not take over father organization nor does she want be part of it.
Carrot is pretty much like Paulie. Does something very significant in water 7=whole cake island fall off once reach wano Interaction with half strawhats has not done anything remotely significant throughout this entire freaking wano arc. While Yamato has been more helpful through out act 3:
Correction, Yamato doesn't want to be what her father wants her to become: Being, the future shogun of Wano.

What Yamato has being put on the pass to by Oda (as a future), is in fact pretty similar... Now.. it could take the form of a protector, future captain of crew.. ambassador on sea.. etc.. But it should be related to Wano.
Yamato has already says she does want not take over father organization nor does she want be part of it.
Carrot is pretty much like Paulie. Does something very significant in water 7=whole cake island. Fall off once reach wano Interaction with half strawhats has not done anything remotely significant throughout this entire freaking wano arc. While Yamato has been more helpful through out act 3:
I would say at the very least there are a few key differences here.

1. Carrot has actually sailed with the Straw Hats to a couple of places now on the Straw Hats main ship. With Paulie it was a raid group on a Sea Train with Galley La and the Franky family instead of a group of mostly Straw Hats.
2. Paulie has never shown any interest in adventuring outside his home as Carrot has. That one chapter Carrot got in 823 is one that Paulie has never had.
3. Paulie was doomed the second the "I want to live!" moment happened. With all the Straw Hats facing their opponents with Franky weeping about how much he loved the Straw Hats. With Paulie nowhere to be seen it was crystal clear right then and there what his fate would be.

I see where you're coming from though as of any debate topic surrounding Carrot the one massively undeniable point is that she has been almost nonexistent since 1006. The thing that is still lacking at this point is that final nail moment that Paulie got. One might say that moment is when Carrot hugs Nekomamushi after his fight with Perospero. But, I would say it would be when the Straw Hats start to reunite. If Carrot (and Yamato) groups up with the Straw Hats again then that door is still open, but if she sticks with the minks then it will be crystal clear what her fate will be.
I would say at the very least there are a few key differences here.

1. Carrot has actually sailed with the Straw Hats to a couple of places now on the Straw Hats main ship. With Paulie it was a raid group on a Sea Train with Galley La and the Franky family instead of a group of mostly Straw Hats.
2. Paulie has never shown any interest in adventuring outside his home as Carrot has. That one chapter Carrot got in 823 is one that Paulie has never had.
3. Paulie was doomed the second the "I want to live!" moment happened. With all the Straw Hats facing their opponents with Franky weeping about how much he loved the Straw Hats. With Paulie nowhere to be seen it was crystal clear right then and there what his fate would be.

I see where you're coming from though as of any debate topic surrounding Carrot the one massively undeniable point is that she has been almost nonexistent since 1006. The thing that is still lacking at this point is that final nail moment that Paulie got. One might say that moment is when Carrot hugs Nekomamushi after his fight with Perospero. But, I would say it would be when the Straw Hats start to reunite. If Carrot (and Yamato) groups up with the Straw Hats again then that door is still open, but if she sticks with the minks then it will be crystal clear what her fate will be.
There is still a lot to do in Wano.. the gov is coming.. the ships are here, the Big Mom pirates are still on standby, there are still a lot of threat leaft.. Carrot chances to shine might be low right now.. but we should not get rid of her so easily lol
There is still a lot to do in Wano.. the gov is coming.. the ships are here, the Big Mom pirates are still on standby, there are still a lot of threat leaft.. Carrot chances to shine might be low right now.. but we should not get rid of her so easily lol
That's always been my thought process as well, wild cards will need to be addressed eventually.

Though it could be a situation where Paulie gets a shining moment where he saves all of the allies on Enies Lobby, but it was more than clear at that point what his fate was.

I am pretty sure that since Luffy is busy fighting Kaido there won't be a huge defining moment that instantly slams the gavel down on Carrot. But I would say the next couple of updates with Carrot will be very important.

I personally don't think it's farfetched for Yamato to actually have that passion to sail the seas outside of her love of Oden's freedom. I think that no matter what Yamato's future is she should fulfill her dream of adventuring the world. If she ends up with her own crew of allied Beast Pirates, Samurai, and potentially Minks she can be a guardian of Wano at the same time as well since she knows how to make Vivre cards as she made Ace's.

To say that she might change her mind with sailing with Luffy to help Wano is one thing, to say that she'll drop her dreams of sailing almost completely might be a step too far.

Images came from chapters 823 and 999.
She narratively has to go out to sea if Momo is becoming shogun. It's clear that they're intended to parallel in their direction. Momo has Kaido's devil fruit and wants to be shogun like Yamato was being forced to do. Yamato styles herself after Oden and wants to go out to sea as Oden tried to impart on Momo. Makes no sense that one of them achieves their dream while the other is forced to give it up to be some guardian.
That is why I was saying to close this thread as it mainly consist of carrot fan vs yamato fans debate 99% and nothing else :seriously:
Guess who feels the need to shoehorn Carrot in a discussion 100% about Vivi or someone else. This thread would be 100% better if the hundreds who didn't vote for either were here to debate so there's no need to rely on arguing with a troll. Since they abandoned ship after Yamato became clear, this is what we're left with.
Yamato owes nothing to the Beast Pirates whatsoever, even more so when all the Flying 6 and the Calamities - the executives and the structure of the Beast Pirates - either run off or are arrested post Kaido's defeat.
Yamato has been doing nothing but beating the shit out of beast pirates with no remorse, but apparently that's captain material. The ex-beast pirates are also suddenly good people that didn't murder and force starvation on Wano.
Correction, Yamato doesn't want to be what her father wants her to become: Being, the future shogun of Wano.

What Yamato has being put on the pass to by Oda (as a future), is in fact pretty similar... Now.. it could take the form of a protector, future captain of crew.. ambassador on sea.. etc.. But it should be related to Wano.
Yamato "no I've come here... to cut those chains". When Yamato calls her father by his real name rather than dad it means she does not want anything to do with him. She does not care if father dies. If your child ends up not calling you by papa/dad/ father or similarity that related to a daddy, it means you’re not that close. The child does not consider you parent in their mind. We saw From Yamato childhood she had to hide from him and getting things like food and blanket was diffcult to obtain. The explosive was met to kill her if she was going to leave wano behind. She has already talk about leaving wano 4 times already. When meeting ace, talking explosive cuff on her wrist, asking can she ride on Luffy’s ship and even confronting her dad. She makes it perfectly clear that she does not want to stay here. I must agree King and Katakuri are quite similar because they do hide appearance from others. If their identity is expose by other characters, they are willing to attack their own subordinates. When fighting against zoro your pretty much seeing king saying that same exact line when Zoro vowed to Luffy not to lose to mihawk until accomplish his goal and as well helping their captain accomplish his goal as well. Both Katkurai and king are fear and well respect individuals with in their own organzation. If Kaido were fall his crew would be disbanded. While Katurai would head of the household taking over his mother’s organization moving forward. Yamato on other hand is not interested in that life does not want be part of that.
Update I also Forgot to mention King and katakuri were hype up by other characters by saying they never lost before or have never been defeat by other characters until now.
latest (1918×1400) (nocookie.net)
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The Rogue Prince
She narratively has to go out to sea if Momo is becoming shogun. It's clear that they're intended to parallel in their direction. Momo has Kaido's devil fruit and wants to be shogun like Yamato was being forced to do. Yamato styles herself after Oden and wants to go out to sea as Oden tried to impart on Momo. Makes no sense that one of them achieves their dream while the other is forced to give it up to be some guardian.

Guess who feels the need to shoehorn Carrot in a discussion 100% about Vivi or someone else. This thread would be 100% better if the hundreds who didn't vote for either were here to debate so there's no need to rely on arguing with a troll. Since they abandoned ship after Yamato became clear, this is what we're left with.

Yamato has been doing nothing but beating the shit out of beast pirates with no remorse, but apparently that's captain material. The ex-beast pirates are also suddenly good people that didn't murder and force starvation on Wano.
Like Wano doesn't have a military force of its own, like the Minks don't exist and like the narrative parallel about Momonosuke taking over Wano, even being the next Dragon that safeguards it isn't being built up.

Yamato has to be the person to do that because "muh responsibility!" :milaugh:
The Son - Daughter Parallel is actually between Ace & Yamato if you ask me.

How a good parent (Yonkou Whitebeard) formed a bond with his child (Ace), the biological son of his rival (Roger) and how a bad parent (Yonkou Kaidou) ruined his bond with his biological child (Yamato), who looked up to his rival (Oden).

Further reinforced with Yamato being the "Ace" card of Kaidou's crew with King & Queen sharing a lot of parallels with Marco & Jozu. And Kaidou and Whitebeard being the two Yonkous who hold World's Strongest Titles.

Katakuri and Yamato have literally nothing in common except being the children of two Yonkou.
Not Just Ace and yamato

But also, Sanji as well

Sanji and Yamato are also like
Both Sanji and Yamato hate their fathers
There dads had grand expectations for them to be something more
Their parent does not like the idea of their child showing compassion or kindness to other people
As well they were prisoner under dad organization
They even had explosive cuff on her wrist (even though sanji was later known to be fake)
Their parents later in life had plains for them.
They got their ideals from other character who are not father
They do not consider their parent to be their real father
As bonus they also read book about their individuals’ goals.

Yamato wants be oden in terms of Want to live free going on adventure just like he did.

Sanji wants to find all blue.
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Sorry but I had to laugh when it’s hypothetically stated that Carrot can defeat Robin. Robin could easily hold Hakuba (I don’t know how many times I have to mention Robin’s feat against Hakuba here), and Robin has stated twice that:”Power… Speed… They mean nothing to me.” First when she showed her power in Alabasta (pre-timeskip) and second when Hakuba was about to attack her (post-timeskip)

Robin can defeat Black Maria, the top 3 Tobi Roppo, who was stated to have haki, whereas Robin doesn’t have haki (yet). Robin can just simply sprout her limbs on Carrot’s body and put her into submission, before crushing her bones. I really had to laugh, sorry.:denzimote:
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Chapter 999 is what you're looking for,

The core of her motivation is here in the flashback with Ace. It's why even if in the case she does not join the Straw Hats her future should include something to do with adventuring the seas.
Thanks! You bailed me out.
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plot twist : former marine join luffy crewmate as troll move by oda instead of Yamato
Tashigi? Maybe Zoro would train her and we get some of their backstories and Tashigi gets a major power up? As One Piece is having rapid power ups, it is either get stronger or be irrelevant.
She narratively has to go out to sea if Momo is becoming shogun. It's clear that they're intended to parallel in their direction. Momo has Kaido's devil fruit and wants to be shogun like Yamato was being forced to do. Yamato styles herself after Oden and wants to go out to sea as Oden tried to impart on Momo. Makes no sense that one of them achieves their dream while the other is forced to give it up to be some guardian.
No. Narratively, Yamato is being constructed under the theme of protection. In fact it would be more logical for her to stay beside Momo than to go out to sea if he becomes Shogun. And for the love of Oda, please stop with this nonsence logic "if Yamato stays on Wano then she doesn't accomplish her dream" Not only it's extremely paternizing, but wrong also. The story is litteraly putting us on the pass of a change of mind from Yamato. So If she decides by herself to stay, it will be HER choice.

Guess who feels the need to shoehorn Carrot in a discussion 100% about Vivi or someone else. This thread would be 100% better if the hundreds who didn't vote for either were here to debate so there's no need to rely on arguing with a troll. Since they abandoned ship after Yamato became clear, this is what we're left with.
Carrot's fan have abandonned ship because of the toxicity of this forum toward them and their favourite character. I'm have a tougher skin. When it's needed I will intervene.

Yamato has been doing nothing but beating the shit out of beast pirates with no remorse, but apparently that's captain material. The ex-beast pirates are also suddenly good people that didn't murder and force starvation on Wano.
No, that's LEADER material. Maybe not in the sence of a good one, but a respectfull one either way.

You are forgetting too easily all the soldiers under Tama's command. They won't magicaly disappear, they will have to go somewhere. And it will most likely be under Yamato's command.

Yamato "no I've come here... to cut those chains". When Yamato calls her father by his real name rather than dad it means she does not want anything to do with him. She does not care if father dies. If your child ends up not calling you by papa/dad/ father or similarity that related to a daddy, it means you’re not that close. The child does not consider you parent in their mind. We saw From Yamato childhood she had to hide from him and getting things like food and blanket was diffcult to obtain. The explosive was met to kill her if she was going to leave wano behind. She has already talk about leaving wano 4 times already. When meeting ace, talking explosive cuff on her wrist, asking can she ride on Luffy’s ship and even confronting her dad. She makes it perfectly clear that she does not want to stay here. I must agree King and Katakuri are quite similar because they do hide appearance from others. If their identity is expose by other characters, they are willing to attack their own subordinates. When fighting against zoro your pretty much seeing king saying that same exact line when Zoro vowed to Luffy not to lose to mihawk until accomplish his goal and as well helping their captain accomplish his goal as well. Both Katkurai and king are fear and well respect individuals with in their own organzation. If Kaido were fall his crew would be disbanded. While Katurai would head of the household taking over his mother’s organization moving forward. Yamato on other hand is not interested in that life does not want be part of that.
Update I also Forgot to mention King and katakuri were hype up by other characters by saying they never lost before or have never been defeat by other characters until now.
latest (1918×1400) (nocookie.net)
Yamato doesn't want to do anything with Kaido. It doesn't mean that she can't replace him and be a better leader.

Ps: (again, yamato DID NOT ASKED to ride on Luffy's ship, she STATED that she should have a ride on it. Forget that nuance and you won't understand why Yamato won't get on the ship later on).

Like Wano doesn't have a military force of its own, like the Minks don't exist and like the narrative parallel about Momonosuke taking over Wano, even being the next Dragon that safeguards it isn't being built up.

Yamato has to be the person to do that because "muh responsibility!" :milaugh:
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I hope no one else falls for the bait above. You aren't gonna get an honest answer back if it doesn't point to Carrot joining and Yamato not.
See. The problem is that where I see clear narration pattern.. you see baits.. conflicts.. bias behavior.. you don't take the narration into account for one moment..

You might have hard time understanding Oda choices in the future.. that's a bit sad.

You remind me those Sanji fans who lashed out on Oda for not giving him a fight in whole cake.. and not understanding his treatment for one second in Wano.. At the end of the day, this behavior and lack of analysis of the storytelling of the story will only have you dissapointed..
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